.. _events: Event reference =============== Event names mostly correspond with the event names that are returned from a dispatch by Discord. For more information about handling events, see :ref:`better_event_handling`. State events ------------ .. py:function:: connect(ctx: EventContext) :async: Called as soon as ``READY`` is received on the gateway. This can be used to change status immediately after authentication, for example. .. py:function:: ready(ctx: EventContext) :async: Called when a shard has finished streaming guilds and chunked all large guilds successfully. This is different to Discord's READY event, which fires as soon as the connection has opened. .. py:function:: shards_ready(ctx: EventContext) :async: Called when all the shards for a client are ready. .. py:function:: resumed(ctx: EventContext) :async: Called when a bot has resumed the connection. .. py:function:: presences_replace(ctx: EventContext, count: int) :async: Called when presences are replaced. .. py:function:: guild_available(ctx: EventContext, guild: Guild) :async: Called when a previously unavailable guild becomes available. This is **not** called when Unavailable Guilds during streaming become available. For that, use :func:`.guild_streamed`. .. py:function:: guild_join(ctx: EventContext, guild: Guild) :async: Called when the bot joins a new guild. This is **not** called when guilds are streaming. For that, use :func:`.guild_streamed`. .. py:function:: guild_streamed(ctx: EventContext, guild: Guild) :async: Called when a guild is streamed during login. .. py:function:: guild_chunk(ctx: EventContext, guild: Guild, member_count: int) :async: Called when a guild receives a Guild Member Chunk. .. py:function:: guild_unavailable(ctx: EventContext, guild: Guild) :async: Called when a guild goes unavailable. .. py:function:: guild_leave(ctx: EventContext, guild: Guild) :async: Called when the bot leaves a guild. .. py:function:: guild_update(ctx: EventContext, old_guild: Guild, \ new_guild: Guild) :async: Called when a guild updates. This could be from the name changing, icon changing, etc. .. py:function:: guild_emojis_update(ctx: EventContext, old_guild: Guild, \ new_guild: Guild) :async: Called when the emojis update in a guild. .. py:function:: guild_member_update(ctx: EventContext, old_member: Member, \ new_member: Member) :async: Called when a guild member updates. This could be from typing, roles/nick updating, or game changing. .. py:function:: user_typing(ctx: EventContext, channel: Channel, user: \ User) :async: Called when a user is typing (in a private or group DM). .. py:function:: member_typing(ctx: EventContext, channel: Channel, \ user: User) :async: Called when a member is typing (in a guild). .. py:function:: message_create(ctx: EventContext, message: Message) :async: Called when a message is created. .. py:function:: message_update_uncached(ctx: EventContext, messsage: Message) :async: Called when a message is updated. This will ignore the cache. .. py:function:: message_edit(ctx: EventContext, old_message: Message, \ new_message: Message) :async: Called when a message's content is edited. .. warning:: This event will only be called if a message that the bot has previously seen is in the message cache. Otherwise, the bot will silently eat the event. .. py:function:: message_update(ctx: EventContext, old_message: Message, \ new_message: Message) :async: Called when a message is updated (a new embed is added, content is edited, etc). This will fire on newly added embeds; if you don't want this use ``message_edit`` instead. .. warning:: This event will only be called if a message that the bot has previously seen is in the message cache. Otherwise, the bot will silently eat the event. .. py:function:: message_delete_uncached(ctx: EventContext, message_id: int) :async: Called when a message is deleted. This will ignore the cache. .. py:function:: message_delete(ctx: EventContext, message: Message) :async: Called when a message is deleted. .. warning:: This event will only be called if a message that the bot has previously seen is in the message cache. Otherwise, the bot will silently eat the event. .. py:function:: message_delete_bulk_uncached(ctx: EventContext, messages: List[int]) :async: Called when messages are bulk deleted. This will ignore the cache. .. py:function:: message_delete_bulk(ctx: EventContext, \ messages: List[Message]) :async: Called when messages are bulk deleted. .. warning:: This event will only be called if any messages that the bot has previously seen is in the message cache. Otherwise, the bot will silently eat the event. .. py:function:: message_reaction_add(ctx: EventContext, \ message: Message, author: Union[Member, User], reaction) :async: Called when a message is reacted to. .. py:function:: message_reaction_remove(ctx: EventContext, \ message, author, reaction) :async: Called when a reaction is removed from a message. .. py:function:: message_ack(ctx: EventContext, channel: Channel, \ message: Message) :async: Called when a message is ACK'd. .. note:: This is a **user-account only** event. .. py:function:: guild_member_add(ctx: EventContext, member: Member :async:) Called when a member is added to a guild. .. py:function:: guild_member_remove(ctx: EventContext, member: Member) :async: Called when a member is removed from a guild. .. py:function:: user_ban(ctx: EventContext, user: User) :async: Called when a **user** is banned from a guild. .. py:function:: guild_member_ban(ctx: EventContext, member: Member) :async: Called when a **member** is banned from a guild. .. py:function:: user_unban(ctx: EventContext, user: User): :async: Called when a user is unbanned. .. note:: There is no guild_member_unban event as members cannot be unbanned. .. py:function:: channel_create(ctx: EventContext, channel: Channel) :async: Called when a channel is created. .. py:function:: channel_update(ctx: EventContext, old_channel: Channel, \ new_channel: Channel) :async: Called when a channel is updated. .. py:function:: channel_delete(ctx: EventContext, channel: Channel) :async: Called when a channel is deleted. .. py:function:: group_user_add(ctx: EventContext, channel: Channel, \ user: User) :async: Called when a user is added to a group. .. py:function:: group_user_remove(ctx: EventContext, channel: Channel, \ user: User) :async: Called when a user is removed from a group. .. py:function:: role_create(ctx: EventContext, role: Role) :async: Called when a role is created. .. py:function:: role_update(ctx: EventContext, old_role: Role, \ new_role: Role) :async: Called when a role is updated. .. py:function:: role_delete(ctx: EventContext, role: Role) :async: Called when a role is deleted. .. py:function:: voice_state_update(ctx: EventContext, member, \ old_voice_state, new_voice_state) :async: Called when a member's voice state updates. Gateway Events -------------- These events are low-level events; they deal with raw data received from the websocket connection. .. py:function:: gateway_message_received(ctx: EventContext, data) :async: Called when a message is received on the websocket. .. warning:: The data is the **RAW DATA** passed from the websocket. It could be compressed data; it is undecoded. This event is often not useful; see :func:`gateway_event_received` or :func:`gateway_dispatch_received` for better functions. .. py:function:: gateway_event_received(ctx: EventContext, data: dict) :async: Called when an event is received on the websocket, after decompressing and decoding. .. py:function:: gateway_hello(ctx: EventContext, trace: List[str]) :async: Called when HELLO is received. .. py:function:: gateway_heartbeat(ctx: EventContext, stats) :async: Called when a heartbeat is sent. .. py:function:: gateway_heartbeat_ack(ctx: EventContext) :async: Called when Discord ACKs a heartbeat we've sent. .. py:function:: gateway_heartbeat_received(ctx: EventContext) :async: Called when Discord asks us to send a heartbeat. .. py:function:: gateway_invalidate_session(ctx: EventContext, resume: bool) :async: Called when Discord invalidates our session. .. py:function:: gateway_reconnect_received(ctx: EventContext) :async: Called when Discord asks us to send a reconnect. .. py:function:: gateway_dispatch_received(ctx: EventContext, \ dispatch: dict) :async: Called when an event is dispatched.