Wrappers for Search objects.


MessageGroup(msgs) A small class that returns messages from a message group.
SearchQuery(guild, NoneType] = None, …) Represents a search query to be sent to Discord.
SearchResults(sq) An async iterator that can be used to iterate over the results of a search.
class typing.List[curious.dataclasses.message.Message])[source]

Bases: object

A small class that returns messages from a message group.

Return type:Tuple[Message, Message]
Returns:The two Message objects that happen before the requested message.
Return type:Message
Returns:The Message that matched this search query.
Return type:Tuple[Message, Message]
Returns:The two Message objects that happen after the requested message.
class → None[source]


An async iterator that can be used to iterate over the results of a search. This will automatically fill results, and return messages as appropriate.

The return type of iterating over this is a MessageGroup, which contains the messages around the message that matched the search result.

async for i in sr:
    print(i.before)  # 2 messages from before
    print(i.message) # the message that matched
    print(i.after)   # 2 messages from after

Sets the maximum messages to fetch from this search result.

async for group in sr.limit(25):
Parameters:limit (int) – The limit to set.
Return type:SearchResults
Returns:This SearchResults.
await fetch_next_page()[source]

Fetches the next page of results from the SearchQuery.

Return type:None

Gets the next page of results.

If no results were found, this will raise an IndexError, and you must fetch the next page with SearchResults.fetch_next_page().

Return type:MessageGroup
Returns:A MessageGroup for the next page of results, if applicable.
class typing.Union[curious.dataclasses.guild.Guild, NoneType] = None, channel: typing.Union[, NoneType] = None) → None[source]

Bases: object

Represents a search query to be sent to Discord. This is a simple wrapper over the HTTP API.

For example, to search a channel called general for messages with the content heck:

with as sq:
    sq.content = "heck" = next(filter(lambda c: == "general", ctx.guild.channels), None)
async for result in sq.results:
    ...  # do whatever with the messages returned.

You can get results out of the query in two ways:

sq = SearchQuery(ctx.guild)
sq.content = "heck"

# form 1
async for item in sq.results:
# form 2
results = await sq.get_messages()
for result in results:

It is recommended to use the async for form, as this will automatically page the results and return the next page of results as soon as the current one is exhausted.

Return type:Dict[str, str]
Returns:The dict of parameters to send for this request.
Return type:Callable[[], dict]
Returns:The built URL to execute this search query on.
Return type:Optional[Guild]
Returns:The Guild this search query is searching.

The Channel that is being searched.


If this a DM, this will not be added in the params.

Getter:Gets the Channel to be searched.
Setter:Sets the Channel to be searched.
Return type:Optional[Channel]

The str content that is being searched.

Getter:Gets the str content to be searched.
Setter:Sets the str content to be searched.
Return type:str

A simple way of accessing the search results for a search query.

Return type:SearchResults
Returns:A SearchResults representing the results of this query.
await execute(page=0)[source]

Executes the search query.


This is an internal method, used by the library. Use get_messages() instead of this.

Parameters:page (int) – The page of results to return.
Return type:List[List[Message]]
Returns:A list of Message which returns the results of the search query.
await get_messages(page=0)[source]

Executes the search query and gets the messages for the specified page.

Parameters:page (int) – The page of results to return.
Return type:SearchResults
Returns:A SearchResult that can be used to search the results.