Source code for curious.core.httpclient

# This file is part of curious.
# curious is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# curious is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with curious.  If not, see <>.

The main Discord HTTP interface.

.. currentmodule:: curious.core.httpclient
import datetime
import logging
import mimetypes
import random
import time
import typing
import weakref
from email.utils import parsedate
from math import ceil, floor
from urllib.parse import quote

import asks
import multio
import pytz
from asks.errors import ConnectivityError
from asks.response_objects import Response
from h11 import RemoteProtocolError

    # try and load a C impl of LRU first
    from lru import LRU as c_lru

    lru = c_lru
except ImportError:
    # fall back to a pure-python (the default) version
    from pylru import lrucache as py_lru

    lru = py_lru

import curious
from curious.exc import Forbidden, HTTPException, NotFound, Unauthorized

logger = logging.getLogger("curious.http")

[docs]def parse_date_header(header: str) -> datetime.datetime: """ Parses a date header. :param header: The contents of the header to parse. :return: A :class:`datetime.datetime` that corresponds to the date header. """ dt = datetime.datetime(*parsedate(header)[:6], tzinfo=pytz.UTC) return dt
[docs]def encode_multipart(fields, files, boundary=None): r"""Encode dict of form fields and dict of files as multipart/form-data. Return tuple of (body_string, headers_dict). Each value in files is a dict with required keys 'filename' and 'content', and optional 'mimetype' (if not specified, tries to guess mime type or uses 'application/octet-stream'). >>> body, headers = encode_multipart({'FIELD': 'VALUE'}, ... {'FILE': {'filename': 'F.TXT', 'content': 'CONTENT'}}, ... boundary='BOUNDARY') >>> print('\n'.join(repr(l) for l in body.split('\r\n'))) '--BOUNDARY' 'Content-Disposition: form-data; name="FIELD"' '' 'VALUE' '--BOUNDARY' 'Content-Disposition: form-data; name="FILE"; filename="F.TXT"' 'Content-Type: text/plain' '' 'CONTENT' '--BOUNDARY--' '' >>> print(sorted(headers.items())) [('Content-Length', '193'), ('Content-Type', 'multipart/form-data; boundary=BOUNDARY')] >>> len(body) 193 Copied from: """ _BOUNDARY_CHARS = "oanfwenfuwengvwenvnewuifn34fy8u0newfwer69420" def escape_quote(s): return s.replace(b'"', b'\\"') if boundary is None: boundary = b''.join(random.choice(_BOUNDARY_CHARS).encode() for i in range(30)) lines = [] for name, value in fields.items(): if isinstance(name, str): name = name.encode() else: name = str(name).encode() if isinstance(value, str): value = value.encode() else: value = str(value).encode() lines.extend(( b'--%s' % boundary, b'Content-Disposition: form-data; name="%s"' % escape_quote(name), b'', value, )) for name, value in files.items(): filename = value['filename'] if 'mimetype' in value: mimetype = value['mimetype'] else: mimetype = mimetypes.guess_type(filename)[0] or 'application/octet-stream' lines.extend(( b'--%s' % boundary, b'Content-Disposition: form-data; name="%s"; filename="%s"' % ( escape_quote(name.encode()), escape_quote(filename.encode())), b'Content-Type: %s' % mimetype.encode(), b'', value['content'], )) lines.extend(( b'--%s--' % boundary, b'', )) body = b'\r\n'.join(lines) headers = { 'Content-Type': 'multipart/form-data; boundary=%s' % boundary.decode(), 'Content-Length': str(len(body)), } return body, headers
# more of a namespace class Endpoints: API_BASE = "/api/v7" USER_ID = "/users/{user_id}" USER_ME = "/users/@me" USER_MENTIONS = USER_ME + "/mentions" USER_GUILD = USER_ME + "/guilds/{guild_id}" USER_CHANNELS = USER_ME + "/channels" GATEWAY = "/gateway" GATEWAY_BOT = "/gateway/bot" GUILD_BASE = "/guilds" GUILD_ID_BASE = "/guilds/{guild_id}" GUILD_CHANNELS = GUILD_ID_BASE + "/channels" GUILD_MEMBERS = GUILD_ID_BASE + "/members" GUILD_MEMBER = GUILD_MEMBERS + "/{member_id}" GUILD_MEMBER_NICK_ME = GUILD_MEMBERS + "/@me/nick" GUILD_MEMBER_ROLE = GUILD_MEMBER + "/{role_id}" GUILD_VANITY_URL = GUILD_ID_BASE + "/vanity-url" GUILD_BANS = GUILD_ID_BASE + "/bans" GUILD_BAN_USER = GUILD_BANS + "/{user_id}" GUILD_ROLES = GUILD_ID_BASE + "/roles" GUILD_ROLE = GUILD_ROLES + "/{role_id}" GUILD_WIDGET = GUILD_ID_BASE + "/widget.json" GUILD_EMBED = GUILD_ID_BASE + "/embed" GUILD_AUDITLOGS = GUILD_ID_BASE + "/audit-logs" GUILD_WEBHOOKS = GUILD_ID_BASE + "/webhooks" GUILD_INVITES = GUILD_ID_BASE + "/invites" GUILD_EMOJIS = GUILD_ID_BASE + "/emojis" GUILD_EMOJI = GUILD_EMOJIS + "/{emoji_id}" CHANNEL_BASE = "/channels/{channel_id}" CHANNEL_TYPING = CHANNEL_BASE + "/typing" CHANNEL_MESSAGES = CHANNEL_BASE + "/messages" CHANNEL_MESSAGES_SEARCH = CHANNEL_MESSAGES + "/search" CHANNEL_MESSAGE = CHANNEL_MESSAGES + "/{message_id}" CHANNEL_MESSAGE_REACTIONS = CHANNEL_MESSAGE + "/reactions" CHANNEL_MESSAGE_REACTION_EMOJI = CHANNEL_MESSAGE_REACTIONS + "/{emoji}" CHANNEL_MESSAGE_REACTION_ME = CHANNEL_MESSAGE_REACTION_EMOJI + "/@me" CHANNEL_MESSAGE_REACTION_OTHER = CHANNEL_MESSAGE_REACTION_EMOJI + "/{victim}" CHANNEL_MESSAGE_BULK_DELETE = CHANNEL_MESSAGES + "/bulk-delete" CHANNEL_PINS = CHANNEL_BASE + "/pins" CHANNEL_PIN_MESSAGE = CHANNEL_PINS + "/{message_id}" CHANNEL_PERMISSION = CHANNEL_BASE + "/{target_id}" CHANNEL_WEBHOOKS = CHANNEL_BASE + "/webhooks" CHANNEL_INVITES = CHANNEL_BASE + "/invites" WEBHOOKS_BASE = "/webhooks" WEBHOOKS_GET = "/webhooks/{webhook_id}" WEBHOOKS_TOKEN = "/webhooks/{webhook_id}/{token}" INVITES_BASE = "/invites" INVITE_GET = "/invites/{invite_code}" OAUTH2_BASE = "/oauth2" OAUTH2_AUTHORIZE = OAUTH2_BASE + "/authorize" OAUTH2_APPLICATIONS = OAUTH2_BASE + "/applications" OAUTH2_APPLICATION_ME = OAUTH2_APPLICATIONS + "/@me" OAUTH2_TOKENS = OAUTH2_BASE + "/tokens" OAUTH2_REVOKE = OAUTH2_TOKENS + "/{app_id}" def __init__(self, base_url: str = ""): """ :param base_url: The base URL for this set of endpoints. """ self.BASE = base_url
[docs]class HTTPClient(object): """ The HTTP client object used to make requests to Discord's servers. If a particular method is not listed here, you can use one of the five following methods to make a manual request: - :meth:`HTTPClient.get` - :meth:`` - :meth:`HTTPClient.put` - :meth:`HTTPClient.delete` - :meth:`HTTPClient.patch` All of these functions require a **ratelimit bucket** which will be used to prevent the client from hitting 429 ratelimits. :param token: The token to use for all HTTP requests. :param bot: Is this client a bot? :param max_connections: The max connections for this HTTP client. """ def __init__(self, token: str, *, bot: bool = True, max_connections: int = 10): #: The token used for all requests. self.token = token # Calculated headers headers = { "User-Agent": curious.USER_AGENT, "Authorization": "{}{}".format("Bot " if bot else "", self.token) } self.endpoints = Endpoints() self.session = asks.Session(base_location=self.endpoints.BASE, endpoint=Endpoints.API_BASE, connections=max_connections) self.headers = headers #: The global ratelimit lock. self.global_lock = multio.Lock() self._rate_limits = weakref.WeakValueDictionary() self._ratelimit_remaining = lru(1024) self._is_bot = bot
[docs] def get_ratelimit_lock(self, bucket: object) -> 'multio.Lock': """ Gets a ratelimit lock from the dict if it exists, otherwise creates a new one. """ try: return self._rate_limits[bucket] except KeyError: lock = multio.Lock() self._rate_limits[bucket] = lock return lock
# Special wrapper functions
[docs] @staticmethod def get_response_data(response: Response) -> typing.Union[str, dict]: """ Return either the text of a request or the JSON. :param response: The response to use. """ if response.headers.get("Content-Type", None) == "application/json": return response.json() return response.content
[docs] async def _make_request(self, *args, **kwargs) -> Response: """ Makes a request via the current session. :returns: The response body. """ headers = kwargs.get("headers", None) if headers is not None: headers.update(self.headers.copy()) kwargs.pop("headers") else: headers = self.headers.copy() # update reason header if "reason" in kwargs: headers["X-Audit-Log-Reason"] = quote(kwargs["reason"]) # ensure path is escaped path = kwargs["path"] path = quote(path) kwargs["path"] = path # temporary # return await self.session.request(*args, headers=headers, timeout=5, **kwargs) if 'uri' not in kwargs: kwargs["uri"] = self.endpoints.BASE + Endpoints.API_BASE + kwargs["path"] else: kwargs.pop("path", None) return await asks.request(*args, headers=headers, timeout=5, **kwargs)
[docs] async def request(self, bucket: object, *args, **kwargs): """ Makes a rate-limited request. This will respect Discord's X-Ratelimit-Limit headers to make requests. :param bucket: The bucket this request falls under. """ # Okay, an English explaination of how this works. # First, it loads the curio-based lock from the defaultdict of lock, keyed by bucket. # Then, it tries to acquire the lock. This is held by one request at a time, naturally. # Normally, the lock is immediately released upon a request finishing, which allows the # next request to handle it. However, once X-Ratelimit-Remaining is 0, we don't want any # more requests to be made until the time limit is over. So the request sleeps for # (X-RateLimit-Reset - time.time()) seconds, then unlocks the lock. lock = self.get_ratelimit_lock(bucket) # If we're being globally ratelimited, this will block until the global lock is finished. await self.global_lock.acquire() # Immediately release it because we're no longer being globally ratelimited. await self.global_lock.release() try: await lock.acquire() if bucket in self._ratelimit_remaining: # Make sure we have enough tries left. tries, reset_time = self._ratelimit_remaining[bucket] if tries <= 0: # We need to sleep for a bit before we can start making another request. sleep_time = ceil(reset_time - time.time()) if sleep_time >= 0: logger.debug("Sleeping with lock open for {} seconds.".format(sleep_time)) await multio.asynclib.sleep(sleep_time) for tries in range(0, 5): method = kwargs.get("method", "???") path = kwargs.get("path", "???") logger.debug(f"{method} {path} => (pending) (try {tries + 1})") try: response = await self._make_request(*args, **kwargs) except OSError: # discord forcefully disconnected or similar continue except ConnectivityError: # discord deadlocked for whatever reason continue except RemoteProtocolError: # discord broke continue logger.debug(f"{method} {path} => {response.status_code} (try {tries + 1})") if response.status_code in range(500, 600): # 502 means that we can retry without worrying about ratelimits. # Perform exponential backoff to prevent spamming discord. sleep_time = 1 + (tries * 2) await multio.asynclib.sleep(sleep_time) continue if response.status_code == 429: # This is bad! # But it's okay, we can handle it. logger.warning("Hit a 429 in bucket {}. Check your clock!".format(bucket)) sleep_time = ceil(int(response.headers["Retry-After"]) / 1000) await multio.asynclib.sleep(sleep_time) continue # Extract ratelimit headers. remaining = int(response.headers.get("X-Ratelimit-Remaining", 1)) reset = int(response.headers.get("X-Ratelimit-Reset", 1)) # Update the ratelimit headers. self._ratelimit_remaining[bucket] = remaining, reset # Next, check if we need to sleep. # Check if we need to sleep. # This is signaled by Ratelimit-Remaining being 0 or Ratelimit-Global being True. is_global = response.headers.get("X-Ratelimit-Global", None) is not None should_sleep = remaining == 0 or is_global if should_sleep: # The time until the reset is given by X-Ratelimit-Reset. # Failing that, it's also given by the Retry-After header, which is in ms. reset = response.headers.get("X-Ratelimit-Reset") # Parse Discord's Date header to use their time rather than local time. parsed_time = parse_date_header(response.headers.get("Date")).timestamp() if reset: sleep_time = int(reset) - parsed_time else: retry_after = response.headers.get("Retry-After") if retry_after is not None: sleep_time = ceil(int(response.headers.get("Retry-After")) / 1000) else: # fallback in case we get some really bad response sleep_time = 1 + (tries * 2) before_time = time.monotonic() if is_global: logger.debug("Reached the global ratelimit, acquiring global lock.") await self.global_lock.acquire() after_time = int(floor(time.monotonic() - before_time)) if after_time != 0: # subtract the time we spent waiting for the global lock to be acquired sleep_time -= after_time logger.debug( "Being ratelimited under bucket %s, waking in %s seconds", bucket, sleep_time ) # Sleep that amount of time. await multio.asynclib.sleep(sleep_time) # If the global lock is acquired, unlock it now if is_global: await self.global_lock.release() # Now, we have that nuisance out of the way, we can try and get the result from # the request. result = self.get_response_data(response) # Status codes between 200 and 300 mean success, so we return the data directly. if 200 <= response.status_code < 300: return result # Status codes between 400 and 600 are BAD! # So we raise an exception. # However, special case 404 and 403, because they're Unique Exceptions(tm). if 400 <= response.status_code < 600: if response.status_code == 401: raise Unauthorized(response, result) if response.status_code == 403: raise Forbidden(response, result) if response.status_code == 404: raise NotFound(response, result) raise HTTPException(response, result) else: raise RuntimeError("Failed to get response after 5 tries.") finally: await lock.release() # Only release the global lock if we need to if self.global_lock.locked(): await self.global_lock.release()
[docs] async def get(self, url: str, bucket: str, *args, **kwargs): """ Makes a GET request. :param url: The URL to request. :param bucket: The ratelimit bucket to file this request under. """ return await self.request(("GET", bucket), method="GET", path=url, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] async def post(self, url: str, bucket: str, *args, **kwargs): """ Makes a POST request. :param url: The URL to request. :param bucket: The ratelimit bucket to file this request under. """ return await self.request(("POST", bucket), method="POST", path=url, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] async def put(self, url: str, bucket: str, *args, **kwargs): """ Makes a PUT request. :param url: The URL to request. :param bucket: The ratelimit bucket to file this request under. """ return await self.request(("PUT", bucket), method="PUT", path=url, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] async def delete(self, url: str, bucket: str, *args, **kwargs): """ Makes a DELETE request. :param url: The URL to request. :param bucket: The ratelimit bucket to file this request under. """ return await self.request(("DELETE", bucket), method="DELETE", path=url, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] async def patch(self, url: str, bucket: str, *args, **kwargs): """ Makes a PATCH request. :param url: The URL to request. :param bucket: The ratelimit bucket to file this request under. """ return await self.request(("PATCH", bucket), method="PATCH", path=url, *args, **kwargs)
# Non-generic methods
[docs] async def get_gateway_url(self): """ It is not recommended to use this method - use :meth:`HTTPClient.get_shard_count` instead. That method provides the gateway URL as well. :return: The websocket gateway URL to get. """ data = await self.get(Endpoints.GATEWAY, "gateway") return data["url"]
[docs] async def get_shard_count(self): """ :return: The recommended number of shards for this bot. """ if not self._is_bot: raise Forbidden(None, {"code": 20002, "message": "Only bots can use this endpoint"}) data = await self.get(Endpoints.GATEWAY_BOT, "gateway") return data["url"], data["shards"]
[docs] async def get_this_user(self): """ Gets the current user. """ data = await self.get(Endpoints.USER_ME, bucket="user:get") return data
[docs] async def get_user(self, user_id: int): """ Gets a user from a user ID. :param user_id: The ID of the user to fetch. :return: A user dictionary. """ url = Endpoints.USER_ID.format(user_id=user_id) # user_id isn't a major param, so handle under one bucket data = await self.get(url, bucket="user:get") return data
[docs] async def get_guild(self, guild_id: int): """ Gets a guild by guild ID. :param guild_id: The ID of the guild to get. :return: A guild object. """ url = Endpoints.GUILD_BASE.format(guild_id=guild_id) data = await self.get(url, bucket="guild:{}".format(guild_id)) return data
[docs] async def get_guild_channels(self, guild_id: int): """ Gets a list of channels in a guild. :param guild_id: The ID of the guild to get. :return: A list of channel objects. """ url = Endpoints.GUILD_CHANNELS.format(guild_id=guild_id) data = await self.get(url, bucket="guild:{}".format(guild_id)) return data
[docs] async def get_guild_members(self, guild_id: int, *, limit: int = None, after: int = None): """ Gets guild members for the specified guild. :param guild_id: The ID of the guild to get. :param limit: The maximum number of members to get. :param after: The ID to fetch members after. """ url = Endpoints.GUILD_MEMBERS.format(guild_id=guild_id) params = {} if limit is not None: params["limit"] = limit if after is not None: params["after"] = after data = await self.get(url, bucket="guild:{}".format(guild_id), params=params) return data
[docs] async def get_guild_member(self, guild_id: int, member_id: int): """ Gets a guild member. :param guild_id: The guild ID to get. :param member_id: The member ID to get. """ url = Endpoints.GUILD_MEMBER.format(guild_id=guild_id, member_id=member_id) data = await self.get(url, bucket="guild:{}".format(guild_id)) return data
[docs] async def get_channel(self, channel_id: int): """ Gets a channel. :param channel_id: The channel ID to get. """ url = Endpoints.CHANNEL_BASE.format(channel_id=channel_id) data = await self.get(url, bucket="channel:{}".format(channel_id)) return data
[docs] async def get_vanity_url(self, guild_id: int): """ Gets the vanity URL for a guild. :param guild_id: The guild ID to get the vanity URL of. """ data = await self.get(Endpoints.GUILD_VANITY_URL, bucket="guild:{}".format(guild_id)) return data
[docs] async def edit_vanity_url(self, guild_id: int, code: str): """ Edits the vanity URL for a guild. :param guild_id: The guild ID to edit the vanity URL in. :param code: The code of the vanity url (the part after the /). """ payload = { "code": code, } data = await self.patch(Endpoints.GUILD_VANITY_URL, bucket="guild:{}".format(guild_id), json=payload) return data
[docs] async def send_typing(self, channel_id: str): """ Starts typing in a channel. :param channel_id: The ID of the channel to type in. """ url = Endpoints.CHANNEL_TYPING.format(channel_id=channel_id) data = await, bucket="typing:{}".format(channel_id)) return data
[docs] async def send_message(self, channel_id: int, content: str, tts: bool = False, embed: dict = None): """ Sends a message to a channel. :param channel_id: The ID of the channel to send to. :param content: The content of the message. :param tts: Is this message a text to speech message? :param embed: The embed dict to send with this message. """ url = Endpoints.CHANNEL_MESSAGES.format(channel_id=channel_id) payload = { "tts": tts, } if content is not None: payload["content"] = content if embed is not None: payload["embed"] = embed data = await, "messages:{}".format(channel_id), json=payload) return data
[docs] async def send_file(self, channel_id: int, file_content: bytes, *, filename: str = None, content: str = None): """ Uploads a file to the current channel. This will encode the data as multipart/form-data. :param channel_id: The channel ID to upload to. :param file_content: The content of the file being uploaded. :param filename: The filename of the file being uploaded. :param content: Any optional message content to send with this file. """ url = Endpoints.CHANNEL_MESSAGES.format(channel_id=channel_id) payload = {} if content is not None: payload["content"] = content files = { "file": { "filename": filename, "content": file_content } } body, headers = encode_multipart(payload, files) data = await, "messages:{}".format(channel_id), data=body, headers=headers) return data
[docs] async def delete_message(self, channel_id: int, message_id: int): """ Deletes a message. This requires the MANAGE_MESSAGES permission. :param channel_id: The channel ID that the message is in. :param message_id: The message ID of the message. """ url = Endpoints.CHANNEL_MESSAGE.format(channel_id=channel_id, message_id=message_id) data = await self.delete(url, "messages:{}".format(channel_id)) return data
[docs] async def edit_message(self, channel_id: int, message_id: int, content: str = None, embed: dict = None): """ Edits a message. This will only work on your own messages. :param channel_id: The channel ID that the message is in. :param message_id: The message ID of the message. :param content: The new content of the message. :param embed: The new embed of the message. """ url = Endpoints.CHANNEL_MESSAGE.format(channel_id=channel_id, message_id=message_id) payload = {} if content is not None: payload["content"] = content if embed is not None: payload["embed"] = embed data = await self.patch(url, "messages:{}".format(channel_id), json=payload) return data
[docs] async def add_reaction(self, channel_id: int, message_id: int, emoji: str): """ Reacts to a message. :param channel_id: The channel ID that the message is in. :param message_id: The message ID of the message. :param emoji: The emoji to react with. """ url = Endpoints.CHANNEL_MESSAGE_REACTION_ME.format( channel_id=channel_id, message_id=message_id, emoji=emoji ) data = await self.put(url, "reactions:{}".format(channel_id)) return data
[docs] async def delete_reaction(self, channel_id: int, message_id: int, emoji: str, victim: int = None): """ Deletes a reaction from a message. :param channel_id: The channel ID of the channel containing the message. :param message_id: The message ID to remove reactions from. :param emoji: The emoji to remove. :param victim: The victim to remove. \ If this is None, our own reaction is removed. """ if not victim: ep = Endpoints.CHANNEL_MESSAGE_REACTION_ME else: ep = Endpoints.CHANNEL_MESSAGE_REACTION_OTHER url = ep.format(channel_id=channel_id, message_id=message_id, emoji=emoji, victim=victim) data = await self.delete(url, bucket="reactions:{}".format(channel_id)) return data
[docs] async def delete_all_reactions(self, channel_id: int, message_id: int): """ Removes all reactions from a message. :param channel_id: The channel ID of the channel containing the message. :param message_id: The message ID to remove reactions from. """ url = Endpoints.CHANNEL_MESSAGE_REACTIONS.format(channel_id=channel_id, message_id=message_id) data = await self.delete(url, bucket="reactions:{}".format(channel_id)) return data
[docs] async def get_reaction_users(self, channel_id: int, message_id: int, emoji: str): """ Gets a list of users who reacted to this message with the specified reaction. :param channel_id: The channel ID to check in. :param message_id: The message ID to check. :param emoji: The emoji to get reactions for. """ url = Endpoints.CHANNEL_MESSAGE_REACTION_EMOJI.format( channel_id=channel_id, message_id=message_id, emoji=emoji) data = await self.get(url, bucket="reactions:{}".format(channel_id)) return data
[docs] async def pin_message(self, channel_id: int, message_id: int): """ Pins a message to the channel. :param channel_id: The channel ID to pin in. :param message_id: The message ID of the message to pin. """ url = Endpoints.CHANNEL_PIN_MESSAGE.format(channel_id=channel_id, message_id=message_id) data = await self.put(url, "pins:{}".format(channel_id), json={}) return data
[docs] async def unpin_message(self, channel_id: int, message_id: int): """ Unpins a message from the channel. :param channel_id: The channel ID to unpin in. :param message_id: The message ID of the message to unpin. """ url = Endpoints.CHANNEL_PIN_MESSAGE.format(channel_id=channel_id, message_id=message_id) data = await self.delete(url, "pins:{}".format(channel_id)) return data
[docs] async def get_message(self, channel_id: int, message_id: int): """ Gets a single message from the channel. :param channel_id: The channel ID to get the message from. :param message_id: The message ID of the message to get. :return: The message data. """ url = Endpoints.CHANNEL_MESSAGE.format(channel_id=channel_id, message_id=message_id) data = await self.get(url, "messages:{}".format(channel_id)) return data
[docs] async def get_message_history(self, channel_id: int, *, before: int = None, after: int = None, around: int = None, limit: int = 100): """ Gets a list of messages from a channel. This requires READ_MESSAGES on the channel. :param channel_id: The channel ID to receive messages from. :param before: Get messages before this snowflake. :param after: Get messages after this snowflake. :param around: Get messages around this snowflake. :param limit: The maximum number of messages to return. :return: A list of message dictionaries. """ url = Endpoints.CHANNEL_MESSAGES.format(channel_id=channel_id) payload = { "limit": str(limit) } if before: payload["before"] = str(before) if after: payload["after"] = str(after) if around: payload["around"] = str(around) data = await self.get(url, bucket="messages:{}".format(channel_id), params=payload) return data
[docs] async def get_pins(self, channel_id: int): """ Gets the pins for a channel. :param channel_id: The channel ID to get pins from. """ url = Endpoints.CHANNEL_PINS.format(channel_id=channel_id) data = await self.get(url, bucket="pins:{}".format(channel_id)) return data
[docs] async def delete_multiple_messages(self, channel_id: int, message_ids: typing.List[int]): """ Deletes multiple messages. This will silently discard any messages that don't exist. This requires MANAGE_MESSAGES on the channel, regardless of what messages are being deleted. :param channel_id: The channel ID to delete messages from. :param message_ids: A list of messages to delete. """ url = Endpoints.CHANNEL_MESSAGE_BULK_DELETE.format(channel_id=channel_id) payload = { "messages": [str(message_id) for message_id in message_ids] } data = await, bucket="messages:bulk_delete:{}".format(channel_id), json=payload) return data
# Profile endpoints
[docs] async def edit_user(self, username: str = None, avatar: str = None, password: str = None): """ Edits the profile of the bot. :param username: The new username of the bot, or None if it is not to be changed. :param avatar: The new avatar of the bot, or None if it not to be changed. :param password: The password of the bot. Only needed for user bots. """ url = Endpoints.USER_ME payload = {} if username: payload["username"] = username if avatar: payload["avatar"] = avatar if password: payload["password"] = password data = await self.patch(url, bucket="users:edit", json=payload) return data
# Moderation
[docs] async def get_bans(self, guild_id: int): """ Gets a list of bans from a guild. :param guild_id: The guild to get bans from. :return: A list of user dicts containing ban information. """ url = Endpoints.GUILD_BANS.format(guild_id=guild_id) data = await self.get(url, bucket="bans:{}".format(guild_id)) return data
[docs] async def kick_member(self, guild_id: int, member_id: int): """ Kicks a member from a guild. :param guild_id: The guild ID to kick in. :param member_id: The member ID to kick from the guild. """ url = Endpoints.GUILD_MEMBER.format(guild_id=guild_id, member_id=member_id) data = await self.delete(url, bucket="members:{}".format(guild_id)) return data
[docs] async def ban_user(self, guild_id: int, user_id: int, delete_message_days: int = 7, reason: str = None): """ Bans a user from a guild. :param guild_id: The ID of the guild to ban on. :param user_id: The user ID to ban from the guild. :param delete_message_days: The number of days to delete messages from this user. :param reason: The reason for this ban. """ url = Endpoints.GUILD_BAN_USER.format(guild_id=guild_id, user_id=user_id) payload = {"reason": reason} if delete_message_days: payload["delete-message-days"] = delete_message_days data = await self.put(url, bucket="bans:{}".format(guild_id), json=payload) return data
[docs] async def unban_user(self, guild_id: int, user_id: int, reason: str = None): """ Unbans a user from a guild. :param guild_id: The ID of the guild to unban on. :param user_id: The user ID that has been forgiven. :param reason: The reason for this unban. """ # TODO: Do reasons properly url = Endpoints.GUILD_BAN_USER.format(guild_id=guild_id, user_id=user_id) data = await self.delete(url, bucket="bans:{}".format(guild_id), reason=reason) return data
[docs] async def create_guild(self, name: str, region: str = None, icon: str = None, verification_level: int = None, default_message_notifications: int = None, roles: typing.List[dict] = None, channels: typing.List[dict] = None): """ Creates a new guild. :param name: The name of the new guild. :param region: The region of the new guild. :param icon: The base64 icon of the new guild. :param verification_level: The verification level of the new guild. :param default_message_notifications: The default notification level of the new guild. :param roles: A dict of role objects. :param channels: A dict of channel objects. """ url = Endpoints.GUILD_BASE payload = {"name": name} if icon: payload["icon"] = icon if region: payload["region"] = region if verification_level is not None: payload["verification_level"] = str(verification_level) if default_message_notifications is not None: payload["default_message_notifications"] = str(default_message_notifications) if roles: payload["roles"] = roles if channels: payload["channels"] = channels data = await, "guild:create", json=payload) return data
[docs] async def edit_guild(self, guild_id: int, *, name: str = None, icon_content: bytes = None, region: str = None, verification_level: int = None, default_message_notifications: int = None, afk_channel_id: int = None, afk_timeout: int = None, splash_content: bytes = None, explicit_content_filter: int = None, system_channel_id: int = None): """ Modifies a guild. See for the fields available. """ url = Endpoints.GUILD_BASE.format(guild_id=guild_id) payload = {} if name: payload["name"] = name if icon_content: payload["icon"] = icon_content if region: payload["region"] = region if verification_level is not None: payload["verification_level"] = str(verification_level) if default_message_notifications is not None: payload["default_message_notifications"] = str(default_message_notifications) if not afk_channel_id: payload["afk_channel_id"] = None elif afk_channel_id: payload["afk_channel_id"] = str(afk_channel_id) if afk_timeout: payload["afk_timeout"] = str(afk_timeout) if splash_content: payload["splash"] = splash_content if explicit_content_filter is not None: payload["explicit_content_filter"] = str(explicit_content_filter) if system_channel_id is not None: payload["system_channel_id"] = str(system_channel_id) data = await self.patch(url, bucket="guild_edit:{}".format(guild_id), json=payload) return data
[docs] async def create_role(self, guild_id: int) -> dict: """ Creates a role in a guild. :param guild_id: The guild to create the role in. """ url = Endpoints.GUILD_ROLES.format(guild_id=guild_id) data = await, bucket="guild_roles:{}".format(guild_id)) return data
[docs] async def edit_role(self, guild_id: int, role_id: int, name: str = None, permissions: int = None, position: int = None, colour: int = None, hoist: bool = None, mentionable: bool = None): """ Edits a role. :param guild_id: The guild ID that contains the role. :param role_id: The role ID to edit. :param name: The new name of the role. :param permissions: The new permissions for the role. :param position: The position for the role. :param colour: The colour for the role. :param hoist: Is this role hoisted? :param mentionable: Is this role mentionable? """ url = Endpoints.GUILD_ROLE.format(guild_id=guild_id, role_id=role_id) payload = {} if name: payload["name"] = name if permissions is not None: payload["permissions"] = permissions if position is not None: payload["position"] = position if colour: payload["color"] = colour if hoist is not None: payload["hoist"] = hoist if mentionable is not None: payload["mentionable"] = mentionable data = await self.patch(url, bucket="guild_roles:{}".format(guild_id), json=payload) return data
[docs] async def delete_role(self, guild_id: int, role_id: int): """ Deletes a role. :param guild_id: The guild ID that contains the role. :param role_id: The role ID to delete. """ url = Endpoints.GUILD_ROLE.format(guild_id=guild_id, role_id=role_id) data = await self.delete(url, bucket="guild_roles:{}".format(guild_id)) return data
[docs] async def create_channel(self, guild_id: int, name: str, type: int, *, bitrate: int = None, user_limit: int = None, permission_overwrites: list = None): """ Creates a new channel. :param guild_id: The guild ID to create the channel in. :param name: The name of the channel. :param type: The type of the channel (text/voice). :param bitrate: The bitrate of the channel, if it is a voice channel. :param user_limit: The maximum number of users that can be in the channel. :param permission_overwrites: The list of permission overwrites to use for this channel. """ url = Endpoints.GUILD_CHANNELS.format(guild_id=guild_id) payload = { "name": name, "type": type } if type == 2: if bitrate is not None: payload["bitrate"] = bitrate if user_limit is not None: payload["user_limit"] = user_limit if permission_overwrites is not None: payload["permission_overwrites"] = permission_overwrites data = await, bucket="guild_channels:{}".format(guild_id), json=payload) return data
[docs] async def edit_channel(self, channel_id: int, *, name: str = None, position: int = None, topic: str = None, bitrate: int = None, user_limit: int = -1): """ Edits a channel. :param channel_id: The channel ID to edit. :param name: The new name of the channel. :param position: The new position of the channel. :param topic: The new topic of the channel. :param bitrate: The new bitrate of the channel. :param user_limit: The user limit of the channel. """ url = Endpoints.CHANNEL_BASE.format(channel_id=channel_id) payload = {} if name is not None: payload["name"] = name if position is not None: payload["position"] = position if topic is not None: payload["topic"] = topic if bitrate is not None: payload["bitrate"] = bitrate if user_limit != -1: payload["user_limit"] = user_limit data = await self.patch(url, bucket="channels:{}".format(channel_id), json=payload) return data
[docs] async def update_channel_positions(self, channels: typing.List[typing.Tuple[int, int]]): """ Updates the positions of """
[docs] async def delete_channel(self, channel_id: int): """ Deletes a channel. :param channel_id: The channel ID to delete. """ url = Endpoints.CHANNEL_BASE.format(channel_id) data = await self.delete(url, bucket="channels:{}".format(channel_id)) return data
[docs] async def add_member_role(self, guild_id: int, member_id: int, role_id: int): """ Adds a single role to a member. If you want to add multiple roles to a member, use :meth:`add_roles`. :param guild_id: The guild ID that contains the objects. :param member_id: The member ID to add the role to. :param role_id: The role ID to add to the member. """ url = Endpoints.GUILD_MEMBER_ROLE.format(guild_id=guild_id, member_id=member_id, role_id=role_id) data = await self.put(url, bucket="member_edit:{}".format(guild_id)) return data
[docs] async def edit_member_roles(self, guild_id: int, member_id: int, role_ids: typing.Iterable[int]): """ Modifies the roles that a member object contains. :param guild_id: The guild ID that contains the objects. :param member_id: The member ID to add the role to. :param role_ids: The role IDs to add to the member. """ url = Endpoints.GUILD_MEMBER.format(guild_id=guild_id, member_id=member_id) payload = { "roles": [str(id) for id in role_ids] } data = await self.patch(url, bucket="member_edit:{}".format(guild_id), json=payload) return data
[docs] async def edit_role_positions(self, guild_id: int, role_mapping: typing.List[typing.Tuple[str, int]]): """ Changes the position of a set of roles. :param guild_id: The guild ID that contains the roles. :param role_mapping: An iterable of `(role_id, new_position)` values. """ url = Endpoints.GUILD_ROLES.format(guild_id=guild_id) payload = [(str(r_id), position) for r_id, position in role_mapping] data = await self.patch(url, bucket="roles", json=payload) return data
[docs] async def change_nickname(self, guild_id: int, nickname: str, *, member_id: int = None, me: bool = False): """ Changes the nickname of a member. If `me` is True, then `member_id` is not required. Otherwise, `member_id` is required. :param guild_id: The guild ID that contains the member. :param nickname: The nickname to set, None to reset. :param member_id: The member ID to change the nickname of. :param me: If this should change our own nickname. """ if me: url = Endpoints.GUILD_MEMBER_NICK_ME.format(guild_id=guild_id) else: url = Endpoints.GUILD_MEMBER.format(guild_id=guild_id, member_id=member_id) payload = { "nick": nickname } data = await self.patch(url, bucket="member_edit:{}".format(guild_id), json=payload) return data
[docs] async def edit_member_voice_state(self, guild_id: int, member_id: int, *, deaf: bool = None, mute: bool = None, channel_id: int = None): """ Edits the voice state of a member. :param guild_id: The guild ID to edit in. :param member_id: The member ID to edit. :param deaf: Should the member be deafened? :param mute: Should the member be muted? :param channel_id: What channel should the member be moved to? """ url = Endpoints.GUILD_MEMBER.format(guild_id=guild_id, member_id=member_id) payload = {} if deaf is not None: payload["deaf"] = deaf if mute is not None: payload["mute"] = mute if channel_id is not None: payload["channel_id"] = channel_id data = await self.patch(url, bucket="member_edit:{}".format(guild_id), json=payload) return data
[docs] async def edit_overwrite(self, channel_id: int, target_id: int, type_: str, *, allow: int = 0, deny: int = 0): """ Modifies or adds an overwrite. :param channel_id: The channel ID to edit. :param target_id: The target of the override. :param type_: The type the target is. :param allow: The permission bitfield of permissions to allow. :param deny: The permission bitfield of permissions to deny. """ url = Endpoints.CHANNEL_PERMISSION.format(channel_id=channel_id, target_id=target_id) payload = { "allow": allow, "deny": deny, "type": type_ } data = await self.put(url, bucket="channels:permissions:{}".format(channel_id), json=payload) return data
[docs] async def remove_overwrite(self, channel_id: int, target_id: int): """ Removes an overwrite. :param channel_id: The channel ID to edit. :param target_id: The target of the override. """ url = Endpoints.CHANNEL_PERMISSION.format(channel_id=channel_id, target_id=target_id) data = await self.delete(url, bucket="channels:permissions:{}".format(channel_id)) return data
[docs] async def get_widget_status(self, guild_id: int): """ Gets the current widget status information for a guild. :param guild_id: The guild ID to fetch. """ url = Endpoints.GUILD_EMBED.format(guild_id=guild_id) data = await self.get(url, bucket="widget:{}".format(guild_id)) return data
[docs] async def get_widget_data(self, guild_id: int): """ Gets the current widget data for a guild. :param guild_id: The guild ID of the widget to fetch. """ url = Endpoints.GUILD_WIDGET.format(guild_id=guild_id) data = await self.get(url, bucket="widget:{}".format(guild_id)) return data
[docs] async def edit_widget(self, guild_id: int, enabled: bool = None, channel_id: int = 0): """ Edits the widget status for this guild. :param guild_id: The guild ID to edit the widget of. :param enabled: Is the widget enabled in this guild? :param channel_id: What channel ID is the instant invite for? This can be None to disable \ the channel. """ url = Endpoints.GUILD_EMBED.format(guild_id=guild_id) payload = {} if enabled is not None: payload["enabled"] = enabled if channel_id != 0: payload["channel_id"] = channel_id data = await self.patch(url, bucket="widget:{}".format(guild_id), json=payload) return data
[docs] async def get_audit_logs(self, guild_id: int, *, limit: int = 50, user_id: int = None, action_type: int = None): """ Gets the audit log for this guild. :param guild_id: The guild ID to get audit logs for. :param limit: The maximum number of entries to return. :param user_id: The user ID to filter by. :param action_type: The action type to filter by. """ url = Endpoints.GUILD_AUDITLOGS.format(guild_id=guild_id) payload = {} if limit is not None: payload["limit"] = limit if user_id is not None: payload["user_id"] = user_id if action_type is not None: payload["action_type"] = action_type data = await self.get(url, bucket="guild:{}:audit-logs".format(guild_id), params=payload) return data
# Emojis
[docs] async def get_guild_emojis(self, guild_id: int): """ Gets the emojis for a guild. :param guild_id: The guild ID to get emojis for. """ url = Endpoints.GUILD_EMOJIS.format(guild_id=guild_id) data = await self.get(url, bucket=f"emojis:{guild_id}") return data
[docs] async def get_guild_emoji(self, guild_id: int, emoji_id: int): """ Gets an emoji object. :param guild_id: The guild ID the emoji is in. :param emoji_id: The emoji ID to get. """ url = Endpoints.GUILD_EMOJI.format(guild_id=guild_id, emoji_id=emoji_id) data = await self.get(url, bucket=f"emojis:{guild_id}") return data
[docs] async def create_guild_emoji(self, guild_id: int, *, name: str, image: str, roles: typing.List[int] = None): """ Creates an emoji in a guild. :param guild_id: The ID of the guild to create the emoji in. :param name: The name of the emoji. :param image: The base64 image data for the emoji. :param roles: A list of roles this emoji is limited to. """ url = Endpoints.GUILD_EMOJIS.format(guild_id=guild_id) params = { "name": name, "image": image, } if roles is not None: params["roles"] = [str(r) for r in roles] data = await, bucket=f"emojis:{guild_id}", params=params) return data
[docs] async def edit_guild_emoji(self, guild_id: int, emoji_id: int, *, name: str = None, roles: typing.List[int] = None): """ Modifies an emoji in a guild. :param guild_id: The ID of the guild the emoji is in. :param emoji_id: The ID of the emoji to modify. :param name: The name of the emoji to edit. :param roles: A list of roles this emoji is limited to. """ url = Endpoints.GUILD_EMOJI.format(guild_id=guild_id, emoji_id=emoji_id) params = {} if name is not None: params["name"] = name if roles is not None: params["roles"] = [str(r) for r in roles] data = await self.patch(url, bucket=f"emojis:{guild_id}", params=params) return data
[docs] async def delete_guild_emoji(self, guild_id: int, emoji_id: int): """ Deletes an emoji in a guild. :param guild_id: The ID of the guild the emoji is in. :param emoji_id: The ID of the emoji to delete. """ url = Endpoints.GUILD_EMOJI.format(guild_id=guild_id, emoji_id=emoji_id) data = await self.delete(url, bucket=f"emojis:{guild_id}") return data
# Webhooks
[docs] async def get_webhook(self, webhook_id: int): """ Gets a webhook object for the specified ID. :param webhook_id: The ID of the webhook to get. """ url = Endpoints.WEBHOOKS_GET.format(webhook_id=webhook_id) data = await self.get(url, bucket="webhooks") # not a major param :( return data
[docs] async def get_webhooks_for_guild(self, guild_id: int): """ Gets the webhooks for the specified guild. :param guild_id: The ID of the guild to get the webhooks for. """ url = Endpoints.GUILD_WEBHOOKS.format(guild_id=guild_id) data = await self.get(url, bucket="webhooks:{}".format(guild_id)) return data
[docs] async def get_webhooks_for_channel(self, channel_id: int): """ Gets the webhooks for the specified channel. :param channel_id: The ID of the channel to get the webhooks for. """ url = Endpoints.CHANNEL_WEBHOOKS.format(channel_id=channel_id) data = await self.get(url, bucket="webhooks:{}".format(channel_id)) return data
[docs] async def create_webhook(self, channel_id: int, *, name: str = None, avatar: str = None): """ Creates a webhook. :param channel_id: The channel ID to create the webhook in. :param name: The name of the webhook to create. :param avatar: The base64 encoded avatar to send. """ url = Endpoints.CHANNEL_WEBHOOKS.format(channel_id=channel_id) payload = {"name": name} if avatar is not None: payload["avatar"] = avatar data = await, bucket="webhooks:{}".format(channel_id), json=payload) return data
[docs] async def edit_webhook(self, webhook_id: int, *, name: str = None, avatar: str = None): """ Edits a webhook. :param webhook_id: The ID of the webhook to edit. :param name: The name of the webhook. :param avatar: The base64 encoded avatar to send. """ url = Endpoints.WEBHOOKS_GET.format(webhook_id=webhook_id) payload = {} if avatar is not None: payload["avatar"] = avatar if name is not None: payload["name"] = name data = await self.patch(url, bucket="webhooks", json=payload) return data
[docs] async def edit_webhook_with_token(self, webhook_id: int, token: str, *, name: str = None, avatar: str = None): """ Edits a webhook, with a token. :param webhook_id: The ID of the webhook to edit. :param token: The token of the webhook to edit. :param name: The name of the webhook to edit. :param avatar: The base64 encoded avatar to send. """ url = Endpoints.WEBHOOKS_TOKEN.format(webhook_id=webhook_id, token=token) payload = {} if avatar is not None: payload["avatar"] = avatar if name is not None: payload["name"] = name data = await self.patch(url, bucket="webhooks", json=payload) return data
[docs] async def delete_webhook(self, webhook_id: int): """ Deletes a webhook. :param webhook_id: The ID of the webhook to delete. """ url = Endpoints.WEBHOOKS_GET.format(webhook_id=webhook_id) data = await self.delete(url, bucket="webhooks") return data
[docs] async def delete_webhook_with_token(self, webhook_id: int, token: str): """ Deletes a webhook with a token. :param webhook_id: The ID of the webhook to delete. :param token: The token of the webhook. """ url = Endpoints.WEBHOOKS_TOKEN.format(webhook_id=webhook_id, token=token) data = await self.delete(url, bucket="webhooks") return data
[docs] async def execute_webhook(self, webhook_id: int, webhook_token: str, *, content: str = None, embeds: typing.List[typing.Dict] = None, username: str = None, avatar_url: str = None, wait: bool = False): """ Executes a webhook. :param webhook_id: The ID of the webhook to execute. :param webhook_token: The token of this webhook. :param content: Any message content to send. :param embeds: A list of embeds to send. :param username: The username to override with. :param avatar_url: The avatar URL to send. :param wait: If we should wait for the message to send. """ url = Endpoints.WEBHOOKS_TOKEN.format(webhook_id=webhook_id, token=webhook_token) payload = {} if content: payload["content"] = content if embeds: payload["embeds"] = embeds if username: payload["username"] = username if avatar_url: payload["avatar_url"] = avatar_url # URL params, not payload params = {"wait": str(wait)} data = await, bucket="webhooks", json=payload, params=params) return data
# Invites
[docs] async def get_invite(self, invite_code: str, *, with_counts: bool = True): """ Gets an invite by code. :param invite_code: The invite to get. :param with_counts: Should the estimated total and online members be included? """ url = Endpoints.INVITES_BASE.format(invite_code=invite_code) params = { "with_counts": "true" if with_counts else "false" } data = await self.get(url, bucket="invites", params=params) return data
[docs] async def get_invites_for(self, guild_id: int): """ Gets the invites for the specified guild. :param guild_id: The guild ID to get invites inside. """ url = Endpoints.GUILD_INVITES.format(guild_id=guild_id) data = await self.get(url, bucket="invites:{}".format(guild_id)) return data
[docs] async def create_invite(self, channel_id: int, *, max_age: int = None, max_uses: int = None, temporary: bool = None, unique: bool = None): """ Creates an invite. :param channel_id: The channel ID to create the invite in. :param max_age: The maximum age of the invite. :param max_uses: The maximum uses of the invite. :param temporary: Is this invite temporary? :param unique: Is this invite unique? """ url = Endpoints.CHANNEL_INVITES.format(channel_id=channel_id) payload = {} if max_age is not None: payload["max_age"] = max_age if max_uses is not None: payload["max_uses"] = max_uses if temporary is not None: payload["temporary"] = temporary if unique is not None: payload["unique"] = unique data = await, bucket="invites:{}".format(channel_id), json=payload) return data
[docs] async def delete_invite(self, invite_code: str): """ Deletes the invite specified by the code. :param invite_code: The code of the invite to delete. """ url = Endpoints.INVITE_GET.format(invite_code=invite_code) data = await self.delete(url, bucket="invites") return data
[docs] async def search_channel(self, channel_id: int, params: dict): """ Searches a channel. :param channel_id: The channel ID of the channel to search. :param params: Params to search with. """ url = Endpoints.CHANNEL_MESSAGES_SEARCH.format(channel_id=channel_id) data = await self.get(url, bucket="search:{}".format(channel_id), params=params) return data
[docs] async def search_guild(self, guild_id: int, params: dict): """ Searches a guild. :param guild_id: The guild ID of the guild to search. :param params: Params to search with. """ url = (self.GUILD_BASE + "/messages/search").format(guild_id=guild_id) data = await self.get(url, bucket="search:{}".format(guild_id), params=params) return data
# User only
[docs] async def update_user_settings(self, **settings): """ Updates the current user's settings. .. warning:: This is a **user-acount only** endpoint. :param settings: The dict of settings to update. """ url = Endpoints.USER_ME + "/settings" data = await self.patch(url, bucket="user", json=settings) return data
# Application info
[docs] async def get_app_info(self, application_id: typing.Union[int, None]): """ Gets some basic info about an application. :param application_id: The ID of the application to get info about. If this is None, it will fetch the current application info. """ if application_id is None: return await self._get_app_info_me() application_id = str(application_id) url = Endpoints.OAUTH2_AUTHORIZE try: data = await self.get(url, bucket="oauth2", params={"client_id": application_id, "scope": "bot"}) except HTTPException as e: if e.error_code != 50010: raise data = await self.get(url, bucket="oauth2", params={"client_id": application_id}) return data
[docs] async def _get_app_info_me(self): """ :return: The application info for this bot. """ url = Endpoints.OAUTH2_APPLICATION_ME data = await self.get(url, "oauth2") # httpclient is meant to be a "pure" wrapper, but add this anyway. me = await self.get_this_user() final = { "application": data, "bot": me, } return final
[docs] async def get_user_applications(self): """ Gets the list of applications for a user. """ url = Endpoints.OAUTH2_APPLICATIONS data = await self.get(url, "oauth2") return data
[docs] async def get_application(self, application_id: int): """ Gets an application by ID. :param application_id: The ID of the application to get. """ url = "/oauth2/applications/{}".format(application_id) data = await self.get(url, "oauth2") return data
[docs] async def authorize_bot(self, application_id: int, guild_id: int, *, permissions: int = 0): """ Authorize a bot to be added to a guild. .. warning:: This is a **user-acount only** endpoint. :param application_id: The client ID of the bot to be added. :param guild_id: The guild ID to add the bot to. :param permissions: The permissions to add the bot with. """ url = Endpoints.OAUTH2_AUTHORIZE params = { "client_id": str(application_id), "scope": "bot" } payload = { "guild_id": guild_id, "authorize": True, "permissions": permissions } data = await, "oauth2", params=params, json=payload) return data
[docs] async def get_authorized_apps(self): """ Gets authorized apps for this account. .. warning:: This is a **user-account only** endpoint. """ url = Endpoints.OAUTH2_TOKENS data = await self.get(url, bucket="oauth2") return data
[docs] async def revoke_authorized_app(self, app_id: int): """ Revokes an application authorization. .. warning:: This is a **user-acount only** endpoint. :param app_id: The ID of the application to revoke the authorization of. """ url = "/oauth2/tokens/{app_id}".format(app_id=app_id) data = await self.delete(url, bucket="oauth") return data
[docs] async def get_mentions(self, *, guild_id: int = None, limit: int = 25, roles: bool = True, everyone: bool = True): """ Gets your recent mentions. .. warning:: This is a **user-acount only** endpoint. :param guild_id: The guild ID to limit mentions for. :param limit: The maximum number of messages to return. :param roles: Should role mentions be included? :param everyone: Should @everyone/@here mentions be included? """ url = Endpoints.USER_MENTIONS params = {} if limit is not None: params["limit"] = str(limit) if guild_id is not None: params["guild_id"] = str(guild_id) if roles is not None: params["roles"] = str(roles).lower() if everyone is not None: params["everyone"] = str(everyone).lower() data = await self.get(url, "me:mentions", params=params) return data
# Misc
[docs] async def create_private_channel(self, user_id: int): """ Opens a new private channel with a user. :param user_id: The user ID of the user to open with. """ url = Endpoints.USER_CHANNELS payload = { "recipient_id": user_id } data = await, "channels:create", json=payload) return data
[docs] async def leave_guild(self, guild_id: str): """ Leaves a guild. :param guild_id: The guild ID of the guild to leave. """ url = Endpoints.USER_GUILD.format(guild_id=guild_id) data = await self.delete(url, "guild:leave") return data