
Defines State.


int_or_none(val, default) Returns int or None.


GuildStore() A store for guilds in the state.
State(client, max_messages) This represents the state of the Client - in other libraries, the cache.
curious.core.state.int_or_none(val, default)[source]

Returns int or None.

Return type:Optional[int]
class curious.core.state.GuildStore[source]


A store for guilds in the state.

guilds = None

The internal actual guilds.

order = None

The order of the guilds, as specified by the READY packet.

Return type:Mapping[int, Guild]
Returns:A mappingproxy of the internal guilds.
Return type:Mapping[int, Guild]
Returns:A mapping of the guilds with the order specified in the ready packet.
clear() → None. Remove all items from D.
get(k[, d]) → D[k] if k in D, else d. d defaults to None.
items() → a set-like object providing a view on D's items
keys() → a set-like object providing a view on D's keys
pop(k[, d]) → v, remove specified key and return the corresponding value.

If key is not found, d is returned if given, otherwise KeyError is raised.

popitem() → (k, v), remove and return some (key, value) pair

as a 2-tuple; but raise KeyError if D is empty.

setdefault(k[, d]) → D.get(k,d), also set D[k]=d if k not in D
update([E, ]**F) → None. Update D from mapping/iterable E and F.

If E present and has a .keys() method, does: for k in E: D[k] = E[k] If E present and lacks .keys() method, does: for (k, v) in E: D[k] = v In either case, this is followed by: for k, v in F.items(): D[k] = v

values() → an object providing a view on D's values
class curious.core.state.State(client, max_messages: int = 500)[source]

Bases: object

This represents the state of the Client - in other libraries, the cache.

The other main purpose for this class is to parse events from the Discord websocket.

_user = None

The current user of this bot. This is automatically set after login.

client = None

The client associated with this connection.

_private_channels = None

The private channel cache.

_guilds = None

The guilds the bot can see.

_users = None

The current user cache.

messages = None

The deque of messages. This is bounded to prevent the message cache from growing infinitely.


Checks if a shard is ready.

Parameters:shard_id (int) – The shard ID to check.
Return type:bool
Returns:A boolean signifying if this shard is ready or not.

Called after session is invalidated, to reset our state.

Return type:Mapping[int, Guild]
Returns:A mapping of int -> Guild.
Return type:Mapping[int, Guild]
Returns:An ordered mapping of int -> Guild by the user’s guild ordering.

Checks if we have all the chunks for the specified shard.

Parameters:shard_id (int) – The shard ID to check.

Gets all the guilds for a particular shard.

for ... in get_all_channels()[source]
Return type:Generator[Channel, None, None]
Returns:A generator that yields all :class:`.Channel`s the bot can see.
for ... in get_all_members()[source]
Return type:Generator[Member, None, None]
Returns:A generator that yields all :class:`.Member`s the bot can see.
for ... in get_all_roles()[source]
Return type:Generator[Role, None, None]
Returns:A generator that yields all :class:`.Role`s the bot can see.

Finds a member or user by ID.

Parameters:user_id (int) – The user ID to find.
Return type:Union[Member, User]
Returns:The Member or User found, if any.

Finds a channel by ID. This will search all guild channels, as well as private channels.

Parameters:channel_id (int) – The ID of the channel to find.
Return type:Optional[Channel]
Returns:A Channel that represents the channel, or None if no channel was found.

Finds a message in the current cache, if it exists.

Parameters:message_id (int) – The message ID to find.
Return type:Message
Returns:A Message to find, or None if it was not cached.

Checks if we should decache a user.

This will check if there is any guild with a reference to the user.


Creates a new webhook object from the event data.

Parameters:event_data (dict) – The event data.
Return type:Webhook
Returns:A Webhook.

Creates a new private channel and caches it.

Parameters:channel_data (dict) – The channel data to cache.
Return type:Channel
Returns:A new Channel.
make_user(user_data, *, user_klass=<class 'curious.dataclasses.user.User'>, override_cache=False)[source]

Creates a new user and caches it.

  • user_data (dict) – The user data to use to create.
  • user_klass (Type[~U]) – The type of user to create.
  • override_cache (bool) – Should the cache be overridden?
Return type:



A new :class`.User` (hopefully).

make_message(event_data, cache=True)[source]

Constructs a new message object.

  • event_data (dict) – The message data to use to create.
  • cache (bool) – Should this message be cached?
Return type:



A new Message object for the message.

await wait_for_voice_data(guild_id)[source]

Waits for the two voice data packets to be received for the specified guild.

async for ... in handle_ready(gw, event_data)[source]

Called when READY is dispatched.

async for ... in handle_resumed(gw, event_data)[source]

Called when the gateway connection is resumed.

async for ... in handle_user_update(gw, event_data)[source]

Called when the bot’s user is updated.

async for ... in handle_presence_update(gw, event_data)[source]

Called when a member changes game.

async for ... in handle_presences_replace(gw, event_data)[source]

Called when presences are replaced.

async for ... in handle_guild_members_chunk(gw, event_data)[source]

Called when a chunk of members has arrived.

async for ... in handle_guild_create(gw, event_data)[source]

Called when GUILD_CREATE is dispatched.

async for ... in handle_guild_update(gw, event_data)[source]

Called when GUILD_UPDATE is dispatched.

async for ... in handle_guild_delete(gw, event_data)[source]

Called when a guild becomes unavailable.

async for ... in handle_guild_emojis_update(gw, event_data)[source]

Called when a guild updates its emojis.

async for ... in handle_message_create(gw, event_data)[source]

Called when MESSAGE_CREATE is dispatched.

async for ... in handle_message_update(gw, event_data)[source]

Called when MESSAGE_UPDATE is dispatched.

async for ... in handle_message_delete(gw, event_data)[source]

Called when MESSAGE_DELETE is dispatched.

async for ... in handle_message_delete_bulk(gw, event_data)[source]

Called when MESSAGE_DELETE_BULK is dispatched.

async for ... in handle_message_reaction_add(gw, event_data)[source]

Called when a reaction is added to a message.

async for ... in handle_message_reaction_remove_all(gw, event_data)[source]

Called when all reactions are removed from a message.

async for ... in handle_message_reaction_remove(gw, event_data)[source]

Called when a reaction is removed from a message.

async for ... in handle_guild_member_add(gw, event_data)[source]

Called when a guild adds a new member.

async for ... in handle_guild_member_remove(gw, event_data)[source]

Called when a guild removes a member.

async for ... in handle_guild_member_update(gw, event_data)[source]

Called when a guild member is updated.

async for ... in handle_guild_ban_add(gw, event_data)[source]

Called when a ban is added to a guild.

async for ... in handle_guild_ban_remove(gw, event_data)[source]

Called when a ban is removed from a guild.

async for ... in handle_channel_create(gw, event_data)[source]

Called when a channel is created.

async for ... in handle_channel_update(gw, event_data)[source]

Called when a channel is updated.

async for ... in handle_channel_delete(gw, event_data)[source]

Called when a channel is deleted.

async for ... in handle_guild_role_create(gw, event_data)[source]

Called when a role is created.

async for ... in handle_guild_role_update(gw, event_data)[source]

Called when a role is updated.

async for ... in handle_guild_role_delete(gw, event_data)[source]

Called when a role is deleted.

async for ... in handle_typing_start(gw, event_data)[source]

Called when a user starts typing.

await handle_voice_server_update(gw, event_data)[source]

Called when a voice server update packet is dispatched.

async for ... in handle_voice_state_update(gw, event_data)[source]

Called when a member’s voice state changes.

await handle_webhooks_update(gw, event_data)[source]

Called when a channel has a webhook updated.

This event is effectively useless.

async for ... in handle_channel_recipient_add(gw, event_data)[source]

Called when a recipient is added to a channel.

async for ... in handle_channel_recipient_remove(gw, event_data)[source]

Called when a recipient is removed a channel.