Source code for curious.core.event

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Special helpers for events.

.. currentmodule:
import functools
import inspect
import logging
import typing

import multio
from async_generator import asynccontextmanager
from multidict import MultiDict

from curious.core import client as md_client
from curious.core.gateway import GatewayHandler
from curious.util import remove_from_multidict, safe_generator

logger = logging.getLogger("")

[docs]class ListenerExit(Exception): """ Raised when a temporary listener is to be exited. .. code-block:: python3 def listener(ctx, message): if == message.guild.owner_id: raise ListenerExit """
[docs]@asynccontextmanager @safe_generator async def _wait_for_manager(manager, name: str, predicate): """ Helper class for managing a wait_for. """ async with multio.asynclib.task_manager() as tg: try: partial = functools.partial(manager.wait_for, name, predicate) await multio.asynclib.spawn(tg, partial) yield finally: await multio.asynclib.cancel_task_group(tg)
[docs]class EventManager(object): """ A manager for events. This deals with firing of events and temporary listeners. """ def __init__(self): #: The task manager used to spawn events. self.task_manager = None #: A list of event hooks. self.event_hooks = set() #: A MultiDict of event listeners. self.event_listeners = MultiDict() #: A MultiDict of temporary listeners. self.temporary_listeners = MultiDict() # add or removal functions # Events
[docs] def add_event(self, func, name: str = None): """ Add an event to the internal registry of events. :param name: The event name to register under. :param func: The function to add. """ if not inspect.iscoroutinefunction(func): raise TypeError("Event must be an async function") if name is None: evs = else: evs = [name] for ev_name in evs: logger.debug("Registered event `{}` handling `{}`".format(func, ev_name)) self.event_listeners.add(ev_name, func)
[docs] def remove_event(self, name: str, func): """ Removes a function event. :param name: The name the event is registered under. :param func: The function to remove. """ self.event_listeners = remove_from_multidict(self.event_listeners, key=name, item=func)
# listeners
[docs] def add_temporary_listener(self, name: str, listener): """ Adds a new temporary listener. To remove the listener, you can raise ListenerExit which will exit it and remove the listener from the list. :param name: The name of the event to listen to. :param listener: The listener function. """ self.temporary_listeners.add(name, listener)
[docs] def remove_listener_early(self, name: str, listener): """ Removes a temporary listener early. :param name: The name of the event the listener is registered under. :param listener: The listener function. """ self.event_listeners = remove_from_multidict(self.event_listeners, key=name, item=listener)
[docs] def add_event_hook(self, listener): """ Adds an event hook. :param listener: The event hook callable to use. """ logger.warning("Adding event hook '%s'", listener) self.event_hooks.add(listener)
[docs] def remove_event_hook(self, listener): """ Removes an event hook. """ self.event_hooks.remove(listener)
# wrapper functions
[docs] async def _safety_wrapper(self, func, *args, **kwargs): """ Ensures a coro's error is caught and doesn't balloon out. """ try: await func(*args, **kwargs) except Exception as e: logger.exception("Unhandled exception in {}!".format(func.__name__), exc_info=True)
[docs] async def _listener_wrapper(self, key: str, func, *args, **kwargs): """ Wraps a listener, ensuring ListenerExit is handled properly. """ try: await func(*args, **kwargs) except ListenerExit: # remove the function self.temporary_listeners = remove_from_multidict(self.temporary_listeners, key, func) except Exception: logger.exception("Unhandled exception in listener {}!".format(func.__name__), exc_info=True) self.temporary_listeners = remove_from_multidict(self.temporary_listeners, key, func)
[docs] async def wait_for(self, event_name: str, predicate=None): """ Waits for an event. Returning a truthy value from the predicate will cause it to exit and return. :param event_name: The name of the event. :param predicate: The predicate to use to check for the event. """ p = multio.Promise() errored = False async def listener(ctx, *args): # exit immediately if the predicate is none if predicate is None: await p.set(args) raise ListenerExit try: res = predicate(*args) if inspect.isawaitable(res): res = await res except ListenerExit: # ??? await p.set(args) raise except Exception as e: # something bad happened, set exception and exit logger.exception("Exception in wait_for predicate!") # signal that an error happened nonlocal errored errored = True await p.set(e) raise ListenerExit else: # exit now if result is true if res is True: await p.set(args) raise ListenerExit self.add_temporary_listener(name=event_name, listener=listener) output = await p.wait() if errored: raise output # unwrap tuples, if applicable if len(output) == 1: return output[0] return output
[docs] def wait_for_manager(self, event_name: str, predicate) -> 'typing.AsyncContextManager[None]': """ Returns a context manager that can be used to run some steps whilst waiting for a temporary listener. .. code-block:: python async with"member_update", predicate=...): await member.nickname.set("Test") This probably won't be needed outside of internal library functions. """ return _wait_for_manager(self, event_name, predicate)
[docs] async def spawn(self, cofunc, *args) -> typing.Any: """ Spawns a new async function using our task manager. Usage:: async def myfn(a, b): await do_some_operation(a + b) await events.spawn(myfn, 1, 2) :param cofunc: The async function to spawn. :param args: Args to provide to the async function. """ return await multio.asynclib.spawn(self.task_manager, cofunc, *args)
[docs] async def fire_event(self, event_name: str, *args, **kwargs): """ Fires an event. :param event_name: The name of the event to fire. """ if "ctx" not in kwargs: gateway = kwargs.pop("gateway") client = kwargs.pop("client") ctx = EventContext(client, gateway.gw_state.shard_id, event_name) else: ctx = kwargs.pop("ctx") # clobber event name ctx.event_name = event_name # always ensure hooks are ran first for hook in self.event_hooks: cofunc = functools.partial(hook, ctx, *args, **kwargs) await self.spawn(cofunc) for handler in self.event_listeners.getall(event_name, []): coro = functools.partial(handler, ctx, *args, **kwargs) coro.__name__ = handler.__name__ await self.spawn(self._safety_wrapper, coro) for listener in self.temporary_listeners.getall(event_name, []): coro = functools.partial(self._listener_wrapper, event_name, listener, ctx, *args, **kwargs) await self.spawn(coro)
[docs]def event(name, scan: bool = True): """ Marks a function as an event. :param name: The name of the event. :param scan: Should this event be handled in scans too? """ def __innr(f): if not hasattr(f, "events"): = {name} f.is_event = True f.scan = scan return f return __innr
[docs]def scan_events(obb) -> typing.Generator[None, typing.Tuple[str, typing.Any], None]: """ Scans an object for any items marked as an event and yields them. """ def _pred(f): is_event = getattr(f, "is_event", False) if not is_event: return False if not f.scan: return False return True for _, item in inspect.getmembers(obb, predicate=_pred): yield (_, item)
[docs]class EventContext(object): """ Represents a special context that are passed to events. """ def __init__(self, cl: 'md_client.Client', shard_id: int, event_name: str): """ :param cl: The :class:`.Client` instance for this event context. :param shard_id: The shard ID this event is for. :param event_name: The event name for this event. """ #: The :class:`.Client` instance that this event was fired under. = cl #: The shard this event was received on. self.shard_id = shard_id # type: int #: The shard for this bot. self.shard_count = cl.shard_count # type: int #: The event name for this event. self.event_name = event_name # type: str @property def handlers(self) -> typing.List[typing.Callable[['EventContext'], None]]: """ :return: A list of handlers registered for this event. """ return, [])
[docs] async def change_status(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None: """ Changes the current status for this shard. This takes the same arguments as :class:`.Client.change_status`, but ignoring the shard ID. """ kwargs["shard_id"] = self.shard_id return await*args, **kwargs)
@property def gateway(self) -> GatewayHandler: """ :return: The :class:`.Gateway` that produced this event. """ return[self.shard_id]