Source code for curious.core.gateway

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# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
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Websocket gateway code.

.. currentmodule:: curious.core.gateway
import enum
import json
import logging
import sys
import time
import zlib
from collections import Counter
from dataclasses import dataclass  # use a 3.6 backport if available
from typing import Any, AsyncContextManager, AsyncGenerator, List, Union

import multio
from async_generator import asynccontextmanager
from lomond.errors import WebSocketClosed, WebSocketClosing
from import Binary, Closed, Connected, Connecting, Text

from curious.core._ws_wrapper import BasicWebsocketWrapper
from curious.util import safe_generator

[docs]class GatewayOp(enum.IntEnum): """ Represents the opcode mapping for the gateway. """ DISPATCH = 0 HEARTBEAT = 1 IDENTIFY = 2 PRESENCE = 3 VOICE_STATE = 4 VOICE_PING = 5 RESUME = 6 RECONNECT = 7 REQUEST_MEMBERS = 8 INVALIDATE_SESSION = 9 HELLO = 10 HEARTBEAT_ACK = 11 GUILD_SYNC = 12
[docs]@dataclass class _GatewayState: """ Represents the gateway state for the current gateway. """ #: The current token. token: str #: The current gateway URL. gateway_url: str #: The shard ID for this gateway. shard_id: int #: The shard count for this gateway. shard_count: int #: The current session ID. session_id: str = None #: The current sequence. sequence: int = 0
[docs]@dataclass class HeartbeatStats: """ Represents the statistics for the gateway's heartbeat counters. """ #: The number of heartbeats sent. heartbeats: int = 0 #: The number of heartbeat acks received. heartbeat_acks: int = 0 #: Internal time when the last heartbeat was sent. last_heartbeat_time: int = 0 #: Internal time when the last heartbeat_ack was received. last_ack_time: int = 0 @property def gw_time(self) -> float: """ :return: The time the most recent heartbeat and heartbeat_ack. """ return self.last_ack_time - self.last_heartbeat_time
[docs]class GatewayHandler(object): """ Represents a gateway handler - something that is connected to Discord's websocket and handles incoming events and parses them as appropriate. You don't want to create this class directly; use :meth:`.open_gateway` instead. .. code-block:: python3 async with open_gateway("wss://", token="token", shard_id=0, shard_count=1) as gateway: async for event in ... """ GATEWAY_VERSION = 6 ZLIB_FLUSH_SUFFIX = b'\x00\x00\xff\xff' def __init__(self, gw_state: _GatewayState): #: The current state being used for this gateway. self.gw_state = gw_state #: The current heartbeat stats being used for this gateway. self.heartbeat_stats = HeartbeatStats() #: The current :class:`.BasicWebsocketWrapper` connected to Discord. self.websocket: BasicWebsocketWrapper = None #: The current task group for this gateway. self.task_group = None self._logger = None self._stop_heartbeating = multio.Event() self._dispatches_handled = Counter() # used for zlib-streaming self._databuffer = bytearray() self._decompressor = zlib.decompressobj() @property def logger(self) -> logging.Logger: """ :return: The gateway-specific logger. """ if self._logger: return self._logger self._logger = logging.getLogger("curious.gateway:shard-{}".format(self.gw_state.shard_id)) return self._logger
[docs] async def close(self, code: int = 1000, reason: str = "Client closed connection", *, reconnect: bool = False, clear_session_id: bool = True): """ Close the current websocket connection. :param code: The close code. :param reason: The close reason. :param reconnect: If we should reconnect. :param clear_session_id: If we should clear the session ID. """ await self.websocket.close(code=code, reason=reason, reconnect=reconnect) # this kills the websocket await self._stop_heartbeating.set() if clear_session_id: self.gw_state.session_id = None # also clear heartbeats so we don't immediately HEARTBEAT with the wrong hb self.gw_state.sequence = None self.heartbeat_stats.heartbeats = 0 self.heartbeat_stats.heartbeat_acks = 0
# send commands
[docs] async def send(self, data: dict) -> None: """ Sends data down the websocket. """ dumped = json.dumps(data) return await self.websocket.send_text(dumped)
[docs] async def send_identify(self) -> None: """ Sends an IDENTIFY to Discord. """ payload = { "op": GatewayOp.IDENTIFY, "d": { "token": self.gw_state.token, "properties": { "$os": sys.platform, "$browser": "curious", "$device": "curious", "$referrer": "", "$referring_domain": "" }, "large_threshold": 250, "v": self.GATEWAY_VERSION, "shard": [self.gw_state.shard_id, self.gw_state.shard_count] } } return await self.send(payload)
[docs] async def send_heartbeat(self) -> None: """ Sends a heartbeat to Discord. """ # increment the stats self.heartbeat_stats.heartbeats += 1 self.heartbeat_stats.last_heartbeat_time = time.monotonic() if self.heartbeat_stats.heartbeats > self.heartbeat_stats.heartbeat_acks + 1: self.logger.warning("Connection has zombied, reconnecting.") # Note: The 1006 close code signifies an error. # In my testing, closing with a 1006 will allow a resume once reconnected, # whereas other close codes won't. # The timeout mihgt be too high to RESUME, however. return await self.close(code=1006, reason="Zombied connection", reconnect=True, clear_session_id=False) self.logger.debug("Heartbeating with sequence {}".format(self.gw_state.sequence)) payload = { "op": GatewayOp.HEARTBEAT, "d": self.gw_state.sequence } return await self.send(payload)
[docs] async def send_resume(self) -> None: """ Sends a RESUME to Discord, attempting to resume the connection from where we left off. """ payload = { "op": GatewayOp.RESUME, "d": { "token": self.gw_state.token, "session_id": self.gw_state.session_id, "seq": self.gw_state.sequence } } return await self.send(payload)
[docs] async def send_guild_chunks(self, guild_ids: List[int]) -> None: """ Sends GUILD_MEMBER_CHUNK packets to Discord. """ payload = { "op": GatewayOp.REQUEST_MEMBERS, "d": { "guild_id": list(map(str, guild_ids)), "query": "", "limit": 0 } } return await self.send(payload)
[docs] async def send_status(self, *, status: int = None, name: str = None, url: str = None, type_: int = None, afk: bool = None): """ Sends a PRESENCE_UPDATE. :param status: The int status to send. :param name: The name of the status to send. :param url: The URL to include if applicable. :param type_: The type of the status to send. :param afk: If the account is to be marked as AFK. """ payload = { "op": GatewayOp.PRESENCE, "d": {} } if status is not None: payload["d"]["status"] = status if name is not None: game = { "name": name, "type": type_ } if url is not None: game["url"] = url payload["d"]["game"] = game if afk is not None: payload["d"].update(afk=afk, since=int(time.time() * 1000)) return await self.send(payload)
[docs] async def open(self) -> None: """ Opens a new connection to Discord. .. warning:: This only opens the websocket. """ if multio.asynclib.lib_name == "curio": from curious.core._ws_wrapper.curio_wrapper import CurioWebsocketWrapper as Wrapper ws_open = elif multio.asynclib.lib_name == "trio": from curious.core._ws_wrapper.trio_wrapper import TrioWebsocketWrapper as Wrapper ws_open = lambda url:, self.task_group) else: raise RuntimeError("Unsupported lib: " + multio.asynclib.lib_name)"Using %s for the gateway", Wrapper.__name__) # new websocket means zlib starts from scratch self._databuffer.clear() self._decompressor = zlib.decompressobj() self.websocket = await ws_open(self.gw_state.gateway_url)
[docs] async def events(self) -> AsyncGenerator[None, Any]: """ Returns an async generator used to iterate over the events received by this websocket. """ async for event in self.websocket: if isinstance(event, Closed): await self._stop_heartbeat_events()"The websocket has closed") yield "websocket_closed", elif isinstance(event, Connecting):"The websocket is opening...") # we need to reset the data buffer and zlib inflater self._databuffer.clear() self._decompressor = zlib.decompressobj() yield "websocket_opened", elif isinstance(event, Connected):"The websocket has connected") elif isinstance(event, (Text, Binary)): gen = self.handle_data_event(event) async with multio.asynclib.finalize_agen(gen) as finalized: async for i in finalized: yield i
[docs] async def _start_heatbeat_events(self, heartbeat_interval: float): """ Starts heartbeating. :param heartbeat_interval: The number of seconds between each heartbeat. """ if self._stop_heartbeating.is_set(): self._stop_heartbeating.clear() async def heartbeater() -> None: while True: try: async with multio.asynclib.timeout_after(heartbeat_interval): await self._stop_heartbeating.wait() except multio.asynclib.TaskTimeout: pass else: break await self.send_heartbeat() await multio.asynclib.spawn(self.task_group, heartbeater)
[docs] async def _stop_heartbeat_events(self) -> None: """ Cancels any current heartbeat events. """ await self._stop_heartbeating.set() # reset our heartbeat count self.heartbeat_stats.heartbeats = 0 self.heartbeat_stats.heartbeat_acks = 0
[docs] async def handle_data_event(self, evt: Union[Text, Binary]): """ Handles a data event. """ if == "binary": self._databuffer.extend( if not return else: data = self._decompressor.decompress(self._databuffer).decode('utf-8') self._databuffer.clear() else: data = evt.text # empty payloads if not data: return decoded = json.loads(data) opcode = decoded.get('op') sequence = decoded.get('s') event_data = decoded.get('d', {}) # update sequence number for dispatches if sequence is not None: self.gw_state.sequence = sequence # switch based on opcode if opcode == GatewayOp.HELLO: heartbeat_interval = event_data.get("heartbeat_interval", 45000) / 1000.0 self.logger.debug("Heartbeating every {} seconds.".format(heartbeat_interval)) await self.send_heartbeat() await self._start_heatbeat_events(heartbeat_interval) trace = ", ".join(event_data["_trace"])"Connected to Discord servers {trace}") try: if self.gw_state.session_id is None:"Sending IDENTIFY...") await self.send_identify() else:"We already have a session ID, Sending RESUME...") await self.send_resume() except (WebSocketClosing, WebSocketClosed): # got killed during a reconnect, so we'll retry after the reconnect pass # give an event down here instead of above # this means that we're all done when we go to give off our event yield ("gateway_hello", event_data['_trace']) elif opcode == GatewayOp.HEARTBEAT: await self.send_heartbeat() yield "gateway_heartbeat_received", elif opcode == GatewayOp.HEARTBEAT_ACK: self.heartbeat_stats.heartbeat_acks += 1 self.heartbeat_stats.last_ack_time = time.monotonic() yield "gateway_heartbeat_ack", elif opcode == GatewayOp.INVALIDATE_SESSION: # the data sent is if we should resume # if it's non-existent, we assume it's False. should_resume = data or False if should_resume is True: self.logger.debug("Sending RESUME again") await self.send_resume() else: self.logger.warning("Received INVALIDATE_SESSION with d False, re-identifying.") self.gw_state.sequence = 0 self.gw_state.session_id = None await self.send_identify() yield ("gateway_invalidate_session", should_resume,) elif opcode == GatewayOp.DISPATCH: event = decoded.get("t") if not event: return if event == "READY": # hijack the session id self.gw_state.session_id = event_data["session_id"] self._dispatches_handled[event] += 1 yield ("gateway_dispatch_received", event, event_data,) elif opcode == GatewayOp.RECONNECT:"Being asked to reconnect...") await self.close(code=1000, reason="Server asked to reconnect", reconnect=True, clear_session_id=False) else: try: self.logger.warning("Unhandled opcode: {} ({})".format(opcode, GatewayOp(opcode))) except ValueError: self.logger.warning("Unknown opcode: {}".format(opcode))
[docs]@asynccontextmanager @safe_generator async def open_websocket(token: str, url: str, *, shard_id: int = 0, shard_count: int = 1) \ -> AsyncContextManager[GatewayHandler]: """ Opens a new connection to Discord. This is an async context manager; for example, using Trio for nursery management: .. code-block:: python3 async with trio.open_nursery() as nursery: async with open_websocket(token, url, task_group=nursery) as gateway: # example for changing presence nursery.start_soon(some_gw_handler, gateway) async for event in # handle events, etc. ... :param token: The token to connect to Discord with. :param url: The gateway URL to connect with. :param shard_id: The shard ID to connect with. Defaults to 0. :param shard_count: The number of shards to boot with. :return: An async context manager that yields a :class:`.GatewayHandler`. """ params = f"/?v={GatewayHandler.GATEWAY_VERSION}&encoding=json&compress=zlib-stream" url = url + params state = _GatewayState(token=token, gateway_url=url, shard_id=shard_id, shard_count=shard_count) gw = GatewayHandler(gw_state=state) logger = logging.getLogger(f"curious.gateway:shard-{shard_id}") async with multio.asynclib.task_manager() as tg: gw.task_group = tg try:"Opening gateway connection to %s", url) await yield gw finally: # make sure we don't die on closing the task group await gw._stop_heartbeating.set() await gw.close(code=1000, reason="Closing bot")