
Wrappers for Invite objects.

Invite objects are linked to a real channel and real guild, but Discord does not return the full data for these objects. Therefore, a few “mini” objects are provided that represent the objects:

  • InviteGuild, which contains the name, splash_url and icon_url of the Guild.
  • InviteChannel, which contains the name and type of the Channel.

These objects will be returned on :attr`.Invite.guild` and respectively if the data for each is not cached by curious. Otherwise, full Guild and Channel objects will be returned.


Invite(client, **kwargs) Represents an invite object.
InviteChannel(**kwargs) Represents an InviteChannel - a subset of a channel.
InviteGuild(**kwargs) Represents an InviteGuild - a subset of a guild.
InviteMetadata(**kwargs) Represents metadata attached to an invite.
class curious.dataclasses.invite.InviteGuild(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: curious.dataclasses.bases.IDObject

Represents an InviteGuild - a subset of a guild.

name = None

The name of this guild.

splash_hash = None

The splash hash of this guild.

_icon_hash = None

The icon hash of this guild.

features = None

A list of features for this guild.

member_count = None

The approximate member count for this guild.

presence_count = None

The approximate presence count.

text_channel_count = None

The number of text channels.

voice_channel_count = None

The number of voice channels.

Return type:str
Returns:The icon URL for this guild, or None if one isn’t set.
Return type:str
Returns:The splash URL for this guild, or None if one isn’t set.
Return type:datetime
Returns:The timestamp of the snowflake.
class curious.dataclasses.invite.InviteChannel(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: curious.dataclasses.bases.IDObject

Represents an InviteChannel - a subset of a channel.

name = None

The name of this channel.

type = None

The ChannelType of this channel.

Return type:datetime
Returns:The timestamp of the snowflake.
class curious.dataclasses.invite.InviteMetadata(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: object

Represents metadata attached to an invite.


The number of times this invite was used.


The maximum number of uses this invite can use.


The maximum age of this invite.


Is this invite temporary?


When was this invite created at?


Is this invite revoked?

class curious.dataclasses.invite.Invite(client, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: object

Represents an invite object.

code = None

The invite code.

guild_id = None

The guild ID for this invite.

channel_id = None

The channel ID for this invite.

_invite_guild = None

The invite guild this is attached to. The actual guild object can be more easily fetched with .guild.

_invite_channel = None

The invite channel this is attached to. The actual channel object can be more easily fetched with .channel.

inviter_id = None

The ID of the user that created this invite. This can be None for partnered invites.

Return type:Union[Member, User]
Returns:The Member or User that made this invite.
Return type:Union[Guild, InviteGuild]
Returns:The guild this invite is associated with.
Return type:Union[Channel, InviteChannel]
Returns:The channel this invite is associated with.
await delete()[source]

Deletes this invite.

You must have MANAGE_CHANNELS permission in the guild to delete the invite.