Source code for curious.dataclasses.widget

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Wrappers for Widget objects.

.. currentmodule:: curious.dataclasses.widget
import typing
from types import MappingProxyType

from curious.dataclasses import channel as dt_channel, guild as dt_guild
from curious.dataclasses.bases import Dataclass
from curious.dataclasses.presence import Game, Status

[docs]class WidgetChannel(Dataclass): """ Represents a limited subsection of a channel. """ def __init__(self, bot, guild: 'WidgetGuild', **kwargs): super().__init__(id=int(kwargs.get("id", 0)), cl=bot) #: The name of this channel. = kwargs.get("name") #: The position of this channel. self.position = kwargs.get("position", -1) #: The guild ID for this channel. self.guild_id = #: The :class:`.WidgetGuild` for this channel. self.guild = guild
[docs]class WidgetMember(Dataclass): """ Represents a limited subsection of a member. """ def __init__(self, bot, guild: 'WidgetGuild', kwargs): super().__init__(id=int(kwargs.get("id", 0)), cl=bot) # construct a superficial user dict user_dict = { "id":, "name": kwargs.get("name", None), "avatar": kwargs.get("avatar", None), "discriminator": kwargs.get("discriminator", None), "bot": kwargs.get("bot", False) } #: The :class:`.User` object associated with this member. self.user = bot.state.make_user(user_dict) bot.state._check_decache_user(user_dict["id"]) #: The :class:`.WidgetGuild` object associated with this member. self.guild = guild #: The game associated with this member. game = kwargs.get("game") if game is None: game = {} = Game(**game) if game else None #: The :class:`.Status` associated with this member. self.status = Status(kwargs.get("status"))
[docs]class WidgetGuild(Dataclass): """ Represents a limited subsection of a guild. """ def __init__(self, bot, **kwargs): super().__init__(id=int(kwargs.get("id", 0)), cl=bot) #: The name of this guild. = kwargs.get("name", "") #: A mapping of :class:`.WidgetChannel` in this widget guild. self._channels = {} # type: typing.MutableMapping[int, WidgetChannel] for channel in kwargs.get("channels", []): c = WidgetChannel(bot=self._bot, guild=self, **channel) self._channels[] = c #: A mapping of :class:`.WidgetMember` in this widget guild. self._members = {} for member in kwargs.get("members", []): m = WidgetMember(bot=self._bot, guild=self, kwargs=member) self._members[] = m @property def channels(self) -> 'typing.Mapping[int, WidgetChannel]': """ :return: A read-only mapping of :class:`.WidgetChannel` representing the channels for \ this guild. """ return MappingProxyType(self._channels) @property def members(self) -> 'typing.Mapping[int, WidgetMember]': """ :return: A read-only mapping of :class:`.WidgetMember` representing the channels for \ this guild. """ return MappingProxyType(self._members) def __repr__(self): return "<WidgetGuild id={} members={} name='{}'>".format(, len(self.members), __str__ = __repr__
[docs]class Widget(object): """ Represents the embed widget for a guild. """ def __init__(self, client, **kwargs): self._bot = client #: The guild ID for this widget. self.guild_id = int(kwargs.get("id", 0)) #: The widget guild for this widget. self._widget_guild = WidgetGuild(self._bot, **kwargs) #: The invite URL that this widget represents. self.invite_url = kwargs.get("instant_invite", None) @property def guild(self) -> 'typing.Union[dt_guild.Guild, WidgetGuild]': """ :return: The guild object associated with this widget. If the guild was cached, a :class:`.Guild`. Otherwise, a :class:`.WidgetGuild`. """ try: return self._bot.guilds[self.guild_id] except KeyError: return self._widget_guild @property def channels(self) -> 'typing.Mapping[int, typing.Union[dt_channel.Channel, WidgetChannel]]': """ :return: A mapping of channels associated with this widget. """ return self.guild.channels def __repr__(self): return "<Widget guild={}>".format(self.guild)