Writing your First Bot

This tutorial assumes several things:

  • You have installed curious successfully
  • You have created a bot account successfully

This tutorial will go over writing a bot that echos all messages to your console when they are received by the bot.

The Project

As your bot is incredibly simple, it probably will not need more than a single file currently. Your basic bot skeleton layout should look something like:

$ ls --tree

└── bot.py

The bot.py file will contain all of the code for the bot.

Writing the Bot

Open up bot.py and add the essential import:

from curious.core.client import Client

This will import Client, which is used to communicate with Discord.

Next, you want to define your new bot object.

botto = Client()

This object will be used to receive events from Discord, such as the messages.

Event Handling

To process events from Discord, you need to subscribe to an event. This will call a function automatically every single time an event is received by the websocket connection to process the event.

To receive new messages automatically, we have to subscribe to the message_create event, using Client.event().

async def my_handler(ctx, message):

The handler function is decorated with the event decorator, which takes the event name to process as an argument.

All event handlers take one argument, the EventContext which contains a small amount of context about the event. Right now, this is not needed for our purposes.

The second argument to the message_create event is a Message object, which represents a message sent by Discord. We are interested in Message.content, to print to the console.

Modify the body of the function so that it prints to the console the message content:

print("Content:", message.content)

Running the Bot

The final stage to this basic tutorial is to run the bot.

The simplest method is to call Client.run() on the bot with your token as the argument.


When you type in a server that you and the bot account share, you will then see your messages pop up in the log for the bot.