Source code for

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# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
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Wrappers for Channel objects.

.. currentmodule::
import collections
import enum
import pathlib
import time
import typing as _typing
from math import floor
from os import PathLike
from types import MappingProxyType
from typing import AsyncIterator

import multio
from async_generator import asynccontextmanager

from curious.dataclasses import guild as dt_guild, invite as dt_invite, member as dt_member, \
    message as dt_message, permissions as dt_permissions, role as dt_role, user as dt_user, \
    webhook as dt_webhook
from curious.dataclasses.bases import Dataclass, IDObject
from curious.dataclasses.embed import Embed
from curious.exc import CuriousError, ErrorCode, Forbidden, HTTPException, PermissionsError
from curious.util import AsyncIteratorWrapper, base64ify, deprecated, safe_generator

[docs]class ChannelType(enum.IntEnum): """ Returns a mapping from Discord channel type. """ #: Represents a text channel. TEXT = 0 #: Represents a private channel. PRIVATE = 1 #: Represents a voice channel. VOICE = 2 #: Represents a group channel. GROUP = 3 #: Represents a category channel. CATEGORY = 4 def has_messages(self) -> bool: """ :return: If this channel type has messages. """ return self not in [ChannelType.VOICE, ChannelType.CATEGORY]
[docs]class HistoryIterator(collections.AsyncIterator): """ An iterator that allows you to automatically fetch messages and async iterate over them. .. code-block:: python3 it = HistoryIterator(some_channel, bot, max_messages=100) # usage 1 async for message in it: ... # usage 2 await it.fill_messages() for message in it.messages: ... Note that usage 2 will only fill chunks of 100 messages at a time. """ def __init__(self, channel: 'Channel', max_messages: int = -1, *, before: int = None, after: int = None): """ :param channel: The :class:`.Channel` to iterate over. :param max_messages: The maximum number of messages to return. <= 0 means infinite. :param before: The message ID to fetch before. :param after: The message ID to fetch after. .. versionchanged:: 0.7.0 Removed the ``client`` parameter. """ = channel #: The current storage of messages. self.messages = collections.deque() #: The current count of messages iterated over. #: This is used to know when to automatically fill new messages. self.current_count = 0 #: The maximum amount of messages to use. #: If this is <= 0, an infinite amount of messages are returned. self.max_messages = max_messages #: The message ID of before to fetch. self.before = before if isinstance(self.before, IDObject): self.before = #: The message ID of after to fetch. self.after = after if isinstance(self.after, IDObject): self.after = #: The last message ID that we fetched. if self.before: self.last_message_id = self.before else: self.last_message_id = self.after
[docs] async def fill_messages(self) -> None: """ Called to fill the next <n> messages. This is called automatically by :meth:`.__anext__`, but can be used to fill the messages anyway. """ if self.max_messages < 0: to_get = 100 else: to_get = self.max_messages - self.current_count if to_get <= 0: return if self.before: messages = await, before=self.last_message_id, limit=to_get) else: messages = await, after=self.last_message_id) messages = reversed(messages) for message in messages: self.messages.append(
async def __anext__(self) -> 'dt_message.Message': self.current_count += 1 if self.current_count == self.max_messages: raise StopAsyncIteration if len(self.messages) <= 0: await self.fill_messages() try: message = self.messages.popleft() except IndexError: # No messages to fill, so self._fill_messages didn't return any # This signals the end of iteration. raise StopAsyncIteration self.last_message_id = return message def __iter__(self) -> None: raise RuntimeError("This is not an iterator - you want to use `async for` instead.") def __await__(self) -> None: raise RuntimeError("This is not a coroutine - you want to use `async for` instead.")
[docs] async def next(self) -> 'dt_message.Message': """ Gets the next item in history. """ return await self.__anext__()
[docs] async def all(self) -> '_typing.List[dt_message.Message]': """ Gets a flattened list of items from the history. """ items = [] async for item in self: items.append(item) return items
[docs]class ChannelMessageWrapper(object): """ Represents a channel's message container. """ __slots__ = "channel", def __init__(self, channel: 'Channel'): #: The :class:`.Channel` this container is used for. = channel def __iter__(self) -> None: raise RuntimeError("Use `async for`") def __aiter__(self) -> HistoryIterator: return self.history.__aiter__() @property def history(self) -> HistoryIterator: """ :return: A :class:`.HistoryIterator` that can be used to iterate over the channel history. """ return self.get_history(, limit=-1)
[docs] def get_history(self, before: int = None, after: int = None, limit: int = 100) -> HistoryIterator: """ Gets history for this channel. This is *not* an async function - it returns a :class:`HistoryIterator` which can be async iterated over to get message history. .. code-block:: python3 async for message in channel.get_history(limit=1000): print(message.content, "by", :param limit: The maximum number of messages to get. :param before: The snowflake ID to get messages before. :param after: The snowflake ID to get messages after. """ if if not raise PermissionsError("read_message_history") return HistoryIterator(, before=before, after=after, max_messages=limit)
[docs] async def send(self, content: str = None, *, tts: bool = False, embed: 'Embed' = None) -> 'dt_message.Message': """ Sends a message to this channel. This requires SEND_MESSAGES permission in the channel. If the content is not a string, it will be automatically stringified. .. code:: python await channel.send("Hello, world!") :param content: The content of the message to send. :param tts: Should this message be text to speech? :param embed: An embed object to send with this message. :return: A new :class:`.Message` object. """ if not raise CuriousError("Cannot send messages to a voice channel") if if not raise PermissionsError("send_messages") if not isinstance(content, str) and content is not None: content = str(content) # check for empty messages if not content: if not embed: raise CuriousError("Cannot send an empty message") if and not \ raise PermissionsError("embed_links") else: if content and len(content) > 2000: raise CuriousError("Content must be less than 2000 characters") if embed is not None: embed = embed.to_dict() data = await, content, tts=tts, embed=embed) obb =, cache=True) return obb
[docs] async def upload(self, fp: '_typing.Union[bytes, str, PathLike, _typing.IO]', *, filename: str = None, message_content: '_typing.Optional[str]' = None) -> 'dt_message.Message': """ Uploads a message to this channel. This requires SEND_MESSAGES and ATTACH_FILES permission in the channel. .. code-block:: python3 with open("/tmp/emilia_best_girl.jpg", 'rb') as f: await channel.messages.upload(f, "my_waifu.jpg") :param fp: Variable. - If passed a string or a :class:`os.PathLike`, will open and read the file and upload it. - If passed bytes, will use the bytes as the file content. - If passed a file-like, will read and use the content to upload. :param filename: The filename for the file uploaded. If a path-like or str is passed, \ will use the filename from that if this is not specified. :param message_content: Optional: Any extra content to be sent with the message. :return: The new :class:`.Message` created. """ if not raise CuriousError("Cannot send messages to a voice channel") if if not raise PermissionsError("send_messages") if not raise PermissionsError("attach_files") if isinstance(fp, bytes): file_content = fp elif isinstance(fp, pathlib.Path): if filename is None: filename =[-1] file_content = fp.read_bytes() elif isinstance(fp, (str, PathLike)): path = pathlib.Path(fp) if filename is None: filename =[-1] file_content = path.read_bytes() elif isinstance(fp, _typing.IO) or hasattr(fp, "read"): file_content = if isinstance(file_content, str): file_content = file_content.encode("utf-8") else: raise ValueError("Got unknown type for upload") if filename is None: filename = "unknown.bin" data = await, file_content, filename=filename, content=message_content) obb =, cache=False) return obb
[docs] async def bulk_delete(self, messages: '_typing.List[dt_message.Message]') -> int: """ Deletes messages from a channel. This is the low-level delete function - for the high-level function, see :meth:`.Channel.messages.purge()`. Example for deleting all the last 100 messages: .. code:: python history = channel.messages.get_history(limit=100) messages = [] async for message in history: messages.append(message) await channel.messages.bulk_delete(messages) :param messages: A list of :class:`.Message` objects to delete. :return: The number of messages deleted. """ if if not raise PermissionsError("manage_messages") minimum_allowed = floor((time.time() - 14 * 24 * 60 * 60) * 1000.0 - 1420070400000) << 22 ids = [] for message in messages: if < minimum_allowed: msg = f"Cannot delete message id {} older than {minimum_allowed}" raise CuriousError(msg) ids.append( await, ids) return len(ids)
[docs] async def purge(self, limit: int = 100, *, author: 'dt_member.Member' = None, content: str = None, predicate: '_typing.Callable[[dt_message.Message], bool]' = None, fallback_from_bulk: bool = False): """ Purges messages from a channel. This will attempt to use ``bulk-delete`` if possible, but otherwise will use the normal delete endpoint (which can get ratelimited severely!) if ``fallback_from_bulk`` is True. Example for deleting all messages owned by the bot: .. code-block:: python3 me = await channel.messages.purge(limit=100, author=me) Custom check functions can also be applied which specify any extra checks. They take one argument (the Message object) and return a boolean (True or False) determining if the message should be deleted. For example, to delete all messages with the letter ``i`` in them: .. code-block:: python3 await channel.messages.purge(limit=100, predicate=lambda message: 'i' in message.content) :param limit: The maximum amount of messages to delete. -1 for unbounded size. :param author: Only delete messages made by this author. :param content: Only delete messages that exactly match this content. :param predicate: A callable that determines if a message should be deleted. :param fallback_from_bulk: If this is True, messages will be regular deleted if they \ cannot be bulk deleted. :return: The number of messages deleted. """ if if not \ and not fallback_from_bulk: raise PermissionsError("manage_messages") checks = [] if author: checks.append(lambda m: == author) if content: checks.append(lambda m: m.content == content) if predicate: checks.append(predicate) to_delete = [] history = self.get_history(limit=limit) async for message in history: if all(check(message) for check in checks): to_delete.append(message) can_bulk_delete = True # Split into chunks of 100. message_chunks = [to_delete[i:i + 100] for i in range(0, len(to_delete), 100)] minimum_allowed = floor((time.time() - 14 * 24 * 60 * 60) * 1000.0 - 1420070400000) << 22 for chunk in message_chunks: message_ids = [] for message in chunk: if < minimum_allowed: msg = f"Cannot delete message id {} older than {minimum_allowed}" raise CuriousError(msg) message_ids.append( # First, try and bulk delete all the messages. if can_bulk_delete: try: await, message_ids) except Forbidden: # We might not have MANAGE_MESSAGES. # Check if we should fallback on normal delete. can_bulk_delete = False if not fallback_from_bulk: # Don't bother, actually. raise # This is an `if not` instead of an `else` because `can_bulk_delete` might've changed. if not can_bulk_delete: # Instead, just delete() the message. for message in chunk: await message.delete() return len(to_delete)
[docs] async def get(self, message_id: int) -> 'dt_message.Message': """ Gets a single message from this channel. .. versionchanged:: 0.7.0 Errors raised are now consistent across bots and userbots. :param message_id: The message ID to retrieve. :return: A new :class:`.Message` object. :raises CuriousError: If the message could not be found. """ if if not raise PermissionsError("read_message_history") cached_message = if cached_message is not None: return cached_message try: data = await, message_id) except HTTPException as e: # transform into a CuriousError if it wasn't found if e.error_code == ErrorCode.UNKNOWN_MESSAGE: raise CuriousError("No message found for this ID") from e raise msg = return msg
[docs]class Channel(Dataclass): """ Represents a channel object. """ def __init__(self, client, **kwargs) -> None: super().__init__(kwargs.get("id"), client) #: The name of this channel. = kwargs.get("name", None) # type: str #: The topic of this channel. self.topic = kwargs.get("topic", None) # type: str #: The ID of the guild this is associated with. self.guild_id = int(kwargs.get("guild_id", 0)) or None # type: int parent_id = kwargs.get("parent_id") if parent_id is not None: parent_id = int(parent_id) #: The parent ID of this channel. self.parent_id = parent_id # type: int #: The :class:`.ChannelType` of channel this channel is. self.type = ChannelType(kwargs.get("type", 0)) # type: ChannelType #: The :class:`.ChannelMessageWrapper` for this channel. self._messages = None # type: ChannelMessageWrapper #: If this channel is NSFW. self.nsfw = kwargs.get("nsfw", False) # type: bool #: If private, the mapping of :class:`.User` that are in this channel. self._recipients = {} # type: _typing.Dict[int, dt_user.User] if self.private: for recipient in kwargs.get("recipients", []): u = self._bot.state.make_user(recipient) self._recipients[] = u if self.type == ChannelType.GROUP: # append the current user self._recipients[] = self._bot.user #: The position of this channel. self.position = kwargs.get("position", 0) # type: int #: The last message ID of this channel. #: Used for history. self._last_message_id = None # type: int _last_message_id = kwargs.get("last_message_id", 0) if _last_message_id: self._last_message_id = int(_last_message_id) else: self._last_message_id = None # group channel stuff #: The owner ID of the channel. #: This is None for non-group channels. self.owner_id = int(kwargs.get("owner_id", 0)) or None # type: int #: The icon hash of the channel. self.icon_hash = kwargs.get("icon", None) # type: str #: The internal overwrites for this channel. self._overwrites = {} # type: _typing.Dict[int, dt_permissions.Overwrite] def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"<Channel id={} name={} type={} " \ f"guild_id={self.guild_id}>" __str__ = __repr__
[docs] def _update_overwrites(self, overwrites: _typing.List[dict]): """ Updates the overwrites for this channel. :param overwrites: A list of overwrite dicts. """ if not self.guild_id: raise CuriousError("A channel without a guild cannot have overwrites") self._overwrites = {} for overwrite in overwrites: id_ = int(overwrite["id"]) type_ = overwrite["type"] if type_ == "member": obb = self.guild._members.get(id_) else: obb = self.guild._members.get(id_) self._overwrites[id] = dt_permissions.Overwrite(allow=overwrite["allow"], deny=overwrite["deny"], obb=obb,
@property def guild(self) -> '_typing.Union[dt_guild.Guild, None]': """ :return: The :class:`.Guild` associated with this Channel. """ try: return self._bot.guilds[self.guild_id] except KeyError: return None @property def private(self) -> bool: """ :return: If this channel is a private channel (i.e has no guild.) """ return self.guild_id is None @property def recipients(self) -> '_typing.Mapping[int, dt_user.User]': """ :return: A mapping of int -> :class:`.User` for the recipients of this private chat. """ return MappingProxyType(self._recipients) @property def user(self) -> '_typing.Union[dt_user.User, None]': """ :return: If this channel is a private channel, the :class:`.User` of the other user. """ if self.type != ChannelType.PRIVATE: return None try: return next(iter(self.recipients.values())) except StopIteration: return None @property def owner(self) -> '_typing.Union[dt_user.User, None]': """ :return: If this channel is a group channel, the owner of the channel. """ if not self.owner_id: return None try: return self._bot.state._users[self.owner_id] except KeyError: return None @property def parent(self) -> '_typing.Union[Channel, None]': """ :return: If this channel has a parent, the parent category of this channel. """ try: return self.guild.channels[self.parent_id] except (KeyError, AttributeError): return None @property def children(self) -> '_typing.List[Channel]': """ :return: A list of :class:`.Channel` children this channel has, if any. """ if not self.guild: return [] channels = [channel for channel in self.guild.channels.values() if channel.parent_id ==] return channels
[docs] def get_by_name(self, name: str) -> '_typing.Union[Channel, None]': """ Gets a channel by name in this channel's children. :param name: The name of the channel to get. :return: A :class:`.Channel` if the channel was find """ return next(filter(lambda channel: == name, self.children), None)
@property def messages(self) -> 'ChannelMessageWrapper': """ :return: The :class:`.ChannelMessageWrapper` for this channel, if applicable. """ if not self.type.has_messages(): raise CuriousError("This channel does not have messages") if self._messages is None: self._messages = ChannelMessageWrapper(self) return self._messages @property @deprecated(since="0.7.0", see_instead="Channel.messages", removal="0.9.0") def history(self) -> HistoryIterator: """ :return: A :class:`.HistoryIterator` that can be used to iterate over the channel history. """ return self.messages.history @property def pins(self) -> '_typing.AsyncIterator[dt_message.Message]': """ :return: A :class:`.AsyncIteratorWrapper` that can be used to iterate over the pins. """ return AsyncIteratorWrapper(self.get_pins) @property def icon_url(self) -> _typing.Union[str, None]: """ :return: The icon URL for this channel if it is a group DM. """ return "{}/{}.webp" \ .format(, self.icon_hash) @property def voice_members(self) -> '_typing.List[dt_member.Member]': """ :return: A list of members that are in this voice channel. """ if self.type != ChannelType.VOICE: raise CuriousError("No members for channels that aren't voice channels") return list( filter(lambda member: == self, self.guild.members.values()) ) @property def overwrites(self) -> '_typing.Mapping[int, dt_permissions.Overwrite]': """ :return: A mapping of target_id -> :class:`.Overwrite` for this channel. """ return MappingProxyType(self._overwrites)
[docs] def permissions(self, obb: '_typing.Union[dt_member.Member, dt_role.Role]') -> \ 'dt_permissions.Overwrite': """ Gets the permission overwrites for the specified object. """ overwrite = self._overwrites.get( if not overwrite: overwrite = dt_permissions.Overwrite(0, 0, obb) overwrite.channel_id = return overwrite
@property def me_permissions(self) -> 'dt_permissions.Overwrite': """ :return: The overwrite permissions for the current member. """ return self.permissions( def _copy(self): obb = object.__new__(self.__class__) = obb.type = self.type obb.guild_id = self.guild_id obb.nsfw = self.nsfw obb._recipients = self._recipients obb.icon_hash = self.icon_hash obb.owner_id = self.owner_id obb.topic = self.topic obb.position = self.position obb._bot = self._bot obb.parent_id = self.parent_id return obb
[docs] @deprecated(since="0.7.0", see_instead="Channel.messages.get_history", removal="0.9.0") def get_history(self, before: int = None, after: int = None, limit: int = 100) -> HistoryIterator: """ Gets history for this channel. This is *not* an async function - it returns a :class:`HistoryIterator` which can be async iterated over to get message history. .. code-block:: python3 async for message in channel.get_history(limit=1000): print(message.content, "by", :param limit: The maximum number of messages to get. :param before: The snowflake ID to get messages before. :param after: The snowflake ID to get messages after. """ return self.messages.get_history(before=before, after=after, limit=limit)
[docs] async def get_pins(self) -> '_typing.List[dt_message.Message]': """ Gets the pins for a channel. :return: A list of :class:`.Message` objects. """ msg_data = await self._bot.http.get_pins( messages = [] for message in msg_data: messages.append(self._bot.state.make_message(message)) return messages
@property def webhooks(self) -> 'AsyncIterator[dt_webhook.Webhook]': """ :return: A :class:`.AsyncIteratorWrapper` for the :class:`.Webhook` objects in this \ channel. """ return AsyncIteratorWrapper(self.get_webhooks)
[docs] async def get_webhooks(self) -> '_typing.List[dt_webhook.Webhook]': """ Gets the webhooks for this channel. :return: A list of :class:`.Webhook` objects for the channel. """ webhooks = await self._bot.http.get_webhooks_for_channel( obbs = [] for webhook in webhooks: obbs.append(self._bot.state.make_webhook(webhook)) return obbs
[docs] @deprecated(since="0.7.0", see_instead="Channel.messages.get", removal="0.9.0") async def get_message(self, message_id: int) -> 'dt_message.Message': """ Gets a single message from this channel. :param message_id: The message ID to retrieve. :return: A new :class:`.Message` object. """ return await self.messages.get(message_id)
[docs] async def create_webhook(self, *, name: str = None, avatar: bytes = None) -> 'dt_webhook.Webhook': """ Create a webhook in this channel. :param name: The name of the new webhook. :param avatar: The bytes content of the new webhook. :return: A :class:`.Webhook` that represents the webhook created. """ if not self.permissions( raise PermissionsError("manage_webhooks") if avatar is not None: avatar = base64ify(avatar) data = await self._bot.http.create_webhook(, name=name, avatar=avatar) webook = self._bot.state.make_webhook(data) return webook
[docs] async def edit_webhook(self, webhook: 'dt_webhook.Webhook', *, name: str = None, avatar: bytes = None) -> 'dt_webhook.Webhook': """ Edits a webhook. :param webhook: The :class:`.Webhook` to edit. :param name: The new name for the webhook. :param avatar: The new bytes for the avatar. :return: The modified :class:`.Webhook`. object. """ if avatar is not None: avatar = base64ify(avatar) if webhook.token is not None: # Edit it unconditionally. await self._bot.http.edit_webhook_with_token(, webhook.token, name=name, avatar=avatar) if not self.permissions( raise PermissionsError("manage_webhooks") data = await self._bot.http.edit_webhook(, name=name, avatar=avatar) webhook.default_name = data.get("name") webhook._default_avatar = data.get("avatar") webhook.user.username = data.get("name") webhook.user.avatar_hash = data.get("avatar") return webhook
[docs] async def delete_webhook(self, webhook: 'dt_webhook.Webhook') -> 'dt_webhook.Webhook': """ Deletes a webhook. You must have MANAGE_WEBHOOKS to delete this webhook. :param webhook: The :class:`.Webhook` to delete. """ if webhook.token is not None: # Delete it unconditionally. await self._bot.http.delete_webhook_with_token(, webhook.token) return webhook if not self.permissions( raise PermissionsError("manage_webhooks") await self._bot.http.delete_webhook( return webhook
[docs] async def create_invite(self, **kwargs) -> 'dt_invite.Invite': """ Creates an invite in this channel. :param max_age: The maximum age of the invite. :param max_uses: The maximum uses of the invite. :param temporary: Is this invite temporary? :param unique: Is this invite unique? """ if not self.guild: raise PermissionsError("create_instant_invite") if not self.permissions( raise PermissionsError("create_instant_invite") inv = await self._bot.http.create_invite(, **kwargs) invite = dt_invite.Invite(self._bot, **inv) return invite
[docs] @deprecated(since="0.7.0", see_instead="Channel.messages.delete_messages", removal="0.9.0") async def delete_messages(self, messages: '_typing.List[dt_message.Message]') -> int: """ Deletes messages from a channel. This is the low-level delete function - for the high-level function, see :meth:`.Channel.purge()`. Example for deleting all the last 100 messages: .. code:: python history = channel.get_history(limit=100) messages = [] async for message in history: messages.append(message) await channel.delete_messages(messages) :param messages: A list of :class:`.Message` objects to delete. :return: The number of messages deleted. """ return await self.messages.bulk_delete(messages)
[docs] @deprecated(since="0.7.0", see_instead="Channel.messages.purge", removal="0.9.0") async def purge(self, limit: int = 100, *, author: 'dt_member.Member' = None, content: str = None, predicate: '_typing.Callable[[dt_message.Message], bool]' = None, fallback_from_bulk: bool = False): """ Purges messages from a channel. This will attempt to use ``bulk-delete`` if possible, but otherwise will use the normal delete endpoint (which can get ratelimited severely!) if ``fallback_from_bulk`` is True. Example for deleting all messages owned by the bot: .. code-block:: python3 me = await channel.purge(limit=100, author=me) Custom check functions can also be applied which specify any extra checks. They take one argument (the Message object) and return a boolean (True or False) determining if the message should be deleted. For example, to delete all messages with the letter ``i`` in them: .. code-block:: python3 await channel.purge(limit=100, predicate=lambda message: 'i' in message.content) :param limit: The maximum amount of messages to delete. -1 for unbounded size. :param author: Only delete messages made by this author. :param content: Only delete messages that exactly match this content. :param predicate: A callable that determines if a message should be deleted. :param fallback_from_bulk: If this is True, messages will be regular deleted if they \ cannot be bulk deleted. :return: The number of messages deleted. """ return await self.messages.purge(limit=limit, author=author, content=content, predicate=predicate, fallback_from_bulk=fallback_from_bulk)
[docs] async def send_typing(self) -> None: """ Starts typing in the channel for 5 seconds. """ if not self.type.has_messages(): raise CuriousError("Cannot send messages to this channel") if self.guild: if not self.permissions( raise PermissionsError("send_message") await self._bot.http.send_typing(
@property @asynccontextmanager @safe_generator async def typing(self) -> _typing.AsyncContextManager[None]: """ :return: A context manager that sends typing repeatedly. Usage: .. code-block:: python3 async with channel.typing: res = await do_long_action() await channel.messages.send("Long action:", res) """ running = multio.Event() async def runner(): await self.send_typing() while True: try: async with multio.timeout_after(5): await running.wait() except multio.asynclib.TaskTimeout: await self.send_typing() else: return async with multio.asynclib.task_manager() as tg: await multio.asynclib.spawn(tg, runner) try: yield finally: await multio.asynclib.cancel_task_group(tg)
[docs] @deprecated(since="0.7.0", see_instead="Channel.messages.send", removal="0.10.0") async def send(self, content: str = None, *, tts: bool = False, embed: Embed = None) -> 'dt_message.Message': """ Sends a message to this channel. This requires SEND_MESSAGES permission in the channel. If the content is not a string, it will be automatically stringified. .. code:: python await channel.send("Hello, world!") :param content: The content of the message to send. :param tts: Should this message be text to speech? :param embed: An embed object to send with this message. :return: A new :class:`.Message` object. """ return await self.messages.send(content, tts=tts, embed=embed)
[docs] @deprecated(since="0.7.0", see_instead="Channel.messages.upload", removal="0.10.0") async def send_file(self, file_content: bytes, filename: str, *, message_content: _typing.Optional[str] = None) -> 'dt_message.Message': """ Uploads a message to this channel. This requires SEND_MESSAGES and ATTACH_FILES permission in the channel. .. code:: python with open("/tmp/emilia_best_girl.jpg", 'rb') as f: await channel.send_file(, "my_waifu.jpg") :param file_content: The bytes-like file content to upload. This **cannot** be a file-like object. :param filename: The filename of the file. :param message_content: Optional: Any extra content to be sent with the message. :return: The new :class:`.Message` created. """ return await self.messages.upload(file_content, filename, message_content=message_content)
[docs] @deprecated(since="0.7.0", see_instead="Channel.messages.upload", removal="0.10.0") async def upload_file(self, filename: str, *, message_content: str = None) -> 'dt_message.Message': """ A higher level interface to ``send_file``. This allows you to specify one of the following to upload: - A filename (str) - A file-like object - A path-like object This will open the file, read it in binary, and upload it to the channel. :param filename: The file to send, in the formats specified above. :param message_content: Any extra content to be sent with the message. :return: The new :class:`.Message` created. """ return await self.messages.upload(fp=filename, filename=filename, message_content=message_content)
[docs] async def change_overwrite(self, overwrite: 'dt_permissions.Overwrite'): """ Changes an overwrite for this channel. This overwrite must be an instance of :class:`.Overwrite`. :param overwrite: The specific overwrite to use. If this is None, the overwrite will be deleted. """ if not self.guild: raise PermissionsError("manage_roles") if not self.permissions( raise PermissionsError("manage_roles") target = if isinstance(target, dt_member.Member): type_ = "member" else: type_ = "role" if overwrite is None: # Delete the overwrite instead. coro = self._bot.http.remove_overwrite(, async def _listener(before, after): if != return False # probably right /shrug return True else: coro = self._bot.http.edit_overwrite(,, type_, allow=overwrite.allow.bitfield, deny=overwrite.deny.bitfield) async def _listener(before, after): return == async with"channel_update", _listener): await coro return self
[docs] async def edit(self, **kwargs) -> 'Channel': """ Edits this channel. """ if self.guild is None: raise CuriousError("Can only edit guild channels") if not self.permissions( raise PermissionsError("manage_channels") if "type_" in kwargs: kwargs["type"] = kwargs["type_"] if "type" not in kwargs: kwargs["type"] = self.type if "parent" in kwargs: kwargs["parent_id"] = kwargs["parent"].id await self._bot.http.edit_channel(, **kwargs) return self
[docs] async def delete(self) -> 'Channel': """ Deletes this channel. """ if not self.permissions( raise PermissionsError("manaqe_channels") await self._bot.http.delete_channel( return self
[docs] async def connect(self): """ Connects to voice in this channel. """ if self.type != ChannelType.VOICE: raise CuriousError("Cannot connect to a text channel") return await self.guild.connect_to_voice(self)