Source code for curious.dataclasses.guild

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Wrappers for Guild objects.

.. currentmodule:: curious.dataclasses.guild
import abc
import collections
import copy
import datetime
import enum
import sys
import typing
from math import ceil
from os import PathLike
from types import MappingProxyType

import multio
from dataclasses import dataclass

from curious.core.httpclient import Endpoints
from curious.dataclasses import channel as dt_channel, emoji as dt_emoji, invite as dt_invite, \
    member as dt_member, permissions as dt_permissions, role as dt_role, \
    search as dt_search, user as dt_user, voice_state as dt_vs, webhook as dt_webhook
from curious.dataclasses.bases import Dataclass
from curious.dataclasses.presence import Presence, Status
from curious.exc import CuriousError, HTTPException, HierarchyError, PermissionsError
from curious.util import AsyncIteratorWrapper, base64ify, deprecated

default_var = typing.TypeVar("T")

[docs]class MFALevel(enum.IntEnum): """ Represents the MFA level of a :class:`.Guild`. """ #: Used when MFA authentication is **disabled**. #: This means moderation actions will not require multi-factor auth. DISABLED = 0 #: Used when MFA authentication is **enabled**. #: This means moderation actions *will* require multi-factor auth. ENABLED = 1
[docs]class VerificationLevel(enum.IntEnum): """ Represents the verification levels for a :class:`.Guild`. """ #: No verification level. #: All users can speak after joining immediately. NONE = 0 #: Low verification level. #: Users must have a verified email on their account. LOW = 1 #: Medium verification level. #: Users must have been on Discord for longer than 5 minutes. MEDIUM = 2 #: High/tableflip verification level. #: Users must have been on the server for longer than 10 minutes. TABLEFLIP = 3 #: Extreme/double tableflip verification level. #: Users must have a phone number associated with their account. DOUBLE_TABLEFLIP = 4 def can_speak(self, member: 'dt_member.Member') -> bool: """ Checks if a :class:`.Member` can speak in their :class:`.Guild`. :param member: The member to check. :return: True if they can speak, False if they can't. """ # none always allows people to speak if self is VerificationLevel.NONE: return True if self is VerificationLevel.LOW: # can't validate, assume True if member.user.verified is None: return True return member.user.verified is True if self is VerificationLevel.MEDIUM: dt = - datetime.timedelta(minutes=5) # ensure their created at time is before 5 minutes before now if member.user.created_at < dt: return True if self is VerificationLevel.TABLEFLIP: dt = - datetime.timedelta(minutes=10) # ensure their joined at time is before 10 minutes before now if member.joined_at < dt: return True # other verification levels ??? return True
[docs]class NotificationLevel(enum.IntEnum): """ Represents the default notification level for a :class:`.Guild`. """ #: All messages notify members, by default. ALL_MESSAGES = 0 #: Only mentions notify members, by default. ONLY_MENTIONS = 1
[docs]class ContentFilterLevel(enum.IntEnum): """ Represents the content filter level for a :class:`.Guild`. """ #: No messages will be scanned. SCAN_NONE = 0 #: Messages from users without roles will be scanned. SCAN_WITHOUT_ROLES = 1 #: All messages will be scanned. SCAN_ALL = 2
[docs]class _WrapperBase(collections.Mapping, collections.Iterable): """ Represents the base class for a wrapper object. """ __slots__ = () @property @abc.abstractmethod def view(self) -> 'typing.Mapping[int, Dataclass]': """ Represents a read-only view for this wrapper. """ def __iter__(self) -> typing.Iterator[typing.Any]: return iter(self.view.keys()) def __repr__(self) -> str: return "<{} items='{}'>".format(type(self).__name__, self.view)
[docs]class GuildChannelWrapper(_WrapperBase): """ A wrapper for channels on a guild. This provides some convenience methods which make channel management more fluent. """ __slots__ = "_guild", "_channels" def __init__(self, guild: 'Guild', channels: 'typing.MutableMapping[int, dt_channel.Channel]'): """ :param guild: The :class:`.Guild` object that owns this wrapper. :param channels: The dictionary of channels that this wrapper contains. """ self._guild = guild self._channels = channels @property def view(self) -> 'typing.Mapping[int, dt_channel.Channel]': """ :return: A read-only view into the channels for this wrapper. """ return MappingProxyType(self._channels) def __getitem__(self, key) -> 'dt_channel.Channel': default = object() got = self.get(key, default=default) if got is default: raise KeyError(key) return got def __len__(self) -> int: return len(self._channels) # overwritten methods from the abc
[docs] def get(self, key: typing.Union[str, int], default: default_var = None) \ -> 'typing.Union[dt_channel.Channel, default_var]': """ Gets a channel by name or ID. :param key: The key to use. This can be the ID of the channel, or the name of the channel. :param default: The default value to use, if the channel cannot be found. :return: A :class:`.Channel`, if it was found. """ if isinstance(key, int): return self._channels.get(key, default) else: return self._get_by_name(key, default=default)
[docs] def _get_by_name(self, name: str, default: default_var = None) \ -> 'typing.Union[dt_channel.Channel, default_var]': """ Gets a channel by name. .. warning:: This will return the first channel in the channel list. If you want to get a channel in a specific category, use :meth:`.Channel.get_by_name` :param name: The name of the channel to get. :param default: The default value to get, if the channel cannot be found. :return: A :class:`.Channel` if it can be found. """ s = sorted(self._channels.values(), key=lambda c: c.position) try: return next(filter(lambda ch: == name, s)) except StopIteration: return default
[docs] async def create(self, name: str, type_: 'dt_channel.ChannelType' = None, permission_overwrites: 'typing.List[dt_permissions.Overwrite]' = None, *, parent: 'dt_channel.Channel' = None, bitrate: int = 64, user_limit: int = 0, topic: str = None) -> 'dt_channel.Channel': """ Creates a new channel. :param name: The name of the channel. :param type_: The :class:`.ChannelType` of the channel. :param permission_overwrites: The list of permission overwrites to use for this channel. For guild channels: :param parent: The parent :class:`.Channel` for this channel. For voice channels: :param bitrate: The bitrate of the channel, if it is a voice channel, in kbit/s. :param user_limit: The maximum number of users that can be in the channel. For text channels: :param topic: The topic of the channel, or None to set no topic. """ if not raise PermissionsError("manage_channels") if type_ is None: type_ = dt_channel.ChannelType.TEXT kwargs = { "name": name, "type": type_.value, "permission_overwrites": permission_overwrites, } if type_ is dt_channel.ChannelType.VOICE: kwargs["bitrate"] = bitrate kwargs["user_limit"] = user_limit if parent is not None: if parent.type != dt_channel.ChannelType.CATEGORY: raise CuriousError("Cannot create channel with non-category parent") if type_.value == dt_channel.ChannelType.CATEGORY: raise CuriousError("Cannot create category channel with category") kwargs["parent_id"] = # create a listener so we wait for the WS before editing async def _listener(channel: dt_channel.Channel): if == name and channel.guild == self._guild: return True return False async with"channel_update", _listener): channel_data = await self._guild._bot.http.create_channel(, **kwargs) # if it's a text channel and the topic was provided, automatically add it if type is dt_channel.ChannelType.TEXT and topic is not None: await self._guild._bot.http.edit_channel(channel_id=channel_data["id"], topic=topic) return self._channels[int(channel_data.get("id"))]
[docs] def edit(self, channel: 'dt_channel.Channel', **kwargs): """ Edits a channel. """ if not in self._channels: raise CuriousError("This channel is not part of this guild") return channel.edit(**kwargs)
[docs] def delete(self, channel: 'dt_channel.Channel'): """ Deletes a channel. """ if not in self._channels: raise CuriousError("This channel is not part of this guild") return channel.delete()
[docs]class GuildRoleWrapper(_WrapperBase): """ A wrapper for roles on a guild. Contains some convenience methods that make role management more fluent. """ __slots__ = "_guild", "_roles" def __init__(self, guild: 'Guild', roles: 'typing.MutableMapping[int, dt_role.Role]'): """ :param guild: The :class:`.Guild` object that owns this wrapper. :param roles: The dictionary of roles that this wrapper contains. """ self._guild = guild self._roles = roles @property def view(self) -> 'typing.Mapping[int, dt_role.Role]': """ :return: A read-only view into the channels for this wrapper. """ return MappingProxyType(self._roles) def __getitem__(self, key) -> 'dt_role.Role': default = object() got = self.get(key, default=default) if got is default: raise KeyError(key) return got def __len__(self) -> int: return len(self._roles) # overwritten methods from the abc
[docs] def get(self, key: typing.Union[str, int], default: default_var = None) \ -> 'typing.Union[dt_role.Role, default_var]': """ Gets a role by name or ID. :param key: The key to use. This can be the ID of the role, or the name of the role. :param default: The default value to use, if the role cannot be found. :return: A :class:`.Role`, if it was found. """ if isinstance(key, int): return self._roles.get(key, default) else: return self._get_by_name(key, default=default)
[docs] def _get_by_name(self, name: str, default: default_var = None) \ -> 'typing.Union[dt_role.Role, default_var]': """ Gets a role by name. :param name: The name of the channel to get. :param default: The default value to get, if the role cannot be found. :return: A :class:`.Role` if it can be found. """ s = sorted(self._roles.values(), key=lambda c: c.position) try: return next(filter(lambda r: == name, s)) except StopIteration: return default
[docs] async def create(self, **kwargs) -> 'dt_role.Role': """ Creates a new role in this guild. :return: A new :class:`.Role`. """ if not raise PermissionsError("manage_roles") role_obb = dt_role.Role(client=self._guild._bot, **(await self._guild._bot.http.create_role( self._roles[] = role_obb role_obb.guild_id = return await role_obb.edit(**kwargs)
[docs] def edit(self, role: 'dt_role.Role', **kwargs): """ Edits a role. """ if not in self._roles: raise CuriousError("This role is not part of this guild") return role.edit(**kwargs)
[docs] def delete(self, role: 'dt_role.Role'): """ Deletes a role. """ if not in self._roles: raise CuriousError("This role is not part of this guild") return role.delete()
[docs]class GuildEmojiWrapper(_WrapperBase): """ Wrapper for emoji objects for a guild. """ __slots__ = "_guild", "_emojis" def __init__(self, guild: 'Guild', emojis: 'typing.MutableMapping[int, dt_emoji.Emoji]'): """ :param guild: The :class:`.Guild` object that owns this wrapper. :param emojis: The dictionary of emojis that this wrapper contains. """ self._guild = guild self._emojis = emojis @property def view(self) -> 'typing.Mapping[int, dt_emoji.Emoji]': """ :return: A read-only view into the channels for this wrapper. """ return MappingProxyType(self._emojis) def __getitem__(self, key) -> 'dt_emoji.Emoji': return self._emojis[key] def __len__(self) -> int: return len(self._emojis)
[docs] async def create(self, *, name: str, image_data: typing.Union[str, bytes], roles: 'typing.List[dt_role.Role]' = None) -> 'dt_emoji.Emoji': """ Creates a new emoji in this guild. :param name: The name of the emoji. :param image_data: The bytes image data or the str base64 data for the emoji. :param roles: A list of roles this emoji is locked to. :return: The :class:`.Emoji` created. """ if isinstance(image_data, bytes): image_data = base64ify(image_data) if roles is not None: roles = [ for r in roles] emoji_data = await self._guild._bot.http.create_guild_emoji(, name=name, image_data=image_data, roles=roles) emoji = dt_emoji.Emoji(**emoji_data, client=self._guild._bot) return emoji
[docs]class GuildBan: """ Represents a ban in a guild. """ #: The reason for the ban. reason: str #: The victim of the ban. victim: 'dt_user.User'
if 'sphinx' in sys.modules: # fuck you pass else: GuildBan = dataclass(GuildBan, frozen=True)
[docs]class GuildBanContainer(object): """ A container for guild bans. """ def __init__(self, guild: 'Guild'): self._guild = guild async def __aiter__(self) -> 'typing.AsyncGenerator[GuildBan]': if not raise PermissionsError("ban_members") bans = await self._guild._bot.http.get_bans( for ban in bans: user_data = ban.get("user", None) if user_data is None: continue user = self._guild._bot.state.make_user(user_data) self._guild._bot.state._check_decache_user( ban = GuildBan(reason=ban.get("reason", None), user=user) yield ban
[docs] async def add(self, victim: 'typing.Union[dt_user.User, dt_member.Member]', *, delete_message_days: int, reason: str = None) -> GuildBan: """ Bans somebody from the guild. This can either ban a :class:`.Member`, in which they must be in the guild. Or this can ban a :class:`.User`, which does not need to be in the guild. Example for banning a member: .. code:: python member = guild.members[66237334693085184] await guild.ban(member) Example for banning a user: .. code:: python user = await client.get_user(66237334693085184) await guild.ban(user) :param victim: The :class:`.Member` or :class:`.User` object to ban. :param delete_message_days: The number of days to delete messages. :param reason: The reason given for banning. """ if not raise PermissionsError("ban_members") if isinstance(victim, dt_member.Member): if self._guild.owner == victim: raise HierarchyError("Cannot ban the owner") if victim.guild_id != raise ValueError("Member must be from this guild (try `member.user` instead!)") if victim.top_role >= raise HierarchyError("Top role is equal to or lower than victim's top role") victim_user = victim.user victim_id = elif isinstance(victim, dt_user.User): victim_user = victim victim_id = else: raise TypeError("Victim must be a Member or a User") await self._guild._bot.http.ban_user(, user_id=victim_id, delete_message_days=delete_message_days, reason=reason) return GuildBan(reason=reason, victim=victim_user)
[docs] async def ban(self, *args, **kwargs) -> 'GuildBan': """ Shortcut for :meth:`.GuildBanWrapper.add`. """ return await self.add(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] async def remove(self, user: 'dt_user.User', *, reason: str = None) -> None: """ Unbans a user from this guild. Example for unbanning the first banned user: .. code-block:: python3 user = next(await guild.get_bans()) await guild.unban(user) To unban an arbitrary user, use :meth:`.Client.get_user`. .. code-block:: python3 user = await client.get_user(66237334693085184) await guild.unban(user) .. note:: This does not take :class:`.Member` objects, as members cannot be in a guild and banned from the guild. :param user: The :class:`.User` to forgive and unban. :param reason: The reason given for unbanning. """ if not raise PermissionsError("ban_members") forgiven_id = await self._guild._bot.http.unban_user(, forgiven_id, reason=reason)
[docs] async def unban(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None: """ Shortcut for :meth:`.GuildBanWrapper.remove`. """ return await self.remove(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] async def flatten(self) -> 'typing.List[GuildBan]': """ Gets all the bans for this guild. """ return [ban async for ban in self]
[docs]class Guild(Dataclass): """ Represents a guild object on Discord. """ __slots__ = ( "id", "unavailable", "name", "afk_timeout", "region", "mfa_level", "verification_level", "notification_level", "content_filter_level", "features", "shard_id", "_roles", "_members", "_channels", "_emojis", "member_count", "_voice_states", "_large", "_chunks_left", "_finished_chunking", "icon_hash", "splash_hash", "owner_id", "afk_channel_id", "system_channel_id", "widget_channel_id", "voice_client", "channels", "roles", "emojis", "bans", ) valid_embed_styles = {'banner1', 'banner3', 'banner2', 'shield', 'banner4'} def __init__(self, bot, **kwargs) -> None: super().__init__(kwargs.get("id"), bot) #: If the guild is unavailable or not. #: If this is True, many fields return `None`. self.unavailable = kwargs.get("unavailable", False) # Placeholder values. #: The name of this guild. = None # type: str #: The icon hash of this guild. #: Used to construct the icon URL later. self.icon_hash = None # type: str #: The splash hash of this guild. #: Used to construct the splash URL later. self.splash_hash = None # type: str #: The AFK channel ID of this guild. self.afk_channel_id = None # type: int #: The ID of the system channel for this guild. #: This is where welcome messages and the likes are sent. #: Effective replacement for default channel for bots. self.system_channel_id = None # type: int #: The widget channel ID for this guild. self.widget_channel_id = None # type: int #: The owner ID of this guild. self.owner_id = None # type: int #: The AFK timeout for this guild. None if there's no AFK timeout. self.afk_timeout = None # type: int #: The voice region of this guild. self.region = None # type: str #: The features this guild has. self.features = None # type: typing.List[str] #: The MFA level of this guild. self.mfa_level = MFALevel.DISABLED #: The verification level of this guild. self.verification_level = VerificationLevel.NONE #: The notification level of this guild. self.notification_level = NotificationLevel.ALL_MESSAGES #: The content filter level of this guild. self.content_filter_level = ContentFilterLevel.SCAN_NONE #: The shard ID this guild is associated with. self.shard_id = None # type: int #: The roles that this guild has. self._roles = {} #: The members of this guild. self._members = {} #: The channels of this guild. self._channels = {} #: The emojis that this guild has. self._emojis = {} #: The voice states that this guild has. self._voice_states = {} #: The number of numbers this guild has. #: This is automatically updated. self.member_count = 0 # type: int #: Is this guild a large guild according to Discord? self._large = None # type: bool #: Has this guild finished chunking? self._finished_chunking = multio.Event() self._chunks_left = 0 #: The current voice client associated with this guild. self.voice_client = None #: The :class:`.GuildChannelWrapper` that wraps the channels in this Guild. self.channels = GuildChannelWrapper(self, self._channels) #: The :class:`.GuildRoleWrapper` that wraps the roles in this Guild. self.roles = GuildRoleWrapper(self, self._roles) #: The :class:`.GuildEmojiWrapper` that wraps the emojis in this Guild. self.emojis = GuildEmojiWrapper(self, self._emojis) #: The :class:`.GuildBanContainer` for this Guild. self.bans = GuildBanContainer(self) if kwargs: self.from_guild_create(**kwargs) def _copy(self) -> 'Guild': return copy.copy(self) def __repr__(self) -> str: return "<Guild id='{}' name='{}' members='{}'>".format(,, self.member_count) def __str__(self) -> str: return repr(self) @property def members(self) -> 'typing.Mapping[int, dt_member.Member]': """ :return: A mapping of :class:`.Member` that represent members on this guild. """ return MappingProxyType(self._members) @property def owner(self) -> 'typing.Union[dt_member.Member, None]': """ :return: A :class:`.Member` object that represents the owner of this guild. """ try: return self._members[self.owner_id] except KeyError: return None @property def me(self) -> 'typing.Union[dt_member.Member, None]': """ :return: A :class:`.Member` object that represents the current user in this guild. """ try: return self._members[] except KeyError: return None @property def default_role(self) -> 'typing.Union[dt_role.Role, None]': """ :return: A :class:`.Role` that represents the default role of this guild. """ try: return self.roles[] except KeyError: return None @property def system_channel(self) -> 'typing.Union[dt_channel.Channel, None]': """ :return: A :class:`.Channel` that represents the system channel for this guild. """ try: return self._channels[self.system_channel_id] except KeyError: return None @property def afk_channel(self) -> 'typing.Union[dt_channel.Channel, None]': """ :return: A :class:`.Channel` representing the AFK channel for this guild. """ try: return self._channels[self.afk_channel_id] except IndexError: return None @property def embed_url(self) -> str: """ Gets the default embed url for this guild. If the widget is not enabled, this endpoint will 404. :return: The embed URL for this guild. """ return (Endpoints.GUILD_BASE + "/embed.png").format( # for parity with inviteguild @property def presence_count(self) -> int: """ :return: The number of members with a non-Invisible presence. """ return sum(1 for member in self._members.values() if member.status is not Status.OFFLINE) # Presence methods
[docs] def members_with_status(self, status: Status) \ -> 'typing.Generator[dt_member.Member, None, None]': """ A generator that returns the members that match the specified status. """ for member in self.members.values(): if member.status == status: yield member
@property def online_members(self) -> 'typing.Generator[dt_member.Member, None, None]': """ :return: A generator of online :class:`.Member` objects. """ return self.members_with_status(Status.ONLINE) @property def idle_members(self) -> 'typing.Generator[dt_member.Member, None, None]': """ :return: A generator of idle :class:`.Member` objects. """ return self.members_with_status(Status.IDLE) @property def dnd_members(self) -> 'typing.Generator[dt_member.Member, None, None]': """ :return: A generator of DnD :class:`.Member` objects. """ return self.members_with_status(Status.DND) @property def offline_members(self) -> 'typing.Generator[dt_member.Member, None, None]': """ :return: A generator of offline/invisible :class:`.Member` objects. """ return self.members_with_status(Status.OFFLINE) @property def search(self) -> 'dt_search.SearchQuery': """ :return: A :class:`.SearchQuery` that can be used to search this guild's messages. """ return dt_search.SearchQuery(guild=self)
[docs] def get_embed_url(self, *, style: str = "banner1") -> str: """ Gets an embed URL for this guild in a specified style. :param style: The style to get. :return: The embed URL for this guild. """ if style not in self.valid_embed_styles: raise ValueError("Style must be in {}".format(self.valid_embed_styles)) return self.embed_url + "?style={}".format(style)
[docs] def search_for_member(self, *, name: str = None, discriminator: str = None, full_name: str = None): """ Searches for a member. :param name: The username or nickname of the member. :param discriminator: The discriminator of the member. :param full_name: The full name (i.e. username#discrim) of the member. Optional; will be \ split up into the correct parameters. .. warning:: Using a username and discriminator pair is most accurate when finding a user; a nickname pair or not providing one of the arguments might not find the right member. :return: A :class:`.Member` that matched, or None if no matches were found. """ if full_name is not None: if "#" in full_name: sp = full_name.split("#", 1) return self.search_for_member(name=sp[0], discriminator=sp[1]) else: # usually a mistake return self.search_for_member(name=full_name) # coerce into a proper string if isinstance(discriminator, int): discriminator = "{:04d}".format(discriminator) for member in self._members.values(): # ensure discrim matches first if discriminator is not None and discriminator != member.user.discriminator: continue if member.user.username == name: return member if member.nickname == name: return member
[docs] @deprecated(since="0.7.0", see_instead=search_for_member, removal="0.9.0") def find_member(self, search_str: str) -> 'dt_member.Member': """ Attempts to find a member in this guild by name#discrim. This will also search nicknames. The discriminator is optional, but if provided allows better matching. :param search_str: The name#discrim pair to search for. :return: A :class:`.Member` object that represents the member, or None if no member \ could be found. """ sp = search_str.rsplit("#", 1) if len(sp) == 1: # Member name only :( predicate = lambda member: == sp[0] or member.nickname == sp[0] else: # Discriminator too! # Don't check nicknames for this. predicate = lambda member: == sp[0] \ and member.user.discriminator == sp[1] filtered = filter(predicate, self.members.values()) return next(filtered, None)
# creation methods
[docs] def start_chunking(self) -> None: """ Marks a guild to start guild chunking. This will clear the chunking event, and calculate the number of member chunks required. """ self._finished_chunking.clear() self._chunks_left = ceil(self.member_count / 1000)
[docs] async def wait_until_chunked(self) -> None: """ Waits until the guild has finished chunking. Useful for when you join a big guild. """ await self._finished_chunking.wait()
[docs] def _handle_member_chunk(self, members: list): """ Handles a chunk of members. :param members: A list of member data dictionaries as returned from Discord. """ if self._chunks_left >= 1: # We have a new chunk, so decrement the number left. self._chunks_left -= 1 for member_data in members: member_id = int(member_data["user"]["id"]) if member_id in self._members: member_obj = self._members[member_id] else: member_obj = dt_member.Member(self._bot, **member_data) self._members[] = member_obj member_obj.nickname = member_data.get("nick", member_obj.nickname) member_obj.guild_id =
[docs] def _handle_emojis(self, emojis: typing.List[dict]): """ Handles the emojis for this guild. :param emojis: A list of emoji objects from Discord. """ for emoji in emojis: emoji_obj = dt_emoji.Emoji(**emoji, client=self._bot) self._emojis[] = emoji_obj emoji_obj.guild_id =
[docs] def from_guild_create(self, **data: dict) -> 'Guild': """ Populates the fields from a GUILD_CREATE event. :param data: The GUILD_CREATE data to use. """ self.unavailable = data.get("unavailable", False) if self.unavailable: # We can't use any of the extra data here, so don't bother. return self = data.get("name") # type: str self.icon_hash = data.get("icon") # type: str self.splash_hash = data.get("splash") # type: str self.owner_id = int(data.get("owner_id", 0)) or None # type: int self._large = data.get("large", None) self.features = data.get("features", []) self.region = data.get("region") afk_channel_id = data.get("afk_channel_id", 0) if afk_channel_id: afk_channel_id = int(afk_channel_id) self.afk_channel_id = afk_channel_id self.afk_timeout = data.get("afk_timeout") self.verification_level = VerificationLevel(data.get("verification_level", 0)) self.mfa_level = MFALevel(data.get("mfa_level", 0)) self.notification_level = NotificationLevel(data.get("default_message_notifications", 0)) self.content_filter_level = ContentFilterLevel(data.get("explicit_content_filter", 0)) self.member_count = data.get("member_count", 0) # Create all the Role objects for the server. for role_data in data.get("roles", []): role_obj = dt_role.Role(self._bot, **role_data) role_obj.guild_id = self._roles[] = role_obj # Create all the Member objects for the server. self._handle_member_chunk(data.get("members", [])) for presence in data.get("presences", []): member_id = int(presence["user"]["id"]) member_obj = self._members.get(member_id) if not member_obj: continue member_obj.presence = Presence(**presence) # Create all of the channel objects. for channel_data in data.get("channels", []): channel_obj = dt_channel.Channel(self._bot, **channel_data) self._channels[] = channel_obj channel_obj.guild_id = channel_obj._update_overwrites(channel_data.get("permission_overwrites", []), ) # Create all of the voice states. for vs_data in data.get("voice_states", []): user_id = int(vs_data.get("user_id", 0)) member = self.members.get(user_id) if not member: # o well continue voice_state = dt_vs.VoiceState(**vs_data, client=self._bot) self._voice_states[voice_state.user_id] = voice_state vs_channel = self._channels.get(int(vs_data.get("channel_id", 0))) if vs_channel is not None: voice_state.channel_id = voice_state.guild_id = # delegate to other function self._handle_emojis(data.get("emojis", []))
@property def large(self) -> bool: """ :return: If this guild is large or not (>= 250 members). """ if self._large is not None: return self._large return self.member_count >= 250 @property def invites(self) -> 'typing.AsyncIterator[dt_invite.Invite]': """ :return: A class:`.AsyncIteratorWrapper` that yields :class:`.Invite` objects for this guild. """ return AsyncIteratorWrapper(self.get_invites) @property def icon_url(self) -> str: """ :return: The icon URL for this guild, or None if one isn't set. """ if self.icon_hash: return "{}/{}.webp".format(, self.icon_hash) @property def splash_url(self) -> str: """ :return: The splash URL for this guild, or None if one isn't set. """ if self.splash_hash: return "{}/{}.webp".format(, self.splash_hash) # Guild methods.
[docs] async def leave(self) -> None: """ Leaves the guild. """ await self._bot.http.leave_guild(
# async def connect_to_voice(self, channel: 'dt_channel.Channel') -> 'voice_client.VoiceClient': # """ # Connects to a voice channel in this guild. # # :param channel: The :class:`.Channel` to connect to. # :return: The :class:`VoiceClient` that was connected to this guild. # """ # if voice_client is None: # raise RuntimeError("Cannot connect to voice - voice support is not installed") # # if channel.guild != self: # raise CuriousError("Cannot use channel from a different guild") # # if self.voice_client is not None and # raise CuriousError("Voice client already exists in this guild") # # gw = self._bot._gateways[self.shard_id] # self.voice_client = await voice_client.VoiceClient.create(self._bot, gw, channel) # await self.voice_client.connect() # return self.voice_client
[docs] async def get_invites(self) -> 'typing.List[dt_invite.Invite]': """ Gets the invites for this guild. :return: A list :class:`.Invite` objects. """ invites = await self._bot.http.get_invites_for( invites = [dt_invite.Invite(self._bot, **i) for i in invites] try: invite = await self.get_vanity_invite() invites.insert(0, invite) except (CuriousError, HTTPException): pass return invites
[docs] async def kick(self, victim: 'dt_member.Member'): """ Kicks somebody from the guild. :param victim: The :class:`.Member` to kick. """ if not raise PermissionsError("kick_members") if victim.guild != self: raise ValueError("Member must be from this guild (try `member.user` instead)") if victim.top_role >= raise HierarchyError("Top role is equal to or lower than victim's top role") victim_id = await self._bot.http.kick_member(, victim_id)
[docs] @deprecated(since="0.7.0", see_instead=GuildBanContainer.add, removal="0.9.0") async def ban(self, victim: 'typing.Union[dt_member.Member, dt_user.User]', *, delete_message_days: int = 7) -> GuildBan: """ Bans somebody from the guild. This can either ban a :class:`.Member`, in which they must be in the guild. Or this can ban a :class:`.User`, which does not need to be in the guild. Example for banning a member: .. code:: python member = guild.members[66237334693085184] await guild.ban(member) Example for banning a user: .. code:: python user = await client.get_user(66237334693085184) await guild.ban(user) :param victim: The :class:`.Member` or :class:`.User` object to ban. :param delete_message_days: The number of days to delete messages. """ return await self.bans.add(victim, delete_message_days=delete_message_days)
[docs] @deprecated(since="0.7.0", see_instead=GuildBanContainer.remove, removal="0.9.0") async def unban(self, user: 'dt_user.User') -> None: """ Unbans a user from this guild. Example for unbanning the first banned user: .. code:: python user = next(await guild.get_bans()) await guild.unban(user) To unban an arbitrary user, use :meth:`.Client.get_user`. .. code:: python user = await client.get_user(66237334693085184) await guild.unban(user) .. note:: This does not take :class:`.Member` objects, as members cannot be in a guild and banned from the guild. :param user: The :class:`.User` to forgive and unban. """ return await self.bans.remove(user)
[docs] async def get_webhooks(self) -> 'typing.List[dt_webhook.Webhook]': """ Gets the webhooks for this guild. :return: A list of :class:`.Webhook` objects for the guild. """ webhooks = await self._bot.http.get_webhooks_for_guild( obbs = [] for webhook in webhooks: obbs.append(self._bot.state.make_webhook(webhook)) return obbs
[docs] async def delete_webhook(self, webhook: 'dt_webhook.Webhook'): """ Deletes a webhook in this guild. :param webhook: The :class:`.Webhook` to delete. """ if not raise PermissionsError("manage_webhooks") await self._bot.http.delete_webhook(
[docs] async def change_role_positions(self, roles: 'typing.Union[typing.Dict[dt_role.Role, int], ' 'typing.List[typing.Tuple[dt_role.Role, int]]]'): """ Changes the positions of a mapping of roles. :param roles: A dict or iterable of two-item tuples of new roles that is in the format of \ (role, position). """ if not raise PermissionsError("manage_roles") if isinstance(roles, dict): roles = roles.items() to_send = [] for r, new_position in roles: if new_position >= raise HierarchyError("Cannot move role above our top role") to_send.append((str(, new_position)) to_send = [(str(, new_position) for (r, new_position) in roles] await self._bot.http.edit_role_positions(to_send)
[docs] async def change_voice_state(self, member: 'dt_member.Member', *, deaf: bool = None, mute: bool = None): """ Changes the voice state of a member. :param member: The :class:`.Member` to change the voice state of. :param deaf: Should this member be deafened? :param mute: Should this member be muted? """ if member.voice is None: raise CuriousError("Cannot change voice state of member not in voice") await self._bot.http.edit_member_voice_state(,, deaf=deaf, mute=mute) return member.voice
[docs] async def modify_guild(self, *, afk_channel: 'dt_channel.Channel' = None, verification_level: VerificationLevel = None, content_filter_level: ContentFilterLevel = None, notification_level: NotificationLevel = None, **kwargs): """ Edits this guild. For a list of available arguments, see :param afk_channel: The :class:`.Channel` that represents the AFK voice channel. :param verification_level: The :class:`.VerificationLevel` to use for this guild. :param content_filter_level: The :class:`.ContentFilterLevel` to use for this guild. :param notification_level: The :class:`.NotificationLevel` to use for this guild. """ if not raise PermissionsError("manage_server") if afk_channel is not None: kwargs["afk_channel_id"] = if verification_level is not None: kwargs["verification_level"] = verification_level.value if notification_level is not None: kwargs["default_message_notifications"] = notification_level.value if content_filter_level is not None: kwargs["explicit_content_filter"] = content_filter_level.value await self._bot.http.edit_guild(, **kwargs) return self
[docs] async def change_icon(self, icon_content: bytes): """ Changes the icon for this guild. :param icon_content: The bytes that represent the icon of the guild. """ if not raise PermissionsError("manage_server") image = base64ify(icon_content) await self._bot.http.edit_guild(, icon_content=image)
[docs] async def upload_icon(self, path: PathLike): """ Uploads a new icon for the guild. :param path: A path-like object to use to upload. """ with open(path, 'rb') as f: return await self.change_icon(
[docs] async def get_widget_info(self) -> 'typing.Tuple[bool, ' \ 'typing.Union[None, dt_channel.Channel]]': """ Gets the widget info for the current guild. :return: A two-item tuple: If this widget is enabled, and the channel the widget has an \ invite for. """ info = await self._bot.http.get_widget_status( return info.get("enabled", False), self.channels.get(int(info.get("channel_id", 0)))
[docs] async def edit_widget(self, *, status: bool = None, channel: 'dt_channel.Channel' = -1): """ Edits the widget for this guild. :param status: The status of this widget: True or False. :param channel: The channel object to set the instant invite to. """ if channel is None: channel_id = None elif channel == -1: channel_id = 0 else: channel_id = await self._bot.http.edit_widget(, enabled=status, channel_id=channel_id)
[docs] async def get_vanity_invite(self) -> 'typing.Union[None, dt_invite.Invite]': """ Gets the vanity :class:`.Invite` for this guild. :return: The :class:`.Invite` that corresponds with this guild, if it has one. """ if 'vanity-url' not in self.features: return None try: resp = await self._bot.http.get_vanity_url( except HTTPException as e: if e.error_code != 50020: raise else: return None code = resp.get("code", None) if code is None: return None invite_data = await self._bot.http.get_invite(code) invite = dt_invite.Invite(self._bot, **invite_data) return invite
[docs] async def set_vanity_invite(self, url: str) -> 'typing.Union[dt_invite.Invite, None]': """ Sets the vanity :class:`.Invite` for this guild. :param url: The code to use for this guild. :return: The :class:`.Invite` produced. """ if 'vanity-url' not in self.features: raise CuriousError("This guild has no vanity URL") try: resp = await self._bot.http.edit_vanity_url(, url) except HTTPException as e: if e.error_code != 50020: raise raise CuriousError("This guild has no vanity URL") code = resp.get("code", None) if code is None: return None invite_data = await self._bot.http.get_invite(code) invite = dt_invite.Invite(self._bot, **invite_data) return invite