Source code for curious.commands.manager

# This file is part of curious.
# curious is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# curious is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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Contains the class for the commands manager for a client.

.. currentmodule:: curious.commands.manager
import importlib
import inspect
import logging
import sys
import traceback
import typing
from collections import defaultdict
from functools import partial

import multio

from curious.commands.context import Context
from curious.commands.exc import CommandsError
from import help_command
from curious.commands.plugin import Plugin
from curious.commands.ratelimit import RateLimiter
from curious.commands.utils import prefix_check_factory
from curious.core import client as md_client
from curious.core.event import EventContext, event
from curious.dataclasses.message import Message

logger = logging.getLogger("curious.commands.manager")

[docs]class CommandsManager(object): """ A manager that handles commands for a client. First, you need to create the manager and attach it to a client: .. code-block:: python3 # form 1, automatically register with the client manager = CommandsManager.with_client(bot) # form 2, manually register manager = CommandsManager(bot) manager.register_events() This is required to add the handler events to the client. Next, you need to register a message check handler. This is a callable that is called for every message to try and extract the command from a message, if it matches. By default, the manager provides an easy way to use a simple command prefix: .. code-block:: python3 # at creation time manager = CommandsManager(bot, command_prefix="!") # or set it on the manager manager.command_prefix = "!" At this point, the command prefix will be available on the manager with either :attr:`.Manager.command_prefix` or :attr:`.Manager.message_check.prefix`. If you need more complex message checking, you can use ``message_check``: .. code-block:: python3 manager = CommandsManager(bot, message_check=my_message_checker) # or manager.message_check = my_message_checker Finally, you can register plugins or modules containing plugins with the manager: .. code-block:: python3 @bot.event("ready") async def load_plugins(ctx: EventContext): # load plugin explicitly await manager.load_plugin(PluginClass, arg1) # load plugins from a module await manager.load_plugins_from("my.plugin.module") You can also add free-standing commands that aren't bound to a plugin with :meth:`.CommandsManager.add_command`: .. code-block:: python3 @command() async def ping(ctx: CommandsContext): await"Ping!") manager.add_command(ping) These will then be available to the client. """ def __init__(self, client: 'md_client.Client', *, message_check=None, command_prefix: str = None): """ :param client: The :class:`.Client` to use with this manager. :param message_check: The message check function for this manager. This should take two arguments, the client and message, and should return either None or a 2-item tuple: - The command word matched - The tokens after the command word """ if message_check is None and command_prefix is None: raise ValueError("Must provide one of message_check or command_prefix") #: The client for this manager. self.client = client if message_check is None: message_check = prefix_check_factory(command_prefix) #: The message check function for this manager. self.message_check = message_check #: A dictionary mapping of <plugin name> -> <plugin> object. self.plugins = {} #: A dictionary of stand-alone commands, i.e. commands not associated with a plugin. self.commands = {} #: The current ratelimiter. self.ratelimiter = RateLimiter() self._module_plugins = defaultdict(lambda: [])
[docs] @classmethod def with_client(cls, client: 'md_client.Client', **kwargs): """ Creates a manager and automatically registers events. """ obb = cls(client=client, **kwargs) obb.register_events() return obb
[docs] def register_events(self) -> None: """ Copies the events to the client specified on this manager. """ from curious.commands.decorators import command self.commands["help"] = command(name="help")(help_command)
[docs] async def load_plugin(self, klass: typing.Type[Plugin], *args, module: str = None): """ Loads a plugin. .. note:: The client instance will automatically be provided to the Plugin's ``__init__``. :param klass: The plugin class to load. :param args: Any args to provide to the plugin. :param module: The module name provided with this plugin. Only used interally. """ # get the name and create the plugin object plugin_name = getattr(klass, "plugin_name", klass.__name__) instance = klass(self.client, *args) # call load, of course await instance.load() self.plugins[plugin_name] = instance if module is not None: self._module_plugins[module].append(instance) return instance
[docs] async def unload_plugin(self, klass: typing.Union[Plugin, str]): """ Unloads a plugin. :param klass: The plugin class or name of plugin to unload. """ p: Plugin = None if isinstance(klass, str): p = self.plugins.pop(klass) for k, p in self.plugins.copy().items(): if type(p) == klass: p = self.plugins.pop(k) break if p is not None: # cancel the task group used for this plugin, if it's running if p.task_group is not None: await multio.asynclib.cancel_task_group(p.task_group) await p.unload() return p
[docs] def _lookup_command(self, name: str): """ Does a lookup in plugin and standalone commands. """ if name in self.commands: return self.commands[name] for plugin in self.plugins.values(): cmds = plugin._get_commands() try: return next(filter(lambda cmd: not cmd.cmd_subcommand and (cmd.cmd_name == name or name in cmd.cmd_aliases), cmds)) except StopIteration: continue
[docs] def get_command(self, command_name: str): """ Gets a command from the internal command storage. If provided a string separated by spaces, a subcommand lookup will be attempted. :param command_name: The name of the command to lookup. """ # do an immediate lookup for the first token sp = command_name.split(" ") command = self._lookup_command(sp[0]) if command is None: return None for token in sp[1:]: try: filtered = filter(lambda cmd: cmd.cmd_name == token or token in cmd.cmd_aliases, command.cmd_subcommands) command = next(filtered) except StopIteration: return None return command
[docs] def add_command(self, command): """ Adds a command. :param command: A command function. """ if not hasattr(command, "is_cmd"): raise ValueError("Commands must be decorated with the command decorator") self.commands[command.cmd_name] = command return command
[docs] def remove_command(self, command): """ Removes a command. :param command: The name of the command, or the command function. """ if isinstance(command, str): return self.commands.pop(command) else: for k, p in self.commands.copy().items(): if p == command: return self.commands.pop(k)
[docs] async def load_plugins_from(self, import_path: str): """ Loads plugins from the specified module. :param import_path: The import path to import. """ mod = importlib.import_module(import_path) # define the predicate for the body scanner def predicate(item): if not isinstance(item, type): return False # only accept plugin subclasses if not issubclass(item, Plugin): return False # ensure item is not actually Plugin if item == Plugin: return False # it is a plugin return True for plugin_name, plugin_class in inspect.getmembers(mod, predicate=predicate): await self.load_plugin(plugin_class, module=mod)
[docs] async def unload_plugins_from(self, import_path: str): """ Unloads plugins from the specified module. This will delete the module from sys.path. :param import_path: The import path. """ for plugin in self._module_plugins[import_path]: await plugin.unload() self.plugins.pop(getattr(plugin, "plugin_name", "__name__")) del sys.modules[import_path] del self._module_plugins[import_path]
[docs] async def event_hook(self, ctx: EventContext, *args, **kwargs): """ The event hook for the commands manager. """ async with multio.asynclib.task_manager() as tg: for plugin in self.plugins.values(): body = inspect.getmembers(plugin, predicate=lambda v: hasattr(v, "is_event")) for _, handler in body: if ctx.event_name not in continue cofunc = partial(, handler, ctx, *args, **kwargs) await multio.asynclib.spawn(tg, cofunc)
[docs] async def handle_commands(self, ctx: EventContext, message: Message): """ Handles commands for a message. """ # don't process messages pre-cache if not return # check bot type if and self.client.bot_type & 8: return if != self.client.user and self.client.bot_type & 64: return if message.guild_id is not None and self.client.bot_type & 32: return if message.guild_id is None and self.client.bot_type & 16: return # step 1, match the messages matched = self.message_check(self.client, message) if inspect.isawaitable(matched): matched = await matched if matched is None: return None # deconstruct the tuple returned into more useful variables than a single tuple command_word, tokens = matched # step 2, create the new commands context ctx = Context(event_context=ctx, message=message) ctx.command_name = command_word ctx.tokens = tokens ctx.manager = self # step 3, invoke the context to try and match the command and run it await ctx.try_invoke()
[docs] @event("command_error") async def default_command_error(self, ev_ctx: EventContext, ctx: Context, err: CommandsError): """ Handles command errors by default. """ # autoremove ourself if applicable if len("command_error")) > 1:"command_error", self.default_command_error) return fmtted = ''.join(traceback.format_exception(type(err), err, err.__traceback__)) logger.error(f"Error in command!\n{fmtted}")
[docs] @event("message_create") async def handle_message(self, ctx: EventContext, message: Message): """ Registered as the event handler in a client for handling commands. """ return await self.handle_commands(ctx, message)