Source code for curious.dataclasses.message

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Wrappers for Message objects.

.. currentmodule:: curious.dataclasses.message
import enum
import re
import typing

from curious.dataclasses import channel as dt_channel, emoji as dt_emoji, guild as dt_guild, \
    invite as dt_invite, member as dt_member, role as dt_role, user as dt_user, \
    webhook as dt_webhook
from curious.dataclasses.attachment import Attachment
from curious.dataclasses.bases import Dataclass
from curious.dataclasses.embed import Embed
from curious.exc import CuriousError, ErrorCode, HTTPException, PermissionsError
from curious.util import AsyncIteratorWrapper, to_datetime

CHANNEL_REGEX = re.compile(r"<#([0-9]*)>")
INVITE_REGEX = re.compile(r"(?:discord\.gg/(\S+)|discordapp\.com/invites/(\S+))")
EMOJI_REGEX = re.compile(r"<a?:([\S]+):([0-9]+)>")
MENTION_REGEX = re.compile(r"<@!?([0-9]+)>")

[docs]class MessageType(enum.IntEnum): """ Represents the type of a message. """ #: The default (i.e. user message) type. DEFAULT = 0 # 1 through 5 are groups only #: The recipient add type, used when a recipient is added to a group. RECIPIENT_ADD = 1 #: The recipient remove type, used when a recipient is added to a group. RECIPIENT_REMOVE = 2 #: The call type, used when a call is started. CALL = 3 #: The channel name change type, used when a group channel name is changed. CHANNEL_NAME_CHANGE = 4 #: The channel icon change type, used when a group channel icon is changed. CHANNEL_ICON_CHANGE = 5 #: The channel pinned message type, used when a message is pinned. CHANNEL_PINNED_MESSAGE = 6 #: The guild member join type, used when a member joins a guild. GUILD_MEMBER_JOIN = 7
[docs]class Message(Dataclass): """ Represents a Message. """ __slots__ = ("content", "guild_id", "author", "created_at", "edited_at", "embeds", "attachments", "_mentions", "_role_mentions", "reactions", "channel_id", "author_id", "type") def __init__(self, client, **kwargs): super().__init__(kwargs.get("id"), client) #: The content of the message. self.content = kwargs.get("content", None) # type: str #: The ID of the guild this message is in. self.guild_id = None #: The ID of the channel the message was sent in. self.channel_id = int(kwargs.get("channel_id", 0)) # type: int #: The ID of the author. self.author_id = int(kwargs.get("author", {}).get("id", 0)) or None # type: int #: The author of this message. Can be one of: :class:`.Member`, :class:`.Webhook`, #: :class:`.User`. = None # type: typing.Union[dt_member.Member, dt_webhook.Webhook] type_ = kwargs.get("type", 0) #: The type of this message. self.type = MessageType(type_) #: The true timestamp of this message, a :class:`datetime.datetime`. #: This is not the snowflake timestamp. self.created_at = to_datetime(kwargs.get("timestamp", None)) #: The edited timestamp of this message. #: This can sometimes be None. edited_timestamp = kwargs.get("edited_timestamp", None) if edited_timestamp is not None: self.edited_at = to_datetime(edited_timestamp) else: self.edited_at = None #: The list of :class:`.Embed` objects this message contains. self.embeds = [] for embed in kwargs.get("embeds", []): self.embeds.append(Embed(**embed)) #: The list of :class:`.Attachment` this message contains. self.attachments = [] for attachment in kwargs.get("attachments", []): self.attachments.append(Attachment(bot=self._bot, **attachment)) #: The mentions for this message. #: This is UNORDERED. self._mentions = kwargs.get("mentions", []) #: The role mentions for this message. #: This is UNORDERED. self._role_mentions = kwargs.get("mention_roles", []) #: The reactions for this message. self.reactions = [] def __repr__(self) -> str: return "<{0.__class__.__name__} id={} content='{0.content}'>".format(self) def __str__(self) -> str: return self.content @property def guild(self) -> 'dt_guild.Guild': """ :return: The :class:`.Guild` this message is associated with. """ return @property def channel(self) -> 'dt_channel.Channel': """ :return: The :class:`.Channel` this message is associated with. """ return self._bot.state.find_channel(self.channel_id) @property def mentions(self) -> 'typing.List[dt_member.Member]': """ Returns a list of :class:`.Member` that were mentioned in this message. .. warning:: The mentions in this will **not** be in order. Discord does not return them in any particular order. """ return self._resolve_mentions(self._mentions, "member") @property def role_mentions(self) -> 'typing.List[dt_role.Role]': """ Returns a list of :class:`.Role` that were mentioned in this message. .. warning:: The mentions in this will **not** be in order. Discord does not return them in any particular order. """ return self._resolve_mentions(self._role_mentions, "role") @property def channel_mentions(self) -> 'typing.List[dt_channel.Channel]': """ Returns a list of :class:`.Channel` that were mentioned in this message. .. note:: These mentions **are** in order. They are parsed from the message content. """ mentions = CHANNEL_REGEX.findall(self.content) return self._resolve_mentions(mentions, "channel") @property def emojis(self) -> 'typing.List[dt_emoji.Emoji]': """ Returns a list of :class:`.Emoji` that was found in this message. """ matches = EMOJI_REGEX.findall(self.content) emojis = [] for (name, i) in matches: e = self.guild.emojis.get(int(i)) if e: emojis.append(e) return emojis
[docs] async def clean_content(self) -> str: """ Gets the cleaned content for this message. """ return await self._bot.clean_content(self.content)
[docs] async def get_invites(self) -> 'typing.List[dt_invite.Invite]': """ Gets a list of valid invites in this message. """ invites = INVITE_REGEX.findall(self.content) obbs = [] for match in invites: if match[0]: code = match[0] else: code = match[1] try: obbs.append(await self._bot.get_invite(code)) except HTTPException as e: if e.error_code != ErrorCode.UNKNOWN_INVITE: raise return obbs
@property def invites(self) -> 'typing.AsyncIterator[dt_invite.Invite]': """ Returns a list of :class:`.Invite` objects that are in this message (and valid). """ return AsyncIteratorWrapper(self.get_invites)
[docs] def _resolve_mentions(self, mentions: typing.List[typing.Union[dict, str]], type_: str) \ -> 'typing.List[typing.Union[dt_channel.Channel, dt_role.Role, dt_member.Member]]': """ Resolves the mentions for this message. :param mentions: The mentions to resolve; a list of dicts or ints. :param type_: The type of mention to resolve: ``channel``, ``role``, or ``member``. """ final_mentions = [] for mention in mentions: obb = None if type_ == "member": id = int(mention["id"]) obb = self.guild.members.get(id) if obb is None: obb = self._bot.state.make_user(mention) # always check for a decache self._bot.state._check_decache_user(id) elif type_ == "role": obb = self.guild.roles.get(int(mention)) elif type_ == "channel": obb = self.guild.channels.get(int(mention)) if obb is not None: final_mentions.append(obb) return final_mentions
[docs] def reacted(self, emoji: 'typing.Union[dt_emoji.Emoji, str]') -> bool: """ Checks if this message was reacted to with the specified emoji. :param emoji: The emoji to check. """ for reaction in self.reactions: if reaction.emoji == emoji: return True return False
# Message methods
[docs] async def delete(self) -> None: """ Deletes this message. You must have MANAGE_MESSAGE permissions to delete this message, or have it be your own message. """ if self.guild is None: me = has_manage_messages = False else: me = has_manage_messages = if != me and not has_manage_messages: raise PermissionsError("manage_messages") await self._bot.http.delete_message(,
[docs] async def edit(self, new_content: str = None, *, embed: Embed = None) -> 'Message': """ Edits this message. You must be the owner of this message to edit it. :param new_content: The new content for this message. :param embed: The new embed to provide. :return: This message, but edited with the new content. """ if self.guild is None: is_me = not in else: is_me = == if not is_me: raise CuriousError("Cannot edit messages from other users") if embed: embed = embed.to_dict() async with"message_update", lambda o, n: == await self._bot.http.edit_message(,, content=new_content, embed=embed) return self
[docs] async def pin(self) -> 'Message': """ Pins this message. You must have MANAGE_MESSAGES in the channel to pin the message. """ if self.guild is not None: if not raise PermissionsError("manage_messages") await self._bot.http.pin_message(, return self
[docs] async def unpin(self) -> 'Message': """ Unpins this message. You must have MANAGE_MESSAGES in this channel to unpin the message. Additionally, the message must already be pinned. """ if self.guild is not None: if not raise PermissionsError("manage_messages") await self._bot.http.unpin_message(, return self
[docs] async def get_who_reacted(self, emoji: 'typing.Union[dt_emoji.Emoji, str]') \ -> 'typing.List[typing.Union[dt_user.User, dt_member.Member]]': """ Fetches who reacted to this message. :param emoji: The emoji to check. :return: A list of either :class:`.Member` or :class:`.User` that reacted to this message. """ if isinstance(emoji, dt_emoji.Emoji): emoji = "{}:{}".format(, reactions = await self._bot.http.get_reaction_users(,, emoji) result = [] for user in reactions: member_id = int(user.get("id")) if self.guild is None: result.append(dt_user.User(self._bot, **user)) else: member = self.guild.members.get(member_id) if not member: result.append(dt_user.User(self._bot, **user)) else: result.append(member) return result
[docs] async def react(self, emoji: 'typing.Union[dt_emoji.Emoji, str]'): """ Reacts to a message with an emoji. This requires an Emoji object for reacting to messages with custom reactions, or a string containing the literal unicode (e.g ™) for normal emoji reactions. :param emoji: The emoji to react with. """ if self.guild: if not # we can still add already reacted emojis # so make sure to check for that if not self.reacted(emoji): raise PermissionsError("add_reactions") if isinstance(emoji, dt_emoji.Emoji): # undocumented! emoji = "{}:{}".format(, await self._bot.http.add_reaction(,, emoji)
[docs] async def unreact(self, reaction: 'typing.Union[dt_emoji.Emoji, str]', victim: 'dt_member.Member' = None): """ Removes a reaction from a user. :param reaction: The reaction to remove. :param victim: The victim to remove the reaction of. Can be None to signify ourselves. """ if not self.guild: if victim and victim != self: raise CuriousError("Cannot delete other reactions in a DM") if victim and victim != self: if not raise PermissionsError("manage_messages") if isinstance(reaction, dt_emoji.Emoji): emoji = "{}:{}".format(, else: emoji = reaction await self._bot.http.delete_reaction(,, emoji, if victim else None)
[docs] async def remove_all_reactions(self) -> None: """ Removes all reactions from a message. """ if not self.guild: raise CuriousError("Cannot delete other reactions in a DM") if not raise PermissionsError("manage_messages") await self._bot.http.delete_all_reactions(,