Source code for curious.dataclasses.user

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Wrappers for User objects.

.. currentmodule:: curious.dataclasses.user

import datetime

from curious.dataclasses import channel as dt_channel, guild as dt_guild, message as dt_message
from curious.dataclasses.bases import Dataclass
from curious.exc import CuriousError

[docs]class AvatarUrl(object): """ Represents a user's avatar URL. To get the actual URL, do str(avatar_url). """ def __init__(self, user: 'User') -> None: """ :param user: The :class:`.User` for this URL. """ self._user = user self._format = "webp" self._size = 256 def __str__(self) -> str: """ :return: The string URL for this avatar URL. """ if not self._user.avatar_hash: base_url = f"" \ f"{int(self._user.discriminator) % 5}" else: base_url = f"" \ f"{}/{self._user.avatar_hash}" return f"{base_url}.{self._format}?size={self._size}"
[docs] def as_format(self, format: str) -> 'AvatarUrl': """ Gets the URL in the specified format. :param format: The format to use. Usually ``png``, ``webp`` or ``gif``. :return: A new :class:`.AvatarUrl` with the specified format. """ obb = AvatarUrl(self._user) obb._format = format obb._size = self._size return obb
[docs] def with_size(self, size: int) -> 'AvatarUrl': """ Gets the URL in the specified size. :param size: The size for the URL. :return: A new :class:`.AvatarUrl` with the specified size. """ obb = AvatarUrl(self._user) obb._format = self._format obb._size = size return obb
def __eq__(self, other: 'AvatarUrl'): if not isinstance(other, AvatarUrl): return NotImplemented return str(self) == str(other) def __lt__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, AvatarUrl): return NotImplemented return str(self) < str(other)
[docs]class User(Dataclass): """ This represents a bare user - i.e, somebody without a guild attached. This is used in DMs and similar. All member objects have a reference to their user on ``.user``. :ivar id: The ID of this user. """ __slots__ = ("username", "discriminator", "avatar_hash", "verified", "mfa_enabled", "bot", "_bot") def __init__(self, client, **kwargs): super().__init__(kwargs.get("id"), client) #: The username of this user. self.username = kwargs.get("username", None) #: The discriminator of this user. #: Note: This is a string, not an integer. self.discriminator = kwargs.get("discriminator", None) #: The avatar hash of this user. self.avatar_hash = kwargs.get("avatar", None) #: If this user is verified or not. self.verified = kwargs.get("verified", None) #: If this user has MFA enabled or not. self.mfa_enabled = kwargs.get("mfa_enabled", None) #: If this user is a bot. = kwargs.get("bot", False) @property def user(self) -> 'User': return self def _copy(self): new_object = object.__new__(self.__class__) = new_object.username = self.username new_object.discriminator = self.discriminator new_object.avatar_hash = self.avatar_hash new_object.verified = self.verified new_object.mfa_enabled = self.mfa_enabled = new_object._bot = self._bot return new_object @property def avatar_url(self) -> 'AvatarUrl': """ :return: The avatar URL of this user. """ return AvatarUrl(self) @property def static_avatar_url(self) -> str: """ :return: The avatar URL of this user, but static. """ return str(self.avatar_url.as_format('png')) @property def name(self) -> str: return self.username @property def mention(self) -> str: """ :return: A string that mentions this user. """ return "<@{}>".format( @property def created_at(self) -> datetime.datetime: """ :return: The :class:`.datetime.datetime` this user was created at. """ return self.snowflake_timestamp def __repr__(self) -> str: return "<{} id={} name={} discrim={}>".format(type(self).__name__,,, self.discriminator) def __str__(self) -> str: return f"{self.username}#{self.discriminator}"
[docs] async def open_private_channel(self) -> 'dt_channel.Channel': """ Opens a private channel with a user. .. note:: You probably won't need this to just send messages to a user. :return: The newly created private channel. """ if self.discriminator == "0000": raise CuriousError("Cannot open a private channel with a webhook") # First, try and access the channel from the channel cache. original_channel = self._bot.state.find_channel( if original_channel: return original_channel # Failing that, open a new private channel. channel_data = await self._bot.http.create_private_channel( channel = self._bot.state.make_private_channel(channel_data) return channel
[docs] async def send(self, content: str = None, *args, **kwargs) -> 'dt_message.Message': """ Sends a message to the user over a private channel. :param content: The contet of the message to send. :return: A new :class:`.Message` representing the sent message. """ channel = await self.open_private_channel() message = await channel.messages.send(content, *args, **kwargs) return message
[docs] async def unban_from(self, guild: 'dt_guild.Guild'): """ Unbans this user from a guild. :param guild: The :class:`.Guild` to unban in. """ return await guild.bans.remove(self)
[docs]class BotUser(User): """ A special type of user that represents ourselves. """ def __init__(self, client, **kwargs): super().__init__(client, **kwargs) #: The email for this user. = kwargs.get("email", None) #: Does this user use mobile? = kwargs.get("mobile", False) #: Is this user premium? self.premium = kwargs.get("premium", False) async def open_private_channel(self): raise NotImplementedError("Cannot open a private channel with yourself") async def send(self, *args, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError("Cannot send messages to your own user")
[docs] async def edit(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Edits the bot's current profile. """ return await self._bot.edit_profile(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] async def upload_avatar(self, path: str): """ A higher level interface to editing the bot's avatar. """ return await self._bot.edit_avatar(path)