.. _gettingstarted: Getting started =============== This guide will show you how to get started with curious. Installing ---------- The first step to getting your bot ready is by installing the library. curious is available on PyPI under ``discord-curious``: .. code-block:: bash $ pip install -U discord-curious It is recommended to install curious via PyPI, but if you desire the new cutting edge features, you can install directly from Git: .. code-block:: bash $ pip install -U git+https://github.com/SunDwarf/curious.git#egg=curious curious is designed to work with the **latest** version of curio on PyPI, but if you want access to cutting edge features, you can also install that from Git: .. code-block:: bash $ pip install -U git+https://github.com/dabeaz/curio.git Creating a bot account ---------------------- In order to use curious effectively, you need to create a bot account. If you are unsure how to create one, please consult this tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yQhdjAWmObM