Changelog ========= This document displays the differences between each release of curious. 0.7.0.post1 (Released 2018-03-12) --------------------------------- - Fixed :meth:`.Channel.permissions` (thanks PyCharm) 0.7.0 (Released 2018-03-11) --------------------------- - Add get-by-name to :class:`.GuildChannelWrapper`, and :class:`.GuildRoleWrapper`. - Add :attr:`.Invite.features`. - Add :class:`.GameType` for game types. - Make :attr:`.Invite.inviter` a property that returns a :class:`.Member` if one can be found. - Remove :meth:`.Client.boot_shard` amongst others, and create :meth:`.Client.handle_shard` to do all gateway-related handling functions. - Add :attr:`.Channel.overwrites` for a key-value mapping of overwrites. - Add :class:`.Nickname`, and make :attr:`.Member.nickname` an instance of :class:`.Nickname`. - Add :meth:`.EventManager.wait_for_manager`. - Rename ``MEMBER_`` events to ``GUILD_MEMBER_`` events. - Add :class:`._MemberRoleContainer`, and make :attr:`.Member.roles` an instance of this. - Add :attr:`.Message.emojis`. - Add :class:`.ChannelMessagesWrapper`, and move everything to point to it. - Rewrite the gateway code significantly. - Use Lomond in a thread instead of our own wrapper. - Make opening a gateway a context manager. - Use proper dataclasses for state. - Add :class:`.AvatarUrl`. - Add :class:`.GuildBan`, and make :meth:`.Guild.get_bans` return a list of those. - Move :attr:`.Guild._splash_hash` and :attr:`.Guild._icon_hash` to public attributes. - Add a ``permissions.pyi`` file for static introspection of the permissions class. - Add a :class:`.GuildBanContainer`. - Enable :mod:`trio` support. - Add :func:`.autoplugin` which automatically assigns commands inside a plugin. - Add :meth:`.Plugin.spawn` for easy background task spawning. - Add :attr:`.Channel.children` to get the children of a channel. - Deprivatize :meth:`.State.find_message`. - Lookup messages in the cache to avoid a roundtrip when doing :meth:`.ChannelMessagesWrapper.get`. 0.6.0 (Released 2017-11-05) --------------------------- - Bring voice code inline with the standard of the rest of the code. - Change the voice gateway to use an async thread, rather than a regular thread. - Document and make public :meth:`.VoiceClient.get_packet_header`, :meth:`.VoiceClient.get_voice_packet` and :meth:`.VoiceClient.get_ip_discovery_packet`. - Make :class:`.AppInfo` a subclass of :class:`.Dataclass`. - Only sleep on shard creation until the last shard. - Move :meth:`.Channel.is_private` to :meth:`.Channel.private`. - Move :meth:`.IDObject.timestamp` to :meth:`.IDObject.snowflake_timestamp`. - Make some things use ID references rather than object references, and deprivatize the ID attributes on these objects. - Add support for channel categories in the API and the gateway. - Reorganize commands code significantly: - Move all of the commands code out of :class:`.Client`. - Add new :class:`.CommandsManager`. - Overhaul :class:`.Context` to do more, such as the actual processing. - Remove :class:`.Command` in favour of annotated functions. - Reorganize events code significantly: - Move all the events code out of :class:`.Client`. - Add new :class:`.EventManager`. - Add event hooks, which are called with every event the bot receives. - Overhaul :meth:`.EventManager.wait_for` so that it uses :class:`curio.Promise` rather than terrible events. - Change temporary listeners to raising ListenerExit instead of returning a truthy/falsey value. - Reboot shards properly when they disconnect, using a while True loop inside the TaskGroup. - Add :attr:`.State.guilds_ordered`. - Add a 5 second timeout to each request made. - Add :meth:`.Message.get_invites` and :attr:`.Message.invites` to get invites that are inside a message object. - Retry on h11 errors. - Use :mod:`asyncwebsockets` instead of :mod:`cuiows`. - :class:`.ReactionPaginator` can now have an optional title that is added as the content for the message sent. 0.5.1 (Released 2017-08-19) --------------------------- - Switch to the ``asks`` HTTP library over the bundled HTTP library. - Add :class:`.MessageType`. - Add :attr:`.ChannelType.CATEGORY`. - Separate out HTTP URLs into a :class:`.Endpoints` class. - Properly wait on shards in the start handler. 0.5.0 (Released 2017-07-31) --------------------------- .. warning:: This is the last version of curious that supports Python 3.5. - Add :meth:`.HTTPClient.get_audit_logs`. - Add gateway event dispatching. - Add :meth:`.HTTPClient.get_vanity_url` and :meth:`.HTTPClient.edit_vanity_url`. - Add :meth:`.Guild.get_vanity_invite` and :meth:`.Guild.set_vanity_invite`. - :meth:`.Guild.get_invites` will now return the vanity invite, if applicable. - Rearrange guild objects somewhat: - Turn :attr:`.Guild.channels` into a :class:`.GuildChannelWrapper`. - Turn :attr:`.Guild.roles` into a :class:`.GuildRoleWrapper`. - Move :meth:`.Guild.create_channel` to :meth:`.GuildChannelWrapper.create`. - Move :meth:`.Guild.edit_channel` to :meth:`.Channel.edit`. - Move :meth:`.Guild.delete_channel` to :meth:`.Channel.delete`. - Move :meth:`.Guild.create_role` to :meth:`.GuildRoleWrapper.create`. - Move :meth:`.Guild.edit_role` to :meth:`.Role.edit`. - Move :meth:`.Guild.delete_role` to :meth:`.Role.delete`. - Add a ``message_mentioned`` event. - Add :attr:`.User.static_avatar_url`. - :attr:`.Guild.large` now obeys a custom ``large_threshold``. - Add counts to ``guild_chunk`` and ``guild_sync`` events. - Fix editing profile via :meth:`.User.edit`. - Add :meth:`.HTTPClient.get_user_applications` and :meth:`.HTTPClient.get_application`. - Don't include ``@everyone`` when calculating role colours. 0.4.0 (Released 2017-04-27) --------------------------- - :class:`.VoiceState` now uses a property reference to the User object. - Add :meth:`.HTTPClient.get_mentions`. - Add :attr:`.BotUser.authorized_apps` which returns an async iterator that can be used to get the authorized apps for this bot. - Add :meth:`.BotUser.get_recent_mentions` and :meth:`.Guild.get_recent_mentions` to allow easy iteration of recent mentions. - Change statuses to new :class:`~.Presence`, which are stored on Member and RelationshipUser instances. - :attr:`.Guild._large` is now set by GUILD_SYNC handling for userbots. - Optimize :meth:`.State.make_message` slightly, by checking the cache before editing it. - :meth:`._prepare_request` automatically stringifies all items in the query string before sending it. - Add search support: - :meth:`.HTTPClient.search_channel` and :meth:`.HTTPClient.search_guild` are the raw HTTP methods for searching. - :class:`.SearchQuery`, :class:`.SearchResults` and :class:`.MessageGroup` are the high level wrappers for searching. - Add :meth:`` and :meth:`.AsyncIteratorWrapper.all`. - Change :class:`~.Guild` objects on dataclasses to mostly look up via property or weak reference rather than having a strong reference. - Change commands: - A callable that takes ``(bot, message)`` and returns (a) prefix(es) to match can now be provided for ``command_prefix``. - Functions are unwrapped for the `.factory` attr if possible. - Add the ability to listen to multiple events with one function. - Add :class:`~.MFALevel`, :class:`~.VerificationLevel`, :class:`~.NotificationLevel`, :class:`~.ContentFilterLevel`, and update the relevant attributes on :class:`~.Guild`. - Add HTTP downloading methods to :class:`~.Client`. - Add :attr:`.Channel.nsfw`. 0.3.0 (Released 2017-03-10) --------------------------- - :meth:`.Client.start` will now automatically reboot shards that return. - Add :meth:`.HTTPClient.get_authorized_apps` to get the authorized apps for this account. - Add :meth:`.HTTPClient.revoke_authorized_app` to revoke an application's authorization. - Add :meth:`.BotUser.get_authorized_apps` as the high-level equivalent. - Add :attr:`.Message.channel_id` and :attr:`.Message.author_id` to access the raw IDs from Discord, even if the message author or channel is not cached. - Unprivatize :meth:`.State.find_channel` and add :meth:`.Client.find_channel` to use this method. - Unprivatize :meth:`.State.is_ready`. - Change sharding slightly: - :meth:`.Client.boot_shard` will boot one shard and add its gateway to the internal list. This will allow finer control over shard booting. - :meth:`.Client.start` will now use ``boot_shard`` to load a shard, so overriding it in a subclass can customize shard creation. - The client will now wait for the gateway to be ready before firing any events. - Add :class:`.BotType` to more finely control how bots are defined. - Add :attr:`.EventContext.event_name`, :attr:`.EventContext.handlers`. - Add :attr:`.Client.events_handled` and :attr:`.Gateway._dispatches_handled` to show how many events have been handled during the lifetime of the bot. - Add :class:`.GuildStore` which tracks the order of guilds for user bots, and can be used to return the guilds in that order. - Change :class:`.Channel` for group DMs slightly: - New attributes have been added: :attr:`.Channel.owner`, :attr:`.Channel.owner_id`, :attr:`.Channel._icon_hash`, :attr:`.Channel.icon_url`. - :attr:`.Channel._recipients` has been added to replace ``recipients`` as the backing store, and is now a dict. - Correspondingly, :attr:`.Channel.recipients` is a mapping proxy for ``Channel._recipients``, and can be used to access the recipients of the channel. - Add :meth:`.HTTPClient.update_user_settings` to update the settings of a user. - Add :class:`.UserSettings` to represent the settings of a user. - Add event handler for ``USER_SETTINGS_UPDATE``. 0.2.1 (Released 2017-02-23) --------------------------- - Sync/chunk guilds when a ``GUILD_CREATE`` is received during the main bot lifecycle. - Decache users automatically when a ``GUILD_DELETE`` is received. - Fix the default role not being accounted for in permissions. - Fix ``GUILD_ROLE_DELETE`` handling. - Fix async threads hanging the bot on shutdown. - Add the ability to set ``afk`` in a presence change, to allow self-bots to not eat notifications. - Userbots will now ask for member chunks and then sync guilds once all chunks are received. - Make :attr:`.Guild.large` a property rather than an attribute. Discord doesn't always send this properly, so fallback to ``member_count >= 250``. 0.2.0 (Released 2017-02-20) --------------------------- - Add user account logging in support. - Add :attr:`~.State._friends` and :attr:`~.State._blocked` to :class:`.State` to represent the friends and blocked users a client has. - Add :attr:`~.BotUser.friends` and :attr:`~.BotUser.blocked` properties to :class:`.BotUser` which can be used to access the State's attributes. - Add a new type called :class:`.RelationshipUser` which represents either a friend or a blocked user. - Rearrange channel and guild handling in ``READY`` parsing. - Fix :attr:`` inside private DMs being wrong sometimes. - Allow group DMs to work properly. - User cache has been redesigned: - Users are now cached indefinitely in :attr:`~.State._users`. - Users are referred to by property on :class:`.Member` rather than by storing them. This should reduce some memory usage as duplicate members will no longer store multiple instances of a user. - Users are only decached on a guild member remove. - :meth:`.State.make_user` now takes a ``user_klass`` param which allows customization of the user class created when caching a user. - Users are now updated in ``PRESENCE_UPDATE`` rather than ``GUILD_MEMBER_UPDATE``. - ``GUILD_SYNC`` is now supported for user bots. - Creating :class:`~.HTTPClient` with ``bot=False`` will send a user authorization header rather than a bot authorization header. - Add :meth:`.HTTPClient.get_user_profile` to get a user's profile. - Add :meth:`.HTTPClient.get_app_info` to get the application information for a specific app. This method will attempt to download the bot information alongside the app - failing this, it will only request the basic app info scope. - Remove :meth:`.HTTPClient.get_application_info`; call ``get_app_info`` with ``None`` to get the current app's info. - Add :meth:`.HTTPClient.authorize_bot` to authorize a bot into a guild. - Move :class:`.AppInfo` into its own module. - Make :class:`.AppInfo` more useful than just the current application's info. - Add :attr:`` attribute to :class:`~.AppInfo` which returns the bot user associated with this app. - Add :meth:`.AppInfo.add_to_guild` which authorizes a bot into a guild. Only user accounts can call this. - Add :meth:`.Client.get_application` to get an :class:`AppInfo` object referring to an application. - Add :meth:`.HTTPClient.send_friend_request`, :meth:`.HTTPClient.remove_relationship`, :meth:`.HTTPClient.block_user` for editing relationships with users. - Add :meth:`.User.send_friend_request`, :meth:`.User.block`, :meth:`.RelationshipUser.remove_friend` and :meth:`.RelationshipUser.unblock` to manage relationships between users. - :class:`.BotUser` cannot send friend requests to itself or block itself. - Add :meth:`.User.get_profile` to get a user's profile. - :meth:`.Embed.set_image` now validates that the link is a HTTP[S] link. 0.1.4 ----- - Add :class:`.Widget` for support of widgets. - Add widget support inside the HTTPClient. - Fix events inside plugins. - Add new error code mapping to :class:`.HTTPException`. This provides clearer display as to what went wrong when performing a HTTP method.