Source code for curious.commands.context

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# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
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Class for the commands context.

.. currentmodule:: curious.commands.context
import inspect
import types
from typing import Any, Callable, List, Tuple, Type, Union

import typing_inspect

from curious.commands.converters import convert_channel, convert_float, convert_int, convert_list, \
    convert_member, convert_role
from curious.commands.exc import CommandInvokeError, CommandsError, ConditionsFailedError
from curious.commands.utils import _convert
from curious.core.event import EventContext
from import Channel
from curious.dataclasses.guild import Guild
from curious.dataclasses.member import Member
from curious.dataclasses.message import Message
from curious.dataclasses.role import Role
from curious.dataclasses.user import User

[docs]class Context(object): """ A class that represents the context for a command. """ _converters = { Channel: convert_channel, Member: convert_member, Role: convert_role, # Guild: _convert_guild, List: convert_list, # typing 3.6 list: convert_list, # typing 3.7 str: lambda ann, ctx, arg: arg, int: convert_int, float: convert_float, } def __init__(self, message: Message, event_context: EventContext): """ :param message: The :class:`.Message` this command was invoked with. :param event_context: The EventContext for this context. """ #: The message for this context. self.message = message # type: Message #: The extracted command name for this context. self.command_name = None # type: str #: The tokens for this context. self.tokens = [] # type: List[str] #: The formatted command for this context. self.formatted_command = None # type: str #: The plugin for this context. self.plugin = None #: The manager for this context. self.manager = None #: The event context for this context. self.event_context = event_context # type: EventContext #: The :class:`.Client` for this context. =
[docs] @classmethod def add_converter(cls, type_: Type[Any], converter: 'Callable[[Context, str], Any]'): """ Adds a converter to the mapping of converters. :param type_: The type to convert to. :param converter: The converter callable. """ cls._converters[type_] = converter
@property def guild(self) -> Guild: """ :return: The :class:`.Guild` for this context, or None. """ return self.message.guild @property def channel(self) -> Channel: """ :return: The :class:`.Channel` for this context. """ return @property def author(self) -> Union[Member, User]: """ :return: The :class:`.Member` or :class:`.User` for this context. """ return
[docs] def match_command(self, func) -> bool: """ Attempts to match a command with this context. """ # don't match subcommands if func.cmd_subcommand: return False # match on name if self.command_name == func.cmd_name: return True # match on alias if self.command_name in func.cmd_aliases: return True # no match return False
[docs] def _lookup_converter(self, annotation: Type[Any]) -> 'Callable[[Any, Context, str], Any]': """ Looks up a converter for the specified annotation. """ origin = typing_inspect.get_origin(annotation) if origin is not None: annotation = origin if annotation in self._converters: return self._converters[annotation] if annotation is inspect.Parameter.empty: return lambda ann, ctx, i: i # str etc if callable(annotation): return annotation return lambda ann, ctx, i: i
[docs] async def _get_converted_args(self, func) -> Tuple[tuple, dict]: """ Gets the converted args and kwargs for this command, based on the tokens. """ return await _convert(self, self.tokens, inspect.signature(func))
[docs] def _make_reraise_ctx(self, new_name: str) -> EventContext: """ Makes a new :class:`.EventContext` for re-dispatching. """ return EventContext(, self.event_context.shard_id, new_name)
[docs] async def _safety_wrapper(self, coro) -> None: """ Runs a command in a safety wrapper. """ evt_ctx = self._make_reraise_ctx("command_error") try: await coro except CommandsError as e: await"command_error", self, e, ctx=evt_ctx) except Exception as e: try: raise CommandInvokeError(self) from e except CommandInvokeError as e2: await"command_error", self, e2, ctx=evt_ctx)
[docs] async def can_run(self, cmd) -> Tuple[bool, list]: """ Checks if a command can be ran. :return: If it can be ran, and a list of conditions that failed. """ conditions = getattr(cmd, "cmd_conditions", []) failed = [] for condition in conditions: try: success = condition(self) if inspect.isawaitable(success): success = await success except CommandsError: raise except Exception: failed.append(condition) else: if not success: failed.append(success) if failed: return False, failed return True, []
[docs] async def invoke(self, command) -> Any: """ Invokes a command. This will convert arguments, pass them in to the command, and run the command. :param command: The command function to run. """ # try and do a group lookup # how this works: # 1) it checks for the current command's subcommands # 1a) if empty, it assumes the current matched command is the best we can do # and exits loop # 1b) if not empty, it checks all the subcommands for the current command # 2) when checking, it checks if the name of the subcommand matches # 3a) if it does, set current_command and matched_command, go back to 1 # 3b) if it doesn't, exit loop so that current_command is the parent command matched_command = command current_command = command # used for subcommands only self_ = None if hasattr(current_command, "__self__"): self_ = current_command.__self__ self.plugin = self_ while True: if not current_command.cmd_subcommands: break if not self.tokens: break token = self.tokens[0] for command in current_command.cmd_subcommands: if command.cmd_name == token or token in command.cmd_aliases: matched_command = command current_command = command # update tokens so that they're consumed self.tokens = self.tokens[1:] break else: # we didnt match any subcommand # so escape the loop now break # bind method, if appropriate if not hasattr(matched_command, "__self__") and self_ is not None: matched_command = types.MethodType(matched_command, self_) # check if we can actually run it can_run, conditions_failed = await self.can_run(matched_command) if not can_run: raise ConditionsFailedError(self, conditions_failed) # check if we're ratelimited await self.manager.ratelimiter.ensure_ratelimits(self, matched_command) # convert all the arguments into the command converted_args, converted_kwargs = await self._get_converted_args(matched_command) # finally, spawn the new command task try: return await matched_command(self, *converted_args, **converted_kwargs) except CommandsError: raise except Exception as e: raise CommandInvokeError(self) from e
[docs] async def try_invoke(self) -> Any: """ Attempts to invoke the command, using the specified manager. This will scan all the commands, then invoke as appropriate. """ # temp variable used to invoke if applicable to_invoke = None for command in self.manager.commands.values(): if self.match_command(command): to_invoke = command break for plugin in self.manager.plugins.values(): commands = plugin._get_commands() for command in commands: if self.match_command(command): to_invoke = command break if to_invoke is not None: ev_ctx = self._make_reraise_ctx("command_error") try: return await self.invoke(to_invoke) except CommandsError as e: await"command_error", self, e, ctx=ev_ctx)