Event reference

Event names mostly correspond with the event names that are returned from a dispatch by Discord.

State events

coroutine connect(ctx: EventContext)

Called as soon as READY is received on the gateway. This can be used to change status immediately after authentication, for example.

coroutine ready(ctx: EventContext)

Called when a bot has finished streaming guilds and chunked all large guilds successfully. This is different to Discord’s READY event, which fires as soon as the connection has opened.

coroutine resumed(ctx: EventContext, events_replayed: int)

Called when a bot has resumed the connection. The argument is the number of events replayed since losing connection.

coroutine guild_available(ctx: EventContext, guild: Guild)

Called when a previously unavailable guild becomes available. This is not called when Unavailable Guilds during streaming become available. For that, use guild_streamed().

coroutine guild_join(ctx: EventContext, guild: Guild)

Called when the bot joins a new guild. This is not called when guilds are streaming. For that, use guild_streamed().

coroutine guild_streamed(ctx: EventContext, guild: Guild)

Called when a guild is streamed during login.

coroutine guild_chunk(ctx: EventContext, guild: Guild, member_count: int)

Called when a guild receives a Guild Member Chunk.

guild_sync(ctx: EventContext, guild: Guild, member_count: int, \

presence_count: int)

Called when a guild receives a Guild Sync.


This is a user-account only event.

coroutine guild_unavailable(ctx: EventContext, guild: Guild)

Called when a guild goes unavailable.

coroutine guild_leave(ctx: EventContext, guild: Guild)

Called when the bot leaves a guild.

coroutine guild_update(ctx: EventContext, old_guild: Guild, new_guild: Guild)

Called when a guild updates. This could be from the name changing, icon changing, etc.

coroutine guild_emojis_update(ctx: EventContext, old_guild: Guild, new_guild: Guild)

Called when the emojis update in a guild.

coroutine user_settings_update(ctx: EventContext, old_settings: UserSettings, new_settings: UserSettings)

Called when a user’s settings update.


This is a user-account only event.

coroutine friend_update(ctx: EventContext, friend: RelationshipUser)

Called when a friend updates (name, presence).


This is a user-account only event.

coroutine relationship_add(ctx: EventContext, user: RelationshipUser)

Called when a relationship is added.

coroutine relationship_remove(ctx: EventContext, user: RelationshipUser)

Called when a relationship is removed.

coroutine member_update(ctx: EventContext, old_member: Member, new_member: Member)

Called when a guild member updates. This could be from typing, roles/nick updating, or game changing.

coroutine user_typing(ctx: EventContext, channel: Channel, user: User)

Called when a user is typing (in a private or group DM).

coroutine member_typing(ctx: EventContext, channel: Channel, user: User)

Called when a member is typing (in a guild).

coroutine message_create(ctx: EventContext, message: Message)

Called when a message is created.

coroutine message_edit(ctx: EventContext, old_message: Message, new_message: Message)

Called when a message’s content is edited.


This event will only be called if a message that the bot has previously seen is in the message cache. Otherwise, the bot will silently eat the event.

coroutine message_update(ctx: EventContext, old_message: Message, new_message: Message)

Called when a message is updated (a new embed is added, content is edited, etc).

This will fire on newly added embeds; if you don’t want this use message_edit instead.


This event will only be called if a message that the bot has previously seen is in the message cache. Otherwise, the bot will silently eat the event.

coroutine message_delete(ctx: EventContext, message: Message)

Called when a message is deleted.


This event will only be called if a message that the bot has previously seen is in the message cache. Otherwise, the bot will silently eat the event.

coroutine message_delete_bulk(ctx: EventContext, messages: List[Message])

Called when messages are bulk deleted.


This event will only be called if any messages that the bot has previously seen is in the message cache. Otherwise, the bot will silently eat the event.

coroutine message_reaction_add(ctx: EventContext, message: Message, author: Union[Member, User], reaction)

Called when a message is reacted to.

coroutine message_reaction_remove(ctx: EventContext, message, author, reaction)

Called when a reaction is removed from a message.

coroutine message_ack(ctx: EventContext, channel: Channel, message: Message)

Called when a message is ACK’d.


This is a user-account only event.

coroutine member_join(ctx: EventContext, member: Member)

Called when a member is added to a guild.

coroutine member_leave(ctx: EventContext, member: Member)

Called when a member is removed from a guild.

coroutine user_ban(ctx: EventContext, user: User)

Called when a user is banned from a guild.

coroutine member_ban(ctx: EventContext, member: Member)

Called when a member is banned from a guild.

user_unban(ctx: EventContext, user: User):

Called when a user is unbanned.


There is no member_unban event as members cannot be unbanned.

coroutine channel_create(ctx: EventContext, channel: Channel)

Called when a channel is created.

coroutine channel_update(ctx: EventContext, old_channel: Channel, new_channel: Channel)

Called when a channel is updated.

coroutine channel_delete(ctx: EventContext, channel: Channel)

Called when a channel is deleted.

coroutine group_user_add(ctx: EventContext, channel: Channel, user: User)

Called when a user is added to a group.

coroutine group_user_remove(ctx: EventContext, channel: Channel, user: User)

Called when a user is removed from a group.

coroutine role_create(ctx: EventContext, role: Role)

Called when a role is created.

coroutine role_update(ctx: EventContext, old_role: Role, new_role: Role)

Called when a role is updated.

coroutine role_delete(ctx: EventContext, role: Role)

Called when a role is deleted.

coroutine voice_state_update(ctx: EventContext, member, old_voice_state, new_voice_state)

Called when a member’s voice state updates.

Gateway Events

These events are low-level events; they deal with raw data received from the websocket connection.

coroutine gateway_message_received(ctx: EventContext, data)

Called when a message is received on the websocket.


The data is the RAW DATA passed from the websocket. It could be compressed data; it is undecoded.

This event is often not useful; see gateway_event_received() or gateway_dispatch_received() for better functions.

coroutine gateway_event_received(ctx: EventContext, data: dict)

Called when an event is received on the websocket, after decompressing and decoding.

coroutine gateway_hello(ctx: EventContext, trace: List[str])

Called when HELLO is received.

coroutine gateway_heartbeat(ctx: EventContext, stats)

Called when a heartbeat is sent.

coroutine gateway_heartbeat_ack(ctx: EventContext)

Called when Discord ACKs a heartbeat we’ve sent.

coroutine gateway_heartbeat_received(ctx: EventContext)

Called when Discord asks us to send a heartbeat.

coroutine gateway_invalidate_session(ctx: EventContext, resume: bool)

Called when Discord invalidates our session.

coroutine gateway_reconnect_received(ctx: EventContext)

Called when Discord asks us to send a reconnect.

coroutine gateway_dispatch_received(ctx: EventContext, dispatch: dict)

Called when an event is dispatched.